Friday, July 10, 2009

Welcome to History.

--He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.--Rev. 13:7

Pope calls for a world authority to lead return to ethical values
The Pope yesterday condemned the "grave deviations and failures" of capitalism that have been exposed by the financial crisis, calling on the eve of a summit of rich nations for a "true world political authority" to oversee a return to ethical values.
Pope Benedict's emphasis on the need for "forms of redistribution of wealth" is likely to stir debate at the summit, which will be attended by 39 heads of government and international institutions, over the failure of rich nations to honour their aid commitments.

Pope calls for a UN 'with teeth'
There is a strongly felt need... for a reform of the United Nations Organisation, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth... there is urgent need of a true world political authority," the Pope wrote.

The strengthened international body should work "to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace, to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration," Benedict said.

End the G8 charade – we need a G192
Credit to Angela Merkel. Speaking to the German parliament on the eve of this week's G8 summit, she has dared to say publicly what most of us have known for a long while. The G8 can no longer be the forum in which the future direction of the world economy is set. It is time for a new body with a radically new agenda.
It is the fact that both the G8 and G20 have championed the same free-market fundamentalism that served the interests of their corporate backers but brought the world economy to the brink of collapse. It is the tune that needs changing, not just the band.
An alternative vision is to hand. Developing countries gathering at last month's UN crisis summit put forward a set of radical proposals for reform of the global economic order. These in turn drew on the recommendations of the Stiglitz commission, including its plan for a new global economic council under the auspices of the UN which could replace the G20.

U.N. Head: World Faces Era of Crisis 'Like No Other'
Ban said the United Nations employs 78,000 military personnel, 11,000 police and 23,000 civil servants in 16 peacekeeping operations and 27 other political missions in the world's trouble spots — but needed much more help to do its job properly in lands wracked by fighting, famine and poverty.

He said achieving U.N. goals increasingly would mean building up the capabilities of regional peacekeeping players, including the European Union and the African Union.

G8: France Sarkozy: Global Currency System Needs Overhaul

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pulls new world currency from his pocket
The possibility of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Mr Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.”

G8 to boost funds for farming

Italian Police Arrest 36 at Anti-G8 Protest

U.S. wants G8 to pledge $15 billion on food security

INTERVIEW-G8 food security plan timely-World Bank's Zoellick

G8 agrees to limit temperature rise: Swedish PM
They will also stop it from raining on children's birthday parties and cause crap to stop stinking.

G8, poor nations fail to agree on climate goal

G8 sets Iran deadline for nuclear talks
Group of Eight major powers will give Iran until September to accept negotiations over its nuclear ambitions or else face tougher sanctions.
I know they're shaking in their boots.


UN chief: $1 billion needed against swine flu

Yuan starts on long slog to reserve currency status

China's Yuan No. 3 Global Currency by 2012

Euro nations divided over single IMF seat

Obama to host nuke security summit

EU Mins Eye New Financial Rules; Won't Suspend Basel II

UN Security Council must become truly representative of global community: PM

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