Sunday, July 05, 2009

Ousted Honduran president says his jet denied landing rights
Authorities here closed the airport and restricted the airspace over the nation's capital in anticipation of deposed President Jose Manuel Zelaya's announced return Sunday.

U.N.'s D'Escoto to travel to Honduras with Zelaya
United Nations General Assembly President Miguel D'Escoto will accompany ousted President Manuel Zelaya to Honduras, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said on Sunday.

Honduras Withdraws from OAS
Apparently OAS voted to oust them after the fact.

Protester killed as ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya tries to return
At least one person was shot dead by the Army in Honduras last night and dozens were injured as the country’s ousted President tried to fly back to take power.

Zelaya Flies to Honduras, Supporters Shot at Airport
U.S. President Barack Obama has also called for Zelaya’s reinstatement, and the deposed president’s wife and youngest son are being protected at the residence of the U.S. ambassador in Tegucigalpa.

Zelaya may return to Washington as soon as tomorrow should he be barred from landing in the Honduran capital, a U.S. administration official said today on condition of anonymity.

A U.S./U.N. Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras
At the Tuesday news conference at the United Nations, where a resolution was adopted in favor of returning Zelaya to power, the ousted Marxist ruler was asked if the United States had been behind the "coup" that forced him out. No, Zelaya said. "The United States has changed a great deal," he explained. He went on to say, "I have listened to President Obama. It is not only that he condemns the events, but he has demanded the restoration of the President," referring to himself.

On this point, Zelaya was correct. The United States has certainly changed under Obama. When Ronald Reagan was president, the United States assisted pro-freedom forces and endeavored to keep the communists out of Central America. Now, the United States intervenes on behalf of the communists and their allies, using the U.N. as cover.

Viva la libertad
As Octavio Sanchez, Honduras’s former minister of culture, explained in a July 2 article in The Christian Science Monitor, the constitution clearly states that “whoever violates this law or proposes its reform, as well as those that support such violation directly or indirectly, will immediately cease in their functions and will be unable to hold any office for a period of 10 years” (A ‘coup’ in Honduras? Nonsense., 07/02/2009). This means that the supposed coup d’etat — technically speaking — didn’t take place. According to Sanchez, “soldiers arrested a Honduran citizen who, the day before, through his own actions had stripped himself of the presidency.”

Zelaya's plane circles Honduran runway, can't land
Zelaya landed in Nicaragua and vowed to try again Monday or Tuesday in his high-stakes effort to return to power in a country where all branches of government have lined up against him, including the military that shot up his house and sent him into exile in his pajamas a week earlier.

"I am the commander of the armed forces, elected by the people, and I ask the armed forces to comply with the order to open the airport so that there is no problem in landing and embracing with my people," Zelaya said from the plane. "Today I feel like I have sufficient spiritual strength, blessed with the blood of Christ, to be able to arrive there and raise the crucifix."

Google Translate - Full transcript of words while trying to land Zelaya
This is an awful translation, but please read it.

Honduras Standoff Heats Up
Meanwhile, Honduras's interim leaders accused neighboring Nicaragua of deploying troops along the border. Acting Honduran President Roberto Micheletti said the troop movements were small.

EscĂșchame, amigos: What happened in Honduras this past week was not a coup. What the US, UN, and OAS are attempting IS. We are trying to overthrow the constitutional government of one of our allies. And I suspect we will succeed. Think about the implications of that.

And then consider this from Hot Air:

Obama: Hey, let’s bypass the Senate on treaty ratifications
...a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate’s constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a “provisional basis” until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

Understand me, Americans: our government is not even pretending to give a rat's behind about the rule of law. We are entering the endgame and it is time to gird up, lock and load, dig in, and get set to endure. Hold fast until the end.

Obama appeals to skeptical Russians

Obama interview with Putin critics risks Russian backlash

Obama Turns to Pope to Back Mideast Plan

Biden: We Misread How Bad the Economy Was
No. You knew how bad it was and deliberately fanned the flames.

Asked What He Doesn’t Like About Himself, President Obama Cites His Golf Game
I suppose it's better than Bush being unable to think of any mistakes, but not by much.

Obama and networks: a symbiotic relationship
If by that they mean the press has a sad schoolgirl crush and he spurns them, then yes.

Michelle Obama bringing glamor to Moscow
What, she has a shiny new bat'leth?

Putin puts Russia in the driver's seat
With plenty of cash in its reserves and a gutted European car maker on the block, the Prime Minister is behind Russia's plan to create an auto industry.

Resolution on Stalin riles Russia
Russia scolds OSCE for equating Hitler and Stalin

Russia Presents New Test for Obama
Who will be in charge at the meetings?

(a) Tsar Putin the KGB agent
(b) Barry the metrosexual community organizer
(c) Dmitri somebody-or-other.

Be sure to use a no. 2 pencil so the machine can scan your answer!

Nine Chechen police killed in Russia's Ingushetia

Energy cooperation between Romania and Azerbaijan

Islamic revival tests Azerbaijan’s tolerance

Nabucco Not At Risk From Russia-Azerbaijan Gas Deal - Turkey
Uh-huh. Suuuure.

Turkey OKs Nabucco pipeline transit

Sarkozy: Turkey talks mustn't yield EU membership

U.S., Saudis push Syria over IDF withdrawal from Shaba

Saudi Electricity wants to sell more Islamic bonds

Nomura breaks into Saudi investment banking market

Saudi methanol exports talks with China

Leading Clerics Defy Ayatollah on Disputed Iran Election
The most important group of religious leaders in Iran called for the results to be thrown out, the most public sign of a major split in the clerical establishment.

'The revolution in Iran has just begun'

Iran hangs 20 drug traffickers in mass execution

Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran
The head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence service, has assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran’s nuclear sites.

Biden Suggests U.S. Not Standing in Israel’s Way on Iran
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. suggested on Sunday that the U.S. would not stand in the way of Israeli military action aimed at Iran’s nuclear program.


Obama Turns to Pope to Back Mideast Plan
U.S. President Barack Obama is turning to the Pope to back his vision of a new Arab state on all of Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. The president told the Catholic Italian newspaper Avvenire, one week before a scheduled meeting with the Pope in Italy, “It [the Middle East] is a subject I am keen to discuss with the pope. I think he will share my approach."

'Int'l consensus on 2-state solution major accomplishment'
PM cites national consensus on Palestinian state as major accomplishment of his 1st 100 days in office.
Oh, Bibi.... :(

Barak, Mitchell to meet again on settlements

Turkmenistan - Turkish company to build techno park in Ashgabat

Turkmen 'Eiffel Tower' planned: official
Gah. Men. Especially Muslims. "Mine's bigger!"

2 British Soldiers Killed, 16 U.N. Personnel Abducted in Afghanistan
A roadside bomb and a rocket-propelled grenade in southern Afghanistan killed two British soldiers, while gunmen in the east abducted 16 mine-clearing personnel working for the United Nations, officials said Sunday.

Afghan car bomb attack near base

U.S. Missile Strike Kills 15 in Pakistan

Officials say 16 killed in clashes in NW Pakistan

Cnooc Planning A Second Coal-To-Gas Venture In China - Chairman

China Trade Mission Departs For 4 European Nations

A new Tiananmen – but this time China’s rebels are online

China punishes officials after babies taken
Women giving up their second child to orphanages, rather than pay the fine.

Muslim minority riots erupt in China's west
Scores killed in China protests
Getting ugly.

North Korea acts in defiance of UN weapons ban
Yeah, so?

Q+A - How North Korea earns money from arms sales

North Korea threatens Christian ministry to stop proselytising

North Korea moves to restrict economy

Blast near Cotabato cathedral kills 5 - Philippines
Five people were killed and at least 30 injured after a bomb packed with nails and jagged iron blew up across the cathedral where Archbishop Orlando Quevedo was celebrating Mass in Cotabato City yesterday morning.

Developing world faces age crisis
ROTFL! You know what I see here? I see Europe going "lalalalala" while ignoring their own coming population implosion.

Clashes at protest vs US base expansion in Italy

Ex-Siemens executive seeks to avoid extradition to Greece: report

Hungary police disperse far-right protest

Greek, Russian Orthodox leaders show unity

Opposition party appears to win Bulgaria's vote

Looters attack Libyan ruins
Once a major city of the ancient world, Cyrene, today rests in ruins in Libya. Now open again to the world, the site is victimized by looters, the bane of archaeologists everywhere.

Egypt expels 20 French suspected Islamists

US will urge Ethiopia to stay out of Somalia

Africa refuses to act on Sudan war crimes warrant

Sudan police search for kidnapped aid workers
Sudanese security services were searching Saturday for two kidnapped female aid workers, one Ugandan and one Irish.

Attacks Cripple Shell's Niger Delta Operations

Nigerian rebels announce fresh attack on Shell oil facility

Nigerian rebels threaten new gas pipeline project

Historical Bible pages put online

RCMP say 6th bomb targeting B.C. pipeline caused small sour gas leak

Details emerge on woman accused of al-Qaida ties

Serial killer fears as girl, 15, becomes fifth victim of Cherokee shooter

Anti-Semitic Attack Strikes Another New York Synagogue

Hah! I knew it:
Self-help 'makes you feel worse'
There are plenty of ways to slap a bandaid on your problems, but only the Maker can mend that which is broken.

The unemployment timebomb is quietly ticking
One dog has yet to bark in this long winding crisis. Beyond riots in Athens and a Baltic bust-up, we have not seen evidence of bitter political protest as the slump eats away at the legitimacy of governing elites in North America, Europe, and Japan. It may just be a matter of time.

G8 set to tackle hunger in Africa

Experts call for diversified reserve currency ahead of G8 summit

G8 or G20 – will it really make much difference to the world?

One killed, 400,000 displaced in floods in India's Assam state

Torrential rain in China leaves at least 20 dead, 670,000 evacuated: state media

Water officials fear Calif. Aqueduct could sink

Locust Experiments May Lead To New Treatments For Strokes, Migraines, & Epilepsy

Cricket swarm brings plague to state’s North - Nevada
Diana Bunitsky looked out the window and saw them coming.

In a scene out of Revelation, a 25-foot-wide swarm of flightless insects started to climb the stairs to Lone Mountain Station, a bar Bunitsky owns with her husband, Victor, in northern Elko County.

Diana ran for a high-pressure hose as Victor tried to distract the customers, who had come to celebrate Mother’s Day.

From the front porch she blasted the marching finger-length bugs with a stream of water, only to realize that the insects simply traveled around it — and blocked the entrance to the bar.
After five years battling the pests, Tuscarora is grateful for the small victories.

Year-round residents have nearly perfected cricket-proofing their houses, sealing every last screen hole and door crack. “I was thankful this year that I had 12,000 in the front yard but only 12 in the house,” Moore said.

John Rice and Lori Gilbert weren’t so fortunate. Their weekend house was infested. John found crickets in the bathtub, 2 inches deep, and used a shop-vac to capture hundreds more throughout the house. The insects had chewed holes in the curtains.
Why on earth would anyone choose to live in Mormon cricket country? Didn’t they know?

The answer, for the most part, is no. Ranchers and residents say they led a relatively cricket-free existence until five or six years ago, when, as one put it, “volcanoes of black popcorn” started erupting from the earth.

Cereal crop fungus may be infecting children - Hungary

Potato growers seek help from above to fight late blight - Bangor, Maine

Kashmir - Wife killed, husband injured in bear attack; Animals maul 16 in Pulwama

Officials investigate possible bear attack in northwestern Wisconsin

Bear Attacks NJ Man, Steals His Sandwich


Magnitude 6.0 - PANAMA
Strong earthquake shakes Panama

Magnitude 5.1 - TONGA REGION

Magnitude 5.0 - CERAM SEA, INDONESIA




Magnitude 5.1 - WEST CHILE RISE

Magnitude 2.8 - WEST VIRGINIA


Magnitude 1.6 - TENNESSEE

Magnitude 3.2 - NEVADA

Quake shakes Mindoro

Phivolcs heightens watch of restive Mayon Volcano

Glaciers cause quakes in Iceland - Global Warming

West Sumatra's Mt. Talang spews ash

Mild quake sends tremors through parts of Pakistan


Magnitude 4.7 - SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA


Magnitude 5.3 - PANAMA

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports.... And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.... Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with its virtue?
--George Washington

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