Friday, July 31, 2009

US wants greater military cooperation with Libya

EGYPT: Fatwa issued against secular author

US Navy warns of increased pirate activity

The women who clear Sudan's minefields


Eritrea: Sanu Resources Ltd. Special Shareholders’ Meeting on Merger in August
Arabian-Nubian Shield - Wikipedia

UN: Thousands of Somalis are fleeing to Yemen
You KNOW it's bad when they're fleeing TO Yemen.

S.Africa police use rubber bullets to end protest

Sharia law: a recurring violence trigger in Nigeria

Nigerian Islamist attacks spread
65 killed as police battle Nigerian Islamists
Hostages freed in Nigeria clashes
Detained Nigeria sect head 'dead'

Lawmakers Urge U.K. Government to Stick to Rail Franchise Deals
A panel of lawmakers urged the U.K. government not to give in to pressure from rail companies to renegotiate their franchises after National Express Group Plc walked away from one of its operations.
On July 1 the government was forced to nationalize the East Coast Main Line, pending the choice of a new operator. The cross-party committee suggested keeping the service in public ownership and using it as a benchmark against which private franchises can be measured.

Forced to, you see. Has nothing to do with the statist takeovers sweeping the globe, oh no.

Spanish barracks hit by car bomb
Travel chaos after Mallorca car bomb kills two police officers
Two separate incidents.

Crimean Tatar Protesters Attacked In Kyiv

A Polarized Moldova Votes, Mindful of the West and Russia

Motorists to pay £250 tax for parking at work - UK

Roubini Sees Risk of ‘Double Dip’ Global Recession

U.S. Pushes for Law of the Sea Ratification as New Arctic Mapping Project Begins

U.S. Backs Implementing U.N. Doctrine Against Genocide
The Obama administration is supporting moves to implement a U.N. doctrine calling for collective military action to halt genocide.

The next step is to see if the countries in favor of implementing the policy will act when a new genocide is brewing if all other diplomatic actions fail. The doctrine is political, not legal: Although these countries have expressed the political will to act, they aren't legally bound to.

The U.N. just concluded a weeklong debate on implementing the doctrine, which was endorsed by U.N. members in 2005.

The U.S. joined a majority of U.N. countries, including Russia and China, in supporting implementation of the policy, called the Responsibility to Protect doctrine. It may be invoked in only four cases: genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, or crimes against humanity. Climate change, disease or natural disasters are excluded as causes for intervention.

Why am I not reassured?

G-20 groups to Pittsburgh: Nix riot gear
Yeah, just let us at you, don't protect yourself or anything.

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