Friday, July 31, 2009

Watery graves - Mark Steyn
More Canadian honor killings)

A Brooklyn nurse claims she was forced to choose between her religious convictions and her job when Mount Sinai Hospital ordered her to assist in a late-term abortion against her will.

Aunt: Mom accused in baby death had psych problems
Possession problems, is more like it.

Southwest Airlines Moves In on Frontier

Profit Dropped 66% in Quarter at Exxon Mobil


DHS - Remarks by Secretary Napolitano at the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces and Asset Forfeiture Program National Leadership Conference
But the challenge for us is—how do we get information analysis from here to anywhere in the United States and get information and analysis back so that we're constantly working on data and information to target our efforts in order to build better cases. And since there are thousands and thousands of police in departments and sheriffs' offices around the country, the way we have decided to do it at the Department of Homeland Security is by more support to state and local fusion centers.

I don't know what states all of you come from, but I think it would be a good thing when you get back home to find out about your fusion center—find out what participation your office has with that fusion center, sit down with the head of it and think about ways that your OCDETF unit can work with the local, state and local fusion center—or indeed perhaps even place some personnel in it.

Because what we are going to get at—these battles cannot be won individually by any office or any agency or any department. They are won when we coordinate, use all of the assets that we have—which only serve to strengthen each other—and move forward on that basis. And I think over time—in particular—these fusion centers are going to be a key tool in our coordinated efforts against crime—particularly large-scale organized crime like drug trafficking organizations.

Remarks by Attorney General Eric Holder on Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces and Asset Forfeiture Program at the National Leadership Conference
Two examples of OCDETF's innovative and cooperative approach demonstrate the effectiveness of the OCDETF strategy: (1) the establishment of the OCDETF Fusion Center; and (2) the creation of permanent, co-located OCDETF Strike Forces.

The OCDETF Fusion Center was established to address a pressing need for reliable, in-depth intelligence -- from both human and electronic sources -- to target and attack sophisticated international drug trafficking and money laundering organizations. Building on the OCDETF philosophy of cooperation and information-sharing, the Fusion Center brings together into a common database the unfiltered investigative information of each OCDETF member agency. Known as "Compass," this database allows analysts to connect investigative information from multiple agencies and to provide real-time analysis to agents and prosecutors in the field. The Fusion Center works in concert with the DEA-led Multi-Agency Special Operations Division to provide the most complete intelligence picture of criminal organizations currently available to U.S. law enforcement.
Yet, the impact of forfeiture is greater than just money. When we look back on the last 25 years of the program, we see a forfeiture regime that has been transformed from a collection of centuries-old laws designed to fight pirates, enforce customs laws and fight illegal contraband, into an array of modern law enforcement tools designed to combat 21st century criminals both at home and abroad. We now have the ability to deprive global criminals of their ill-gotten gains, to seize the instrumentalities of their trade, and to use the power of asset forfeiture to destroy their illegal enterprises.

Operation Honor Student, a case that will be honored here later tonight, illustrates the power of asset forfeiture and its devastating effect on organized criminal activity. In that case, a task force led by the Rhode Island U.S. Attorney's Office, the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the Criminal Division, and the Food and Drug Administration's Office of Criminal Investigations obtained the forfeiture of $2.7 million from the accounts of GeneScience, one of the largest biopharmaceutical companies in China that had been involved in the illegal distribution of Human Growth Hormone into the United States. To accomplish this forfeiture, the task force employed a new statutory vehicle -- 18 U.S.C. section 981(k) -- which permitted the Government to seize the funds, physically located in China, from the corresponding accounts of Chinese banks in New York. This was the first use of section 981(k), enacted as part of the USA Patriot Act, against a Chinese entity, and its success has helped pave the way for subsequent investigations using this groundbreaking authority.

California's budget fiasco

Infectious Diseases Study Site Questioned
The Department of Homeland Security relied on a rushed, flawed study to justify its decision to locate a $700 million research facility for highly infectious pathogens in a tornado-prone section of Kansas, according to a government report.
Ya think?!?

Lawmakers Raise Concerns Over Defense Communications
Lawmakers are voicing concerns about the Pentagon's strategic communications programs, through which the military aims to win over civilians and erode support for adversaries in countries around the world.

The Pentagon Strives to Tuck in Its Long Logistics 'Tail'
Electricity from garbage, water from exhaust fumes: These could be the future fuel and drink of U.S. military combat soldiers.

The ultimate goal is a "zero footprint" camp that would leave no waste behind and would reduce water and fuel coming in.



Gateway Pundit: White House Budget Director: Obamacare May Fund Abortions (Video)

Neil Barofsky Says It's Possible Govt. Could Spend $23.7 Trillion to Fix Financial System
Sitting down?

"The total potential federal government support could reach up to $23.7 trillion," says Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in a new report obtained Monday by ABC News on the government's efforts to fix the financial system.

Yes, $23.7 trillion.

"The potential financial commitment the American taxpayers could be responsible for is of a size and scope that isn't even imaginable," said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. "If you spent a million dollars a day going back to the birth of Christ, that wouldn't even come close to just $1 trillion -- $23.7 trillion is a staggering figure."
$23,700,000,000,000. I can't even write that without counting the places.

Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill

Transcript of Obama Prime-Time News Conference

And then there were two: Obama meets the Chinese; transcript of president's speech

Honduras orders Venezuelan diplomats expelled

Exiled Honduran leader establishes border camp
Ousted President Manuel Zelaya encamped his roving government in exile in this sleepy mountain town near the Honduran border Sunday to launch his return to power after a coup last month.

Honduras officials lose US visas
The US revokes visas of four members of Honduras's interim government as it presses for ousted President Manuel Zelaya to return.
Fuck the US State Department. Bastards.

Mediator calls for continued sanctions in Honduras
Fuck the mediator, too.

Energy Deal With Brazil Gives Boost to Paraguay

Dozens missing after Haitian boat sinks; 15 dead

Chavez hits at Venezuelan media with new laws

Mexico lawman and his family are slain

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