Sunday, June 21, 2009

Young leaders head for Junior 8/G8 Summit in Rome

Upcoming NATO forum to be dialogue platform
Even though the problem is always with the cast of characters.

Somali lawmaker gunned down in Mogadishu

UN Financial Summit attracts 14 world leaders: Nation

Obama's Message To Iran
Piss off, President Fly.

Mark Steyn: Iran neutrality not an option for Obama

ABC Self-Nationalizes For Obama

VDH: What Do these First Six Months Mean?

Philly Double-Murder Suspect Back From Egypt
PHILADELPHIA - A 35-year-old man wanted in connection with a local double murder and tracked to Egypt, where he was arrested, is back in Philadelphia.

The FBI announced Thursday the arrest of 35-year-old Kyree Slocum on murder charges.
Slocum is charged with the November 2008 shootings of four people on North Marshall Street, including Barry Johnson and Rubin Eason who died.

(ME: Other outlets are expanding on this as gang/drug activity.)

Asked some questions Friday morning by Fox 29's Dave Scratwieser, Slocum declined to comment. He did, however, ask police if he could have his Koran as he was being placed in the police vehicle.

Arctic seen as the 'new frontier ground'

Areva, Duke To Sign Negotiation Deal Over Ohio Nuclear Plant

Gates: Money included for F-22 jet a 'big problem'
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday a decision by House lawmakers to increase the budget to buy a dozen more of Lockheed Martin Corp.'s F-22s is a "big problem."

Gates said additional funding for 12 radar evading jets, built by the Bethesda, Md.-based defense contractor, goes against recommendations made by him to the president, and ultimately against the budget the president sent to Congress.

1 dead, 6 hurt in Illinois train derailment
At least 14 cars of the 114-car train caught fire after the derailment, officials said. The rest of the Canadian National Railway train -- including 70 cars carrying ethanol, a colorless, highly flammable liquid -- was disconnected and moved away from the blaze, Bergsten said.

Guns from America fuel Jamaica's gang wars
Agenda? No agenda here!

Utah town's anger mounts over artifact arrests
Reporting from Blanding, Utah -- Shortly after sunrise last week, a squad of flak-jacketed federal agents surrounded the remote home of Dr. James Redd, arrested his wife and then stopped the 60-year-old doctor as he returned from his morning rounds to arrest him as well.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar flew to Salt Lake City to announce the indictments of the Redds and 22 others -- 16 of them Blanding residents -- in what he called the biggest bust ever of thieves who take ancient Native American artifacts from public lands, often from sacred burial sites.
Another group of agents had yanked Nick Laws, 30, from his home with such force that they broke some of his toes, local officials say. Nearly 20 agents had surrounded a pair of mobile homes belonging to septuagenarian brothers and led them away in cuffs.

Local authorities called the raids overkill. The county sheriff, whose brother was among those charged, launched his own investigation into how suspects were treated.

Then a day after his arrest, Dr. Redd killed himself.
Eighteen vehicles surrounded the Redds' house," San Juan County Supervisor Bruce Adams said in an interview. "Do we do that with child molesters? With murderers?" He added, "I haven't seen a piece of pottery or an artifact that's worth a human life."

And this is just interesting...

Megiddo fights plan for second int'l airport
A battle is raging over the pending construction of a new international airport in Megiddo, in the Jezreel Valley.

The selling of the Jezreel Valley" represents one of the worst elements of Israeli development policy, he said on Tuesday. Under the National Development Plan, the valley is defined as an area for farming. If the region became an urban center, it would effectively merge Afula, Nazareth and Haifa and would destroy one of the most important agricultural zones of the country, he said

This is one of the most strategic places in the mideast, if not the world. Site of a whole heckuva lot of battles, including the most famous, which has yet to happen.

Armageddon = Har Megiddo = Mount Megiddo

Megiddo : Strong's Number: 4023
Transliterated: Mgiddown
Phonetic: meg-id-done'

Text: (Zech. 12 or Mgiddow {meg-id-do'}; from 1413; rendezvous; Megiddon or Megiddo, a place in Palestine: --Megiddo, Megiddon.

Strong's Number: 1413
Transliterated: gadad
Phonetic: gaw-dad'

Text: a primitive root [compare 1464]; to crowd; also to gash (as if by pressing into): -assemble (selves by troops), gather (selves together, self in troops), cut selves.

Strong's Number: 1464
Transliterated: guwd
Phonetic: goode

Text: a primitive root [akin to 1413]; to crowd upon, i.e. attack: -invade, overcome.

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