Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Protest Builds as Iran Expands Its Crackdown
Protesters said that tens of thousands had massed in central Tehran again on Wednesday as Iran tried to block any coverage of opposition activities.

Families, women in chadors join Iran's opposition

Iran to US: Put soothing words into action

Iran's Rural Vote and Election Fraud

Iran prosecutor warns of death penalty for violence

Robert Kagan - Obama's Conundrum: Shunning Iran's Opposition
The president's strategy for a nuclear deal depends on defending Ahmadinejad.

U.N. Atomic Energy Chief Says Iran Wants Bomb Technology
Ya think?

Iran election chaos complicating Obama's dialogue policy
Poor baby. Who knew being president was so hard?

Mousavi calls for further mass demonstrations

Hot Air » Video: Under fire, Iranian protesters storm Basij complex; Rumor: Revolutionary Guard deployed?
Two clips, the first the assault on the Basij and the second from god knows where, to illustrate how much this already looks like a war. There’s nothing to be gained strategically by an unarmed mob attacking a single paramilitary station — except, of course, the pure, sweet justice that comes with revenge in the name of thousands of innocents these brownshirts have tormented for decades. Imagine the hate you’d have to feel to try to break into a building where men with machine guns are waiting for you. As a great man once said, if this be treason, make the most of it.

US rejects Iran's 'interfering' claims
"As the president has said, we are not interfering with the debate that Iranians are having about their election and its aftermath," State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said.

"You know, this is a debate about Iranians and about Iran's future," he said.

Debate. People being killed in the streets is a 'debate' to these bastards.

Analysis: Titanic clash for Iran's future

JPost accused of masterminding 'Iranian Twitter Revolution'

Iran election: contenders challenged by Supreme Leader on day of mourning
Iran's Supreme Leader challenged the contenders in the disputed presidential election to display unity by attending Friday prayers in Tehran together after another fraught day of protests in the capital.

Iran elections: football team shows support for Mousavi with green arm bands at Seoul World Cup qualifier

Mousavi to supporters: Election fraud 'crime against Islam'

Tehran dispatch: "The revolution had begun."

Khamenei tells Mousavi to toe the line over election or be cast out

Sham in Iran

Arabs largely silent on Iran election and unrest

Shadowy Iranian Vigilantes Promise Bolder Action
The daytime protests across the Islamic republic have been largely peaceful. But Iranians shudder at the violence unleashed in their cities at night, with the shadowy vigilantes known as Basijis beating, looting and sometimes gunning down protesters they tracked during the day.

The vigilantes plan to take their fight into the daylight on Friday, with the public relations department of Ansar Hezbollah, the most public face of the Basij, announcing that they planned a public demonstration to expose the “seditious conspiracy” being carried out by “agitating hooligans.”

Iranian Film Makers: Document Shows Moussavi Won

Gateway Pundit: The Horrid Regime Is Beating Iranian Democracy Protesters Bloody (Video)

Iran protestors: Why did you kill our brothers?
News: Wearing black and carrying candles, tens of thousands of reformist candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi's backers rally in Tehran on Thursday afternoon to mourn deaths of protestors killed in this week's election riots. Meanwhile authorities bar Rafsanjani's children from leaving country.

Bear this in mind: Iran after 9/11:

Iran mourns America's dead

September 18, 2001: Ordinary Iranians hold candles during a vigil in Terhan to mourn the loss of life in the United States after hijackers crashed airliners into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei condemned the attacks which have been blamed on Saudi-born Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden is believed to be in hiding in the mountains of neighboring Afghanistan, a country which Iran has no love for..

Israel ready to negotiate on core issues - envoy
Noooo! Don't do it!

Israelis to free jailed Hamas speaker in August

Hamas rejects Carter plea to recognize Israel

Shots fired at police car in Shfaram

Israeli army eases grip on ancient Jericho

Jordan Valley: Checkpoint Removal 'Seriously Endangers Us'

Mideast peace deal could happen 'within year': Blair

'Obama Can Make Mideast More Peaceful'

U.S. ups pressure on Israel to end Gaza blockade

Israel: Progress made in Israeli-US talks on settlements compromise

Obama and the Two State Solution

Sheikh Salah: Netanyahu wants to rebuild Temple
News: Leader of Islamic Movement's northern branch warns Muslim students at Haifa University that prime minister intends on completing plans from his first tenure. 'If they suggest we give up our holy sites, we would rather die and will welcome death,' he says

Jerusalem is ours

Jerusalem's Secret Revealed: How They Filled The Sultan's Pool

Obama: Government's role is to unleash creativity
The plan would empower the Federal Reserve and make it the supervisor of large, systemically vital financial institutions, granting it the authority to be a lender of last resort in "unusual and exigent circumstances," to mega-banks if the department first receives approval from the Treasury Department.

Big financial institutions will need to have greater capital on hand, less leverage and they will be scrutinized more thoroughly by the central bank, according to the administration plan. The proposal leaves it for legislators to identify which banks, hedge funds or other institutions would fit into this systemically significant categorization.

Text of President Obama's remarks on financial regulation
I'll sum it up for you. Blah, blah, uh, blah, hope, blah, uh, change, blah, I, uh, uh, new foundation, blah, blah, let me be clear, blah, I, blah, me, blah, blah...

Obama's proposal seeks major changes to Fed
The White House proposes the empowerment of the Fed as a consolidated supervisor of large systemically significant financial institutions that will require higher capital standards, less leverage and more scrutiny of their activities.

Summary Of Obama Financial Regulation Plan

President Obama Unveils ‘United We Serve’
This summer, President Obama is calling on all of us – young and old, from every background, all across this country – to participate in our nation’s recovery and renewal by serving in our communities. From June 22 to September 11, United We Serve will begin to engage Americans from coast to coast in addressing community needs in education, health, energy and the environment, and community renewal.

What Has 132 Rooms and Flies? (The White House)
Although President Obama managed to kill one, there are plenty of flies left at the White House.

Well, flies do love manure. I'm surprised all of Washington isn't infested. BTW, "Lord of the Flies" is the translation of Beelzebub.

US feds subpoena names of anonymous web commenters

Pentagon Pulls Question That Called Protests a Form of Terrorism
Look for it to be rebranded and replaced soon. Meanwhile:

NORAD and USNORTHCOM exercise planned for mid-June
North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command are planning to conduct a combined exercise June 18 - 24 that will incorporate several military exercises with a National Guard exercise. These linked exercises are referred to as ARDENT SENTRY 09. Events will take place in multiple venues across the country including Iowa, Kansas, Oregon, Wyoming, and off the East and West Coasts.

The exercise will allow several Department of Defense organizations and some federal and state partners to implement plans and respond to a variety of notional events. Historically, exercises like these have helped both DoD and other agencies review their processes and procedures and focus their future training efforts on closing gaps and identifying areas that need additional attention.

Pentagon sees 6,000 possible F-35 sales in future

Gay man considered for post at Pentagon
No agenda here!

Expansive Energy Bill Advances In Congress

Shale gas puts Alaska line in doubt, Pickens says
Bah. T. Boone's full of hopeychangey green energy plans these days.

Pentagon Blinds Astronomers to ‘Armageddon’
Well, thanks to the U.S. Department of Defense, our top scientific minds can no longer check out data from classified satellites on incoming meteors.

Nature’s Geoff Brumfiel has an excellent story on how the Pentagon apparently ended an informal arrangement with astronomers that gave the scientists access to data from the Defense Support Program satellite network, part of the Pentagon’s early-warning system. Those satellites (pictured here) can detect missile launches or atmospheric nuclear blasts, but they are also great for spotting meteors as they flame out in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Got $100? Welcome to your new Detroit home
Know why?

Retailers Head for Exits in Detroit
There was a time early in the decade when downtown Detroit was sprouting new cafes and shops, and residents began to nurture hopes of a rebound. But lately, they are finding it increasingly tough to buy groceries or get a cup of fresh-roast coffee as the 11th largest U.S. city struggles with the recession and the auto-industry crisis.

No national grocery chain operates a store here. A lack of outlets that sell fresh produce and meat has led the United Food and Commercial Workers union and a community group to think about building a grocery store of its own.
Michelle Robinson, 42 years old, does most of her shopping at big-box stores in the suburbs. When visitors staying at the hotel near her downtown office ask where to shop, she sends them to a mall in Dearborn, 12 miles away.

Dearborn? Yes, that Dearborn.

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