Saturday, June 13, 2009

Iran's on fire after the election and Bibi's speech is tomorrow. Oy. Double down on the prayers.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard won't tolerate 'velvet revolution'
IRAN'S Revolutionary Guard has warned supporters of the leading challenger for this weekend's presidential election that they will not tolerate massive street rallies turning into any kind of "velvet revolution".

Israel: Mousavi win wouldn't stop Iran's nuke drive

In hotly contested election, Iran extends voting

Iran vote brings tense stand-off

Report: Defeated Ahmadinejad rival arrested in Iran

Michael J. Totten: Iran on Fire (Continuously updated)

A very good roundup.

Mullahs ‘rigged poll’ in fear of Barack Obama effect

The morning-after: Iran's reformists protest as Ahmadinejad is declared president-elect

Riot police clash with Mousavi supporters in Iran


What If Israel Strikes Iran? - John Bolton
The mullahs would retaliate. But things would be much worse if they had the bomb.

No we can’t, Israeli hardliners tell Obama as he pushes for peace
President Obama’s push for peace in the Middle East has provoked the ire of right-wing Israelis, who have launched a campaign against his initiative with the slogan “No you can’t”.

'Iran denies IAEA request for more cameras at Natanz'

Did UNIFIL Help Arrest 'Spies for Israel'?

Carter: Mideast peace not possible without Hamas

Carter honored by Palestinians : "I have been in love with the Palestinian people for many years"

'Moderate' new Lebanese gov't won't make peace with Israel

Mitchell: Palestinian state as soon as possible

PM feels he can go left, keep coalition
Binyamin Netanyahu may yield to two-state solution after pressure from Obama
Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Minister Hershkowitz: Netanyahu sticking to national principles
I'm hoping and praying.

Israeli right-wingers 'will topple' Benjamin Netanyahu if he backs Palestinian state

Ankara delays Nabucco signing to July
Haha! I'm shocked.

Report: Hizbullah terrorists caught in Baku with Iranian passports
The cell's target was not just the Israeli embassy but also included a Jewish community center in Baku as well as the Gabala Radar Station which Russia leases from Azerbaijan and is located in the northern part of the country.

Yemeni tribesmen kidnap 24 medics

Sunni Lawmaker Assassinated in Iraq
The head of the largest Sunni bloc in the Iraqi Parliament was gunned down Friday while presiding over prayers at a mosque in downtown Baghdad.

Parcel Bomb Defused At Lebanon Security Office - Official

No Mideast deal at Lebanon's expense: US envoy
Funny, I've heard no similar promise about Israel...

Britain delivers first Eurofighter jets to Saudi

Obama's link to the Muslim world: Turkey
Gobble, gobble?

OIC trying to control the temple mount!
More people are noticing...

Holy Land hopes for dogged peacemakers

Pirates hijack German-owned ship off Oman-NATO

Turkey, Iraq sign military agreement

Hezbollah, allies to boycott Lebanon government without veto

Qaeda infiltration reports 'baseless': Yemen
Meaning they don't have a base YET.

Three Guantanamo detainees sent to Saudi Arabia

29 incinerated as Saudi Arabia bus catches fire and door locks jam

Mitchell: Syria has 'crucial' role in peace

Amid Russian pressure, Israel cuts defense sales to Georgia

Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman Cozies Up to Moscow

NATO backs Nabucco in Baku
But Vlad does not. Speaking of Vlad...

Blasts rock flashpoint Georgian town

Disagreements Persist Over Georgian Territories

Georgia's parliament formally puts end to CIS membership
The parliament of Georgia unanimously passed on Friday decrees on the formal withdrawal of the former Soviet republic from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), RIA Novosti reported.

Protesters in Georgia attack Parliament Speaker

U.S. Diplomat Seeks Progress On U.S. Broadcasts In Azerbaijan

German military knocks Nord Stream route

Russia doesn't want to go below 1,500 warheads

BRICs Buy IMF Debt to Join Big Leagues, Goldman Says

BRIC by BRIC: Leaders Summit in Russia

Putin 'turns into art instructor'

Workers In Russian Far East Ask Putin For Help

Vladimir Putin’s Advice On Firing Employees

Russians Outfox U.S. in Latest Great Game
In the West, hopes were high that the financial crisis would rein in Putin's assertive foreign policy. But in parts of the former Soviet Union, hard times have had the opposite effect.

Russia Rejects the Notion of a Joint Missile System in Europe

Glaxo at Loggerheads With Russia Over HIV Drugs

No. 2 House Republican compares Obama to Putin
Are you kidding? Vlad can wipe the floor with Barry.

Gazprom, StatoilHydro renew Arctic cooperation deal

Russia dismisses ambassador to Ukraine Chernomyrdin

Ukraine leader in new appeal on Naftogaz finances

Gas transit through Ukraine to Europe may be suspended - Mr Putin

Sino-Russian baby comes of age

Gazprom linked to Pakistan pipeline by Iran

Russia said planning military overhaul

Analysis experts on Russia's oil, mine sector

CSTO Rapid Reaction Forces Will Fight Drug Trafficking Medvedev
Betcha didn't know he was a trafficker, huh?

Improving engines for gas pumping units of Gazprom

Gazprom looking for USD 10.5 billion in financing

Pakistan says 66 Taliban killed, as hotel probe on

Suicide bombers strike Pakistan mosque, seminary

Some al-Qaida leave Pakistan for Africa

CIA chief says bin Laden in Pakistan
The very phrase "CIA Drector Leon Panetta" still makes me want to laugh and cry.

Pakistani Christian Man Raped, Murdered for Refusing to Convert to Islam, Family Says

Pakistani warplanes strike Waziristan region

India wants Kashmir troops move
The Indian government wants to withdraw troops from inhabitant areas of Indian-administered Kashmir, the federal home minister says.

UAE seeks to boost economic, energy ties with India

Sri Lanka seeks post-war aid from UAE: foreign minister

Kazakhstan and Central Asia: weak hopes on troubled background

Kazatomprom Says Deal With Uranium One ‘Inalterable’

Uranium One shares rise on Kazakh assurances

Chinese parliamentary delegation visits Kazakhstan

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan: Here comes trouble

Uzbekistan: Tashkent Orders Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to Pay Gas Debts

Obama seeks closer ties with Kyrgyzstan

NATO consults Turkmenistan in radioactive waste

Turkmenistan revives science academy

Belarusian President To Make Official Visit To Turkmenistan

U.N. Official Calls for Review of American Raids
In unusually firm remarks, the chief of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan called the political costs of civilian casualties from special operations raids “disproportionate to the military gains.”
Time to cave!

China demands US return Uighurs
I'm with China on this.

DOD official indicted for giving secrets to China

China rejects India's charges about border
China Thursday rejected what it said were India's allegations of border crossings by its military.

China accused of secretly salvaging sunken British submarine containing 18 lost sailors

China 'challenging' laws of the sea

U.S. Firm Says China Stole Software for Web-Filter

China Hushes Up First Gay Pride Week

South Korea completes first space center

Defiant North Korea to 'weaponise' plutonium

Ukraine To Nationalize Three Largest Lenders - PM

Gibraltar is a colony - until it becomes Spanish ,says Spain at the UN
Nation against nation...

BlackRock to buy Barclays in blockbuster deal
BlackRock gets its deal to buy Barclays Global Investors, including its iShares division, in a cash-and-stock deal that would create the world’s largest fund manager, with over $2.7 trillion in assets, and drastically alter the financial industry.

Passengers should pay global carbon tax, says British Airways chief
Airline passengers should pay a global tax on carbon and accept an increase in the cost of flying for the sake of the environment, the chief executive of British Airways has told The Times.

Let us roll out the euro to the whole Union

Moldova's top court gives go-ahead to parliament's dissolution

Two-step solution sought to lift Areva capital

Hezbollah and Hamas: The Sudanese Connection
All that's missing is a Libyan connection.

Somalia: Ethiopian Troops Reach in Balanbal Town in Central Somalia

Ethiopia denies its soldiers in central Somalia

Money the key to Tsvangirai mission
Zimbabwe PM in meeting with Obama

Zimbabwe girls trade sex for food
Think about this when you hear the term 'hyperinflation.'

A Deal to Restore Zimbabwe's Democracy Has Mostly Aided Robert Mugabe.
No, really?

US, UAE firms eye Zambian farming land
Coming soon to a farm near you!

Nigeria rebels say they attacked Chevron pipeline
Nigerian militant group claims attack on pipeline

Nigerian group says British hostage freed

Six arrested in suspected plot to attack G8

World Bank sees even worse slump

A Wave of Call Buying on Tankers
Traders are betting on more pain for short sellers and rising oil prices.
I'm wondering how much is speculation and how much is bunkering?

Bank worries, shaky recovery cloud G8 finance talks

George Soros urges governments to outlaw ''toxic' credit default swaps

Climate Change Solutions: Live From World Science Festival 2009

Peru suspends decree that fueled Amazon violence: lawmaker

Police fire tear gas in Peru protests

Gunmen toss grenade at Mexico taco stand, 2 die

Drug tunnel discovered beneath U.S-Mexico border

Venezuela set to nationalize port operators

Anti-Christian White Supremacist Shoots Three People at Holocaust Museum (What's Wrong with the World)
“Right-wing” Holocaust Museum shooter may have targeted … the Weekly Standard; Update: Fox News also targeted?
Slain security guard remembered as 'teddy bear'

Talks of Recovery Are Premature

Here Comes Hyperinflation

News Analysis: U.S. Inflation Possible, Say Economists

Lewis: Fed asked us to delay any Merrill break-up

Airline passengers could get a 1-2-3 punch

Exxon Joins Plan to Build Natural Gas Pipeline From Alaska

No smoking: Historic vote could bring new limits

So your bank account’s wiped out - Mark Steyn

Romanian-American sentenced in Iran jet parts plot

DOD official indicted for giving secrets to China

Pentagon Orders Massive Bunker-Busters for Underground WMD

Independent Intel: High Stakes in a New CIA Turf War

Cyberwar - Privacy May Be a Victim in Cyberdefense Plan
More than privacy. Much, much more.

260 workers fired at Los Angeles County food plant
No/ false social security numbers.

Retreat into Apathy by Mark Steyn
According to the U.N. figures, life expectancy in the United States is 78 years; in the United Kingdom, it’s 79 — yay, go socialized health care! On the other hand, in Albania, where the entire population chain-smokes and the health-care system involves swimming to Italy, life expectancy is still 71 years — or about where America was a generation or so back. Once you get childhood mortality under control, and observe basic hygiene and lifestyle precautions, the health “system” is relatively marginal. One notes that, even in Somalia, which still has high childhood mortality, not to mention a state of permanent civil war, functioning government has entirely collapsed and yet life expectancy has increased from 49 to 55. Maybe if government were to collapse entirely in Washington, our life expectancy would show equally remarkable gains. Just thinking outside the box here.

Weapons makers look overseas as Pentagon cuts back

Canadian Mohawks, police clash in Ontario

US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive
Dozens of US cities may have entire neighbourhoods bulldozed as part of drastic "shrink to survive" proposals being considered by the Obama administration to tackle economic decline.

Obama's Muslim Brotherhood Links Deserve Second Look

What's behind Obama's sudden attempt to fire the AmeriCorps inspector general?
There are two big questions about the president's actions. One, why did he decide to fire Walpin? And two, did he abide by the law that he himself co-sponsored?

The Queen and Michelle Obama forge firm and affectionate friendship

Geithner: Too early for move toward policy restraint
I'm still not sure whether I'm laughing or crying.

Officials warn Turkey faces risk of water shortage despite sufficient rain

Kenya: Acute water shortage hits Nairobi

India - City reels under water scarcity

Zimbabwe: A Water And Sewerage Crisis That Goes 'Straight to the Grave'

Santa Rosa County Health Department Pertussis Outbreak Investigation Continues
This is local. Oy.

Coyotes Surround, Chase Dog Walker - Boston News Story

Coyotes preying on cats
Local too. I pray for my kitties every time I hear coyotes nearby.

14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite

Mudslide damages home in small Newfoundland town

Cloudbursts hit NCW, cause mud slide

Mudslide kills 16 in Ivory Coast capital







Magnitude 5.0 - VANUATU

Magnitude 5.0 - VANUATU

Magnitude 6.0 - VANUATU
Strong 6.3-magnitude quake shakes Vanuatu: USGS

Magnitude 5.1 - VANUATU

Scientists: 'Supervolcano' possibly brewing under Mount St. Helens

Off Massachusetts, specifically.

Magnitude 5.4 - BANDA SEA

Magnitude 4.9 - PUERTO RICO REGION


Magnitude 5.4 - SOUTHERN PERU
Moderate Earthquake Jolts Peruvian City

Magnitude-3.6 quake strikes Baja California
Small Earthquakes Shake California-Mexico Border

Magnitude 5.0 - COQUIMBO, CHILE


Magnitude 5.7 - BALI SEA
5.7 earthquake rattles Mataram, West Lombok

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