Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When the earth shakes...

China's Quake Lake Halfway Drained. Favorite part: "Chinese troops were forced to use anti-tank weapons to blast away rocks to speed up drainage." Yowza.

5.3 in Qingchai province, too. No damage reported.

Those small quakes in OK apparently lead up to a 3.1 last night. Not widely felt, though.

*** *** ***

And as for what's going on in the rest of the world...

Iranian leader: US military is Iraq's top problem

Iran, which has repeatedly said the way to end instability in Iraq is for U.S. forces to withdraw, believes the proposed pact could lead to permanent U.S bases on its doorstep amid fears of an eventual American attack.

"Occupiers who interfere in Iraq's affairs through their military and security might ... are the main problems," Iran's state television quoted Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as saying Monday.

Yeah, I'd agree with that. Except of course when I say occupiers, I mean Iran. And there's more:

Iraq's visit to reassure Tehran over pact with US

Shortly before al-Maliki left Tehran Monday, Iraqi Defense Minister Lieutenant General Abdul Qadir Mohammed Jassim Obeidi al-Mifarji and his Iranian counterpart Brigadier General Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to boost bilateral defense cooperation.

Well, that's just ducky, isn't it?

Britain, which is rapidly going to hell in a handbasket, has become a "hotbed of radical anti-Israel views," according to her ambassador to the UK.

"Israel faces an intensified campaign of delegitimization, demonization and double standards. Britain has become a... haven for disingenuous calls for a 'one-state solution', a euphemistic name for a movement advocating Israel's destruction.

"Those who propagate this notion distort Israel's past while categorically denying Israel's right to exist as a liberal Jewish-democratic state. No other country in the world is constantly forced to justify its own existence," he wrote.

This, too, will only become more maistream.

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