Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Central Asia: Locust Invasion Worsens Region's Food Woes

It's summertime here in La Florida, and the grasshoppers are back, landing on your shoulders, eating our gardens, becoming splatters upon our windshields...

Could be worse, though. Locust swarms are still a very real problem in much of the world, and could exacerbate the current food crisis.


Deadly floods in Belize after tropical storms

Alma and Arthur, oh my!


Stiff upper lip best way to deal with shock

A new study suggests this. I've suspected it all along. I always feel worse talking about painful issues. Much better to carry on normally as much as possible, deal with the grief and anger as it comes naturally, rather than reliving the trauma.


More Run on Empty as Gas Prices Rise

Idiots. I've seen a lot more of this locally, and what the article doesn't mention is that an abandoned car by the side of the road is a GREAT target for thieves. Unless you genuinely don't have the money to fill up your tank, there's no reason to let it run down to empty. Go ahead and fill up before the price rises again. Besides, driving around on fumes can damage your fuel pump. (I learned that the hard way.)


Weird news department: Ky. and Ohio battle over boulder pulled from river

Apparently it was a landmark for some time, had all kinds of nifty historical graffiti, and now it's been removed.


In the "ugh" category, as of tonight, Obama has the delegates to clinch the nomination. Hillary's not giving up, and I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Frankly, I think I could live with her as president; she's somewhat reasonable, and certainly brighter and more experienced than Barry. I hear a lot of conservatives who think she's the stronger candidate against McCain, but I'm not so confident. Never underestimate the charisma, or the messianic fervor of BHO supporters.

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