Monday, June 09, 2008

The Greece quake has been upgraded to a 6.3, and now authorities are evacuating the area in anticipation of strong aftershocks.

Small quakes in Oklahoma over the weekend, and another 3.1 in the bay area. Another 5.0 aftershock in China, too.

Hellacious weekend here in the states, weather-wise.

Fatal Floods in Midwest, Wicked Heat in East

Record Heat Hits U.S. East Coast; Rain Soaks Midwest

And hey, the US isn't the only country to have tornadoes:

Perth tornado 'may have hit 150km/h'

The Aral Sea is drying up, and has been for some time. The pictures tell the story. Note that the latter link is in 2006, and says the sea is less than half its original size; the first article says it's now down to one-tenth.

Hunger in Ethiopia now spreading to adults

Spanish hauliers on fuel strike. But relax, Spanish truckers, the Saudis feel our pain!


This one made me grind my teeth a bit: FEMA wants to stop delivering ice for the public after a hurricane.

Ice is CRUCIAL after a storm. Without power, your refrigerator and freezer won't work, which means you can't keep any cold foods on hand-- no milk, no formula, no sandwich meat, and no cool drinks. That last one may not seem like a big deal, but along the Gulf coast in hurricane season, we're talking about temps in the 90s and humidity in the 70s. Hot people with nothing but tepid drinks and food from cans get cranky. Which is BAD, FEMA people. BAD. And the elderly need to keep cool to survive.

Idiots! Fools!

*stomps around a bit*

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