Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tropical Storm Arthur forms near Belize coast

And the Atlantic hurricane season is under way! Wheee!!!!

Meanwhile, TS Alma is doing some pretty harsh stuff in Nicaragua.

And in the great state of Eurabia...

Britain should negotiate with leaders of al-Qaida as part of a new strategy to end its violent campaign, one of the country's most senior police officers has said.

Speaking to the Guardian, Sir Hugh Orde, head of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, said the experiences of his force tackling the IRA had convinced him that
policing alone - detecting plots and arresting people - would not defeat al-Qaida inspired terrorism.

Perhaps he should spend a little more time studying islamic terrorism. It's a bit tougher to negotiate with people who are cool with dying--look forward to it, actually--than it is to negotiate with fairly sane people whose set of demands do not include all infidels dying.

They're having a bit of trouble with people angry about food and fuel prices over there, too.

More from the terrorrism front: an imprisoned Al-Qaeda member accused the Saudis of bankrolling his unit. He's not exactly what one would call a reliable witness, but such a claim warrants looking into.

In China, 200k people evacuated while they try to drain the quake lake. And aid workers in Burma are still finding it difficult to help victims of Nargis.

Zimbabwe's in the grip of evil (and how dare they invoke the name of my Savior!), and Peru's maoist narcoterrorists rise again.

The weather in the Midwest may be affecting the corn crop (because prices aren't high enough). And another rash of high winds overnight sent the Illinois legislature to the Capitol basement; more storms expected this evening.

And here at home... don't go in the water! You might get a brain-eating amoeba and die!

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