Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Black Market Grows In Rice
Usually, when I think of smuggling, I think of what tv and the movies have shown me--drugs, gems, exotic animals, artwork, etc. Not so much your basic commodities.

Leaky New Orleans levee alarms experts
Oh, but I'm sure it's no big deal. Why do we have so many people living on floodplains?! it's every bit as stupid as building on barrier islands.

Chinese death toll up to 51,000. I can't even wrap my mind around that. At least China has allowed aid, which is much more than I can say for the Burmese junta.

Tornado hits Colorado The video of this thing is freaky-scary. Looking at it, and at the destruction caused, I'm amazed there's only been one death.

NOAA says 16 named storms and five major hurricanes this year. Given their record the past two years, I'm skeptical, but given the deadly weather this year, I'm preparing.


Israel engages in indirect peace talks with Syria. Yes, Syria, which blatantly supports Hamas and Hizbullah, want the Golan Heights, and Olmert is willing to discuss it. Modern Israel captured the Heights after Syria used them to shell civilians and launch terrorist attacks. The area was a part of ancient Israel, known then as Bashan. Furthermore, the Heights are home to the headwaters of the Jordan and Lake Kinneret, which provides 30% of Israel's water.

Oh, yeah, did I mention Obama thinks these talks are just lovely, and so does Hillary?

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