Monday, May 26, 2008

As you all no doubt know by now, there was another 6.0 aftershock in China Sunday, which leveled more homes and damaged others. 1.2 million people may be evacuated due to flooding from "barrier lakes", and now they're going to try to blast them and drain the water. Good luck with that.

Before that, Saturday night, there was a 5.6 in Colombia. 11 dead thus far, and 5000 affected by damaged homes or buildings.

Tornadoes * all across * the Midwest * this weekend. And possibly more tonight. They say the normal tornado season only lasts two more months, but it started early this year, IIRC.

And then there's this: folks moving out to the country to prepare for the end of civilization. Srsly. I've been railing about tough times coming and the need to prepare, but some of these folks seem a bit... eager... for the meltdown and everybody running to them for help. Aside from that, though, good on them for taking initiative, rather than demanding other people (*cough*government*cough*) provide for them.

"The U.N.'s lead food aid agency said yesterday it has raised the money to cover an emergency funding shortfall due to soaring world food and fuel prices, thanks in large part to a last-minute $500 million donation from Saudi Arabia." I don't trust the Saudis any further than I can throw them, and the same goes for the UN, which is so corrupt and easily bought. I've got a feeling this is gonna bite us in the rear sooner of later.

Rattlesnake bites are getting deadlier. Experts are baffled.*

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm paranoid, maybe I'm just crazy.

Maybe I'm not.

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