Saturday, May 31, 2008

Earthquake rattles Philippines, Taiwan
"A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake has rocked the northern Philippines and southern Taiwan, the US Geological Survey said."

And just for kicks, check out the Latest Earthquakes in the World, past 7 days. Normally, you'd have a pretty busy ring around the Pacific Rim, and some boxes in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and maybe a handful of >5s elsewhere, but for the last few days it's been boxy all over.

More on the Indianapolis tornado.

Insurers see greater risk of hurricanes and charge more.

Countries agree to cluster bomb ban. Fortunately, neither the U.S. nor Israel signed this piece of silliness. I want all options available should they become necessary.

Egypt finds massive arms cache in Sinai. But I'm sure the Palestinians in Gaza were only going to use them for self defense, right? Right?

TS Arthur makes landfall.

DNC Michigan/Florida delegate deal. Say it with me, friends: Den-VER! Den-VER! Den-VER!

Killing Her Softly. Mark Steyn takes on demographics and sex-selected abortion outside the West. As usual, he gets it right and makes a good read, if sad.


I really would like to add some thoughtful commentary here, but I'm completely tired and I've got church in the morning.
Tropical Storm Arthur forms near Belize coast

And the Atlantic hurricane season is under way! Wheee!!!!

Meanwhile, TS Alma is doing some pretty harsh stuff in Nicaragua.

And in the great state of Eurabia...

Britain should negotiate with leaders of al-Qaida as part of a new strategy to end its violent campaign, one of the country's most senior police officers has said.

Speaking to the Guardian, Sir Hugh Orde, head of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, said the experiences of his force tackling the IRA had convinced him that
policing alone - detecting plots and arresting people - would not defeat al-Qaida inspired terrorism.

Perhaps he should spend a little more time studying islamic terrorism. It's a bit tougher to negotiate with people who are cool with dying--look forward to it, actually--than it is to negotiate with fairly sane people whose set of demands do not include all infidels dying.

They're having a bit of trouble with people angry about food and fuel prices over there, too.

More from the terrorrism front: an imprisoned Al-Qaeda member accused the Saudis of bankrolling his unit. He's not exactly what one would call a reliable witness, but such a claim warrants looking into.

In China, 200k people evacuated while they try to drain the quake lake. And aid workers in Burma are still finding it difficult to help victims of Nargis.

Zimbabwe's in the grip of evil (and how dare they invoke the name of my Savior!), and Peru's maoist narcoterrorists rise again.

The weather in the Midwest may be affecting the corn crop (because prices aren't high enough). And another rash of high winds overnight sent the Illinois legislature to the Capitol basement; more storms expected this evening.

And here at home... don't go in the water! You might get a brain-eating amoeba and die!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

This makes my skin crawl:

Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry 'carbon ration cards', say MPs

How it would work:

Every adult in the UK would be given an annual carbon dioxide allowance in kgs
and a special carbon card.

The scheme would cover road fuel, flights and energy bills.

Every time someone paid for road fuel, flights or energy, their carbon account would be docked.

A litre of petrol would use up 2.3kg in carbon, while every 1.3 miles of airline flight would use another 1kg.

When paying for petrol, the card would need to swiped at the till. It would be a legal offence to buy petrol without using a card.

When paying online, or by direct debit, the carbon account would be debited directly.
Anyone who doesn't use up their credits in a year can sell them to someone who wants more credits. Trading would be done through specialist companies.

Can we get just a little more Orwellian? And hey, instead of carrying around all these cards, why don't we use biochips? We could put them on our foreheads or our right hands, to simplify things. Britain, you've some serious problemas.


Meanwhile, in the MidEast...

Iran in Secret Talks With al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say

Although U.S. officials rarely talk publicly about them, these militants are considered to be among the most dangerous terrorists in the world. Adel is on the FBI list of Most Wanted Terrorists and is a suspect in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The State Department has put a $5 million bounty on his head through the Rewards for Justice program; the only al Qaeda figures with higher bounties are Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Zawahiri.

Iranian authorities detained these militants in 2003, and they have been under what one U.S. official called "loose house arrest" in Iran ever since. The U.S. government quietly sent messages to Iran through the Swiss government, requesting that the al Qaeda figures be turned over to their native countries for interrogation and trial. Iran has refused.

Al Qaeda is no fan of Shi'ite Iran. So exactly what they do they have in mind?

And if that weren't enough...

Chertoff: Hezbollah Makes Al Qaeda Look 'Minor League'

"Someone described Hezbollah like the A-team of terrorists in terms of capabilities, in terms of range of weapons they have, in terms of internal discipline," Chertoff told FOX News. "To be honest, they make Al Qaeda look like a minor league team.

"They have been more disciplined, and they've been in some senses more restrained in the kinds of attacks they carry out ... in recent years, but that's not something we can take for granted," he warned.

And they're taking over Lebanon, folks.


6.2 quake in Iceland, but no one seems to be injured.

China's got a chemical fire, along with flooding in the quake zone. People are scavenging for scrap metal, trying to get money so they can buy what they need.

Tornadoes in Nebraska, knocking out power and closing a section of interstate.

T.S. Alma of the Eastern Pacific hits Nicaragua.


6The angel said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place."

7"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book."

20He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

21The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Today's bad news roundup is brought to you by the letter C, the letter J, and the number 7. :)

Expert Explains High Number of Tornadoes / 2008 could set records for tornado deaths

Massive evacuation in China "quake lake" flood zone

Moderate quake in Iran

Myanmar's junta keeps democracy activist locked up

Gut Superbug Causing More Illnesses, Deaths

And, via lgf: Muslim group to help keep peace in Miami's Overtown. Because it's always a good idea to have outside groups driven by an ideological agenda help with law enforcement, right? I mean, the Nation of Islam is a lovely organization for these guys to be associated with, yes?


And on a different, note, I've been studying a lot of the prophets lately, and today was Deborah. She was one cool chica, wasn't she? I think she's my favorite woman in the Bible, and the one I identify with most. It's clear she was respected and had wisdom, as she was a judge in Ephraim. Barak wouldn't do what he was supposed to, and Deborah had to push him into it kicking and screaming. Story of my life. (heh.)

Monday, May 26, 2008

As you all no doubt know by now, there was another 6.0 aftershock in China Sunday, which leveled more homes and damaged others. 1.2 million people may be evacuated due to flooding from "barrier lakes", and now they're going to try to blast them and drain the water. Good luck with that.

Before that, Saturday night, there was a 5.6 in Colombia. 11 dead thus far, and 5000 affected by damaged homes or buildings.

Tornadoes * all across * the Midwest * this weekend. And possibly more tonight. They say the normal tornado season only lasts two more months, but it started early this year, IIRC.

And then there's this: folks moving out to the country to prepare for the end of civilization. Srsly. I've been railing about tough times coming and the need to prepare, but some of these folks seem a bit... eager... for the meltdown and everybody running to them for help. Aside from that, though, good on them for taking initiative, rather than demanding other people (*cough*government*cough*) provide for them.

"The U.N.'s lead food aid agency said yesterday it has raised the money to cover an emergency funding shortfall due to soaring world food and fuel prices, thanks in large part to a last-minute $500 million donation from Saudi Arabia." I don't trust the Saudis any further than I can throw them, and the same goes for the UN, which is so corrupt and easily bought. I've got a feeling this is gonna bite us in the rear sooner of later.

Rattlesnake bites are getting deadlier. Experts are baffled.*

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm paranoid, maybe I'm just crazy.

Maybe I'm not.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Black Market Grows In Rice
Usually, when I think of smuggling, I think of what tv and the movies have shown me--drugs, gems, exotic animals, artwork, etc. Not so much your basic commodities.

Leaky New Orleans levee alarms experts
Oh, but I'm sure it's no big deal. Why do we have so many people living on floodplains?! it's every bit as stupid as building on barrier islands.

Chinese death toll up to 51,000. I can't even wrap my mind around that. At least China has allowed aid, which is much more than I can say for the Burmese junta.

Tornado hits Colorado The video of this thing is freaky-scary. Looking at it, and at the destruction caused, I'm amazed there's only been one death.

NOAA says 16 named storms and five major hurricanes this year. Given their record the past two years, I'm skeptical, but given the deadly weather this year, I'm preparing.


Israel engages in indirect peace talks with Syria. Yes, Syria, which blatantly supports Hamas and Hizbullah, want the Golan Heights, and Olmert is willing to discuss it. Modern Israel captured the Heights after Syria used them to shell civilians and launch terrorist attacks. The area was a part of ancient Israel, known then as Bashan. Furthermore, the Heights are home to the headwaters of the Jordan and Lake Kinneret, which provides 30% of Israel's water.

Oh, yeah, did I mention Obama thinks these talks are just lovely, and so does Hillary?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Many thoughts and prayers for Ted Kennedy and family.

Burma's still not letting very many people get the aid they so desperately need.

40, 000 dead, 5 million homeless now in China.

Ammo costs are rising.

White House denies Iran attack report. Iran is gonna be the one to watch for the rest of the year, I think, Iran and Russia.
Court: Paper money discriminates against the blind

This makes me very uneasy, and I don't think it's just because paper money from elsewhere in the world looks like Monopoly money. It's a gut feeling, that with everything else unfolding, that this won't end well.
Senator Obama is an idiot who thinks Iran is "tiny" and not a threat to the US.

Iran in the 18th largest country in the world by area (bigger than Alaska) and has 70 million people. Given that 19 men managed to kill 3000 in the course of a few hours one clear September morning, I think maybe we ought to assume that it doesn't take many to cause massive destruction, yes? And Senator Waffle is apparently unaware of what's going on in Lebanon. Further more, some are now suggesting Iran could start a new arms race.

At least John McCain gets it.

Speaking of Waffleman, this is a piece of doublespeak genius, straight from his own website:

Asked whether his idea of meeting with hostile nations consisted of "from the
get-go of the President of the United States" or lower level aides, Obama said,
"The latter. Understand what the question was. The question was a very specific
question. Would you meet without preconditions? Preconditions as it applies to a country like Iran for example was a term of art. Because this administration has been very clear that it will not have direct negotiations with Iran until Iran has meet preconditions that are essentially negotiations with Iran until Iran has met preconditions that are essentially what Iran used and many other observers would view as the subject of the negotiations. For example, their nuclear program. The point is that I would not refuse to meet until they agree to every position that we want. But that doesn't mean that we would not have preparation, and the preparation would involve starting with low level-lower level diplomatic contacts, having our diplomatic corps work through with Iranian counterparts, an agenda. But what I have said is that at some point I would be willing to meet. And that is a position, I mean, what's puzzling is that we view this as in any way controversial, when this has been the history of U.S. diplomacy, until very recently.

Seriously.... what? It makes me long for the days of questioning the meaning of "is".

Saturday, May 17, 2008

3 wounded in LA church festival shooting
Before being taken away Diaz was asked by a reporter with KNX-AM why he did it. "I don't really have too much to say about that. It's a personal thing between me and the church," Diaz said.
When asked if Diaz has an issue with the church, he responded: "The church has an issue with me."

Yeah, man, 'cause you shot several of their people. Yeesh. At any rate, it appears to be a domestic violence issue, but there does seem to be issues that haven't been brought out yet.
Thousands flee China quake area over flood fears Rubble damming rivers + lots of rain = bad news. Throw in another 5.7 aftershock, and it's a wonder people can function at all.

U.N. racism investigator to visit U.S. from Monday Cause clearly, they've resolved all the problems in Rwanda and the like, yes? A few old articles on this Doudou Diene dude here and here. I'm sure he will turn up absolutely nothing, right? No bias there! Where's that sarcasm font?

Jordanian professor suggests arming suicide bombers in Israel with small nukes. No hatred like Jew hatred!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Republicans Go to War With Obama Over Foreign Policy Views
Maybe there are enough voters paying attention to this to make a difference? I wish I felt more hopeful.


US unveils deals with Saudi on nuclear power, oil protection
The White House said Washington and Riyadh were also to sign an agreement
on nuclear cooperation that would clear the way for Saudi Arabia to receive
enriched uranium for its reactors, without the need to master the fuel nuclear
cycle itself as Iran has done.

I'd cry, but it takes to much energy and I always feel worse afterwards. And it's not like they're going to repay us by pumping more oil to lower prices.

I think one of the things that bothered me most about seeing this on the news tonight was that sick look on Bush's face, like Oliver asking for some more gruel. 15 of 19 of th 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. The kingdom has been funding madrassas that ship Wahabbism around the globe, and we're not only funding them with our oil usage, we're now giving them uranium.

Not to mention--oh, yeah--bin Laden, who says the core of jihad is the situation in "Palestine." Grr...


Even before the chinese earthquake, the country was dealing with a deadly hand, foot, and mouth disease. It hasn't gone away.
Wow, this is not that far from me.:
3.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Southwest Alabama
(USGS summary)
China quake toll could reach 50K
Burma cyclone toll at 78K

I'm greatly amused by the whole "appeasement" flap. Obama's such a big, self-centered sissybaby, isn't he? He's even reiterating he wants unconditional talks with Iran, but is still whining about Bush and McCain's comments.

How is it people are still falling for this garbage?!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

News stories I care about today:

Heavy rains head toward cyclone-devastated Myanmar
New Cyclone Forming Off Myanmar Coast

China: Troops rush to plug 'dangerous' cracks in dam

Remarkable Rescues as Quake Death Toll Rises

Rebuilding unlikely in tornado-hit Superfund town

Fla. Manhunt Nets First Arson Suspect

Lebanon's '300'

I feel great today! Except when I change position--walking is fine, bending over to pick blackberries or leaning back to clean fan blades leave me out of breath or make my head spin or both. ugh. But it's soooo much better than the vomiting, or even the coughing and hacking.
Early summer brings my happy!



bay bloom

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I feel fifty times better today than yesterday! About time, too.

Summer is here, with a vengeance. Oh, sure, it was nice and cool yesterday, but it's back to hot and muggy today.

Stories of interest, with less emphasis on gloom and doom:

Giant Pythons Could Spread Quickly Across South. Yay! Exotic snakes might take over! heh. There used to be a snake in our garden that matched the description of an anaconda. It certainly wasn't as big as the ones I've seen in zoos--more like a king snake or an oak snake. But what on earth would an anaconda of ANY size be doing here?

Old gas pumps can't handle ever-rising prices. I like the old pumps. They're so much friendlier seeming than the cold digital displays. But more and more stations around have become pay-before-you-pump thanks to the increase in drive-offs, and I'd assumed the old pumps would have to be replaced for that reason alone. Apparently, it's not the only problem.

Isn't India contributing to the global food-price rise? One of the more interesting articles on the subject.

More Homes Threatened by Florida Fires They look to be deliberate, and I hope they catch the arsonist(s). Bad enough to set fires in good weather; in drought conditions it's extremely dangerous.

Satellite mapping of the aftermath of Nargis Wow. Just.... wow.

Perhaps more later.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hezbollah's street fight just a first step
The Region: As Lebanon turns into Gaza


Wildfires Force Evacuations in Central Florida
Mid-Atlantic rain prompts evacuations, outages

Wish I had some good news right now. Maybe these germs have got me in a funk. LOL.
Oh, man. The cyclone in Burma wasn't enough, now an earthquake in China, and a series of aftershocks continues. 900 students trapped under their collapsed school, 80% of buildings collapsed, damage to a chemical plant releases 80 tons of liquid ammonia. Furthermore, the Reuters article goes on to point out that this is one of China's most fertile areas, but relies on 2000-year-old flood control.

More to come as I find it. I'm going in search of first person reports asap.


In other disaster news, the first US aid reaches cyclone victims, finally. Situation there is still awful.

Another string of tornadoes this past weekend. This year has been twice as bad for tornadoes in the US as last year.

I'm not even going to go into the Hizballah takeover of Lebanon until tonight.

Prepare, people. Prepare.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A few stories so far today.

Today is Mother's Day. I thought this article says what I want to say best.

So on this Mother's Day, 100 years after it all began, think of the Jarvis women. Think of Anna, and make a donation in your mother's name to an organization that supports mothers in all their endeavours.

Or give Anna Jarvis what she fought so hard to create - a day with no shopping, no donations, no greeting cards. Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper, and write a love letter to your mother. Tell her what she means to you, what you love about her. Don't fret if words aren't really your thing - she already knows that, and will value the effort all the more.

If it's too late - if the brunch is done and the shrink-wrap is already off the patio furniture - write the letter anyway.

Which do you think your mother will treasure for the rest of her days? It won't be the patio furniture.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

ugh, i hate being sick. slept all day thursday, threw up all that night, managed to sit up for about five hours friday, had a horrific case of acid reflux that kept me up all last night, and slept till noon today. been running a high fever too, which is very unusual for me. whatever it is i've got, kids, make sure you don't catch it.

[my arms are propped up as i type, and it's too difficult to reach the 'shift' key.]

worldwide weirdness--more twisters. more on the way.
when pelicans attack
3.1 quake near tupelo, mississippi. [haven't seen any news stories on it yet]

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Cyclone death well over 22,000 and 41,000 missing.

The eruption of Chaiten has forced a full evacuation, with ash drifting aall the way across Argentina and into the Atlantic. I'm wondering what effect that will have on agriculture there.


UPdate: Now this is just creepy.

Charlotte, N.C. — “Tomorrow, we shall achieve the victory, that the kingdom of
God may come on earth as it is in heaven, and all those who love the Lord and
will vote for Obama, say Amen.”

The entire "Obamessiah" gives me the willies. While personality cults have a long history, this is the first I've ever witnessed so closely. And it makes my skin crawl to see people toss good sense to the wind and run after and pledge themselves to a fallible human being, seeking rescue in a way that only God can provide.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Wars, rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes in various places...

What's missing? Pestilence!

I'm being a bit facetious here. Still, given everything going on in the world today, I don't take it too lightly.
Today, May 1, is the National Day of Prayer.

Almighty God, Maker of Worlds, Father of Truth, Giver of Life, Ancient of Days:

I come before You today thanking You and praising You for what You have done, what You are doing, and what You will do.

Thank You for the gift of Your Son who took my place on Calvary. I praise You that he has overcome death and now sits at Your right hand, and will rule the nations with an iron rod. Thank You for providing for me, for watching over me, even before I was Yours. I praise You for my family, for my friends. Thank You for placing me in a country that allows me to worship You, and thank You for Your hand upon our history.

Lord God, may Your kingdom come and Your will be done. I ask for peace in Your holy city Jerusalem. May those who love her be secure, may there be peace within her walls, and security within her citadels. I ask for Your continuing hand of protection over Israel and her inhabitants; may You continue to bless and uphold her.

Father, I ask You to bless, protect, and watch over Your children around the world. Comfort those in affliction, under persecution. Awaken those who are comfortable, complacent, apathetic. Prepare all of us for what You have in store. Give us the wisdom to help others.

Father, I ask for Your hand of mercy upon the sick, the hurting, the lonely. I ask for Your healing of body, mind, and spirit. I ask for the release of the captives and Your love toward those who mourn.

Forgive me for the times I fail You, O Lord. Remove from me my pride and rebellion, make me into Your servant that I may carry out Your will. Forgive my people, my nation, for sinning against You. I ask for an outpouring of Your Spirit to gather in the harvest while there is time. Bring us to repentance, bring us to You, Father.

Unto You be all glory and majesty and dominion and praise forever and ever. I ask all this in the blessed Name of Jesus our Redeemer, the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah.

Come, O Lord.
