Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two of the guys who predicted the financial crisis:

Nouriel Roubini - Dr. Doom’s Case for Nationalizing Banks

Peter Schiff - Schiff pans government's direction on economy , Obama's Opening Salvo

While I agree with Schiff, Roubini's suggestion seems more likely to prevail.

Fed in Talks to Add Primary Dealers as Sales Surge
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is in talks with at least four firms to expand the network of dealers that underwrite government-bond auctions as the U.S. prepares to sell more than $2 trillion in debt this year.

Gregg Withdraws Nomination to for Commerce Secretary

Top Intelligence Adviser Warns of Threat From Long Recession
Not, you know, Iran or Pakistan or Afghanistan and especially not North Korea...

NKorea would only use nukes if survival at stake: US intel chief

Computers go missing from nuke lab
Eighty computers have been lost, stolen or gone 'missing' at a major US nuclear weapons lab, the nonprofit watchdog group Project On Government Oversight has said.

Woman accused of illegal export to China
"miniature controls for small unmanned aircraft. The devices can be used to fly small military reconnaissance planes."

Senate Confirms Panetta as CIA Chief
The Senate confirmed Leon Panetta as director of the CIA on Thursday, placing the nation's top spy agency in the hands of a government veteran valued for his skills as a lawmaker and policy manager rather than an expert at intelligence-gathering and analysis.

Do you feel safe now?

Democrats Consider Reviving 'Fairness Doctrine'
Christian broadcasters fear Fairness Doctrine return

Russia Notes Positive Tone From Obama
He and his Chicago buddies are marxists, , his parents and mentors were commies, what's not to love?

Barack Obama will discuss proposed Alaska's natural gas pipeline with Canadian leaders
But it was an awful idea when it was just Palin behind it.

State Department Prepares for Onslaught of Applications for Credit Card-Sized Passports
State Department Prepares for Onslaught of Applications for Credit Card-Sized Passports, The government has introduced passport cards designed to speed border crossings by U.S. citizens traveling to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean, and the State Department is preparing to handle an onslaught of up to 30 million applications.

YouTube Starts Selling Video Downloads

Fiery plane crash near Buffalo, NY, kills 50

Two from Steyn:

The Obamateur Hour


IMF confirms plan to sell 403 tonnes gold

IMF Signs US$100 Billion Borrowing Agreement with Japan

IMF plans $600 billion in 2009 to aid emerging nations: report
... nearly 10 times last year's total.

World Bank urges 'vulnerability fund' amid global crisis

What is a 'vulnerability fund'?
"I propose that developed countries agree to devote 0.7 percent of their stimulus packages to a vulnerability fund to support the most needy," Zoellick told a press briefing.
Sounds a lot like a global tax to me. Such as the Global Poverty Act that Obama introduced while he was in the Senate. Interestingly, I can't find any records of what became of it now...

UN: Call for "new world economic order", as commission for social development concludes general discussion by taking up impact of multiple global crises

Bretton Woods 2: What should be on the agenda?
The big issue: IFIs can only be regarded as successful stewards if they help to recreate the global econ- omy so that it (a) operates within the ecological limits of the planet; (b) eradicates poverty, and radically reduces inequality; and (c) ensures that the human rights of all are met. These outcomes would be the litmus test for any modern day economic architects with global ambitions.


G7 sets sights on urgent economic reform
Global stability G7's top priority
Protectionism row clouds looming G7 meeting
Rome G7: testing unity in time of crisis

EU to hold emergency anti-crisis summits

Scientists to convene climate change summit with Congress, Obama administration

Avoiding the worst: International economic cooperation and domestic politics

Idiocy, United Nations-style

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