Saturday, February 07, 2009

Obama's energy secretary outlines dire climate change scenario
Unmerciful disaster follows fast and follows faster... to the Obamanationals. Meanwhile, the nation freezes down to Palm Beach.

Obama's 'Extreme Team' On Energy

US energy secy says not focused on OPEC decisions

Panel to Advise Obama on Economy

Get Ready For the U.S. Census Fight, Chicago-style

Joe Biden tells Munich confernece: 'US will talk to Iran and ally with Russia against terror'

Peter Schiff Stimulus Bill Will Lead to "Unmitigated Disaster"

Refinery workers to get pay boost in new contract

2 Mice Carrying Plague Disappear From New Jersey Lab

Palm Beach County growers report lots of ice, little damage in cold snap

Two Kentucky Teens Rescued After Car Slides into Icy Creek

Rescue under way for scores stuck on ice floe

5 police, 3 others killed in Mexico

Economy Fuels Brazil's Ambitions Beyond South America
While Brazil's commodity-rich economy will be hit by the downturn, some forecast it will fare better than most, and even grow slightly.

Norwegian military experts to Congo

Congo carnage as US-backed raid backfires

Rwanda Agrees to Hand Over Congo Rebel Leader Nkunda

Republic of Congo, China inaugurate radio-television building

Moto Says Congo’s Largest Gold Mine to Start in 2012

Nigeria: Painkiller Leaves 84 Children Dead

Turkish govt moves to deploy navy off Somalia

Somali pirates agree to free Egyptian ship

Judge ends Zimbabwean opposition treason case

Zimbabwe Detains Local Employee of U.S. Embassy

U.N. begins Zimbabwean cholera mission

Zimbabwe faces 55,000 more cholera cases as disease moves from town to countryside

Cholera claims 52 in Malawi

Cholera tightens grip on SA

UN think-tank reports benefits of single currency for Africa

Vidu quits Rompetrol over Black Sea gas scandal

Gazprom goes for the Russian-made

Sweden Goes Nuclear, Aims to Build New Reactors

Putin denies mystery ABBA concert

U.N. seeks facelift for ageing offices in Geneva

Travel chaos after a year's snow in two hours--UK

Storm Moving on Spain’s Windmills to Slam Power Price

Gazprom announces major gas price cuts

Gazprom says Ukraine pays Jan gas bill in full

Gazprom Delays Gas Pipeline to Europe on Investment Decline (south stream)
Gazprom aims to invest $2.5 bln in Nigeria gas

NATO, Russia argue over troop plans for Georgia regions

Germany-Russia nuclear pact ruffles French feathers

Report: Iran to challenge Israeli blockade

Two rockets strike South; none hurt

Deal for Gilad Shalit, Gaza truce takes form

U.N. halts Gaza imports in dispute with Hamas

U.N. Increasingly Critical of Hamas, Softening on Israel
Looking to make a deal?

Iraq Vote: Al-Maliki Wins Big, But Secularists Encouraged

Iraq minister resigns over lack of aid for women

Egyptian toddler hospitalized with H5N1(bird flu) infection

In teeming camp, fears over Palestinian divisions

How Europe's Companies Are Feeding Iran's Bomb

Iran's New Satellites: The Pasdaran in Space

Khatami victory could block efforts to stop nuclear program
But the Israeli official warned that if Khatami won, he would likely succeed in reducing the level of international pressure on Iran to stop its enrichment of uranium and pursuit of nuclear capability.

"People tend to forget that Khatami as president also promoted the nuclear program," the official said. "If he wins, he would succeed in laundering the program in the eyes of the international community. In comparison to Ahmadinejad, he appears more moderate."

APPEARS being the operative word there.

Tehran says US must accept nuclear programme
The player in charge is the one who makes demands. You'll notice it's not the US here.

Ayatolla: New Iran has altered world political equations

Iran-bound cargo seized in Greece, official says

Cyprus: Ship won't be returned to Iran

Turkey says no link between Nabucco and EU talks

Turkey bombs Kurdish rebels in Iraq

Turkey probes Israel on alleged war crimes

MEMRI: An Escalating Regional Cold War – Part I: The 2009 Gaza War

Arab League chief starts regional tour

Pakistan: Taliban torches 10 trucks on Afghan supply route

24 killed in suicide attack in Pakistan

U.N. Bhutto inquiry to have limited mandate
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A U.N. inquiry into the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto will last just six months and will not launch criminal proceedings, according to details released on Thursday.

That will make it much less far-reaching than an existing probe by the world body of the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, which is expected to lead to a U.N.-organized trial in The Hague.

Disgraced Pakistan nuke scientist freed by court

Pakistan players thrown out of India's IPL
They can't even get along on the field.

Riots, protests condemn Pakistan Shiite mosque blast

Seven police killed in Pakistan

What kind of ally is Pakistan?

Orissa Gov't to Boot Christians from Refugee Camps
After more than six months, the security situation remains perilous for Christians living in Orissa, India. But the lives of these persecuted Christians may soon be even worse now that the Orissa government is evicting them from refugee camps where thereafter they will be again vulnerable to attacks from Hindu extremists.

India says ban on Chinese toys for public safety

NATO chief: more European troops in Afghanistan

Tajikistan ready to help US with Afghanistan supplies

Kyrgyzstan: Piecing Together the Manas Saga

Trans-Asian Railway project finally set to take off

The CSTO: Missions, Capabilities, Political Ambitions

A decision on Belarusians fighting in other CSTO countries taken in Moscow

Police block events ahead of Tiananmen anniversary

Riot Erupts In Tussle Over Malaysian State
Nine held for allegedly rioting with dangerous weapons

Sharia Inspired Laws Spreading across Indonesia

Aussie heatwave has one last hurrah
35 dead, fears toll could top 40, as bushfires rage through Victoria
Toll to hit 40 as police search cars

IMF Says Advanced Economies Already in Depression

IMF May Be Out Of Resources In 6-8 Months
Therefore, IMF is already looking into ways to increase its resources.

Japan has already offered to add US$100 billion to the resources of the fund.

"We need other countries to follow this generous example and provide funds with the means to address the challenges arising from this global crisis."

Hello, global tax! What's another $900 billion on top of $700(Oct. 3) and $800(now)?

Facebook offers up users as marketing tool
Be aware, if you've an account there.


Magnitude 4.8 - RED SEA


Magnitude 5.5 - ATACAMA, CHILE

Magnitude 4.5 - RED SEA

Magnitude 5.1 - BANDA SEA



Magnitude 2.3 - NEW YORK

Magnitude 5.2 - FIJI REGION



Redoubt shakes again but doesn't erupt

Still waaaayyy too quiet. Something's gonna give, and it'll be painful.

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