Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hamas threw 'medicine grenades' at IDF

Hamas: Ceasefire Within 3 Days
Don't hold your breath.

IAF strike in Gaza kills one, critically wounds another

Glick: Enter the Netanyahu Government

First Chapter - 'We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land - A Plan That Will Work,'
by Jimmy Carter
No, I didn't read it. The headline alone made my brain hurt.
I can't believe people still listen to this jackass.

Obama recommits to Hezbollah disarming
Again, don't hold your breath.

PMO: There will be no ceasefire until Schalit is released

BBC Fights to Hide Report on Anti-Israel Bias

Hamas, Fatah try to form 'unity gov't'

Arab Sector Turns to Pan-Arabism, Communists

Iran urges release of citizens held in Iraq by U.S.

Iran, Iraq set $5b target for annual trade

Spike of violence in Iraq leaves at least another 12 dead

Female suicide bomber kills 40 in Iraq

Report: Turkish bombs kill Kurdish rebels in Iraq

10 jailed in Turkey for stealing Croesus' treasure

Turkey angered by comments made by Israeli general
Though everything he said is true.

Cyprus to unload suspect cargo on Iran ship-TV

Petrobras May Confirm Iran Oil Commercial ‘In Weeks’
Brazil is drilling in Iran.

White House warms to thaw in ties with Syria

Commerce Department Waives Syria Sanctions

UNIIIC investigators visit Syria - reports

Clinton Stresses Full Support for Lebanon, Pledges $6 Million for Tribunal

Lebanon's Hariri would not join Hezbollah coalition

Predator drones flown from base in Pakistan, U.S. lawmaker says
Real smart, Nancy.

Germany examining Nazi doctor's papers

Parliament increases age of marriage to seventeen - Yemen
Yeah, 'cause that will matter a lot.

Blackwater Changes Its Name to Xe


Xe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Niger to build nuclear plant in medium to long term

China pledges to increase aid to Africa

World hails Zimbabwean inclusive government
World swallows bs.

UN surprised at female role in 'modern slavery'
UN is stupid.

Congo town mounts own defense against rebels
The town's three policemen fled and there was no response from the military and U.N. peacekeepers to the increasingly panicked pleas for help. That's when residents realized they were on their own.

"We were sending warnings and begging for help practically every day for two weeks. And nothing happened," said community leader Nicolas Akoyo Efudha. "We finally understood that we were abandoned — in danger and without protection."

So Akoyo called a town meeting and told everyone to bring whatever weapons they had: pre-World War II rifles, homemade shotguns, lances, swords, machetes, hunting knives, bows with sheaths of poisoned arrows.

The women came armed with kitchen knives and log-sized wooden pestles used to pound yams into flour.

Since then, the residents of Bangadi have successfully driven off two attacks by the Ugandan rebels, who have killed at least 900 people in this remote northeastern corner of Congo over the past seven weeks.

DR-CONGO: How Many More Will Be Raped?

Peace before justice, Congo minister tells ICC
Isaiah 59

Congo army says kills 40 Rwandan rebels in air raids

Rwandan rebels said to have killed 100 in Congo reprisals

Somali pirates free Japanese-owned ship

Alert Captain of Indian tanker evades pirate attack

Russian warship seizes 3 pirate ships off Somalia

Mexico governor: Cartels behind northern protests

'Hitmen' held over Mexico murders

Peru eyes auction for new natural gas pipeline

Crisis means more child soldiers in Colombia -UN

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