Tuesday, March 04, 2008

This story makes me sick. You've heard it by now; Texas girl gets her friends to help her kill her family 'cause her parents wouldn't let her see her boyfriend. Dad, shot five times, manages to crawl to neighbors house and get help.

It's one of those stories where you just know there's more to it. Most teenagers, if they took any action, would run away together. Given the church shootings in CO not that long back, and what I've seen in my own family, and Matt. 10:21, it's difficult for me not to wonder. I hope I'm wrong. :(


In other news, it's Super Tuesday (redux) and I'm intrigued by the Democratic race. I'm rooting for Hillary, for two reasons. 1--I think she'll be easier for John McCain to beat in the general election, and 2--quite frankly, I think she'd be less likely to gamble with our national security than Obama. She's won Rhode Island, he's won Vermont, and they're still neck and neck in Texas. She's leading in Ohio right now, with only a third of precincts reporting.

UPDATE 1: Hillary takes Ohio. Texas still too close to call.

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