Monday, March 31, 2008


Teen tries to rob 84-year-old former Marine, gets what he deserves

I love it when justice is served. :)
LiveLeak Restores Fitna

Good on them! For anyone not following this story, they had removed the film for security reasonns after receiving death threats. Apparently, they've beefed up security and have restored the video.

The idiocy of radical Islam. If it weren't so deadly, I'd laugh.


On a somewhat related note, a friend of mine is shipping out for Iraq this week. Sorta figured it would happen from the time he enlisted last fall, but I still have that tiny knot in my stomach.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I first heard of the conversion of Magdi Allam this weekend. God bless you, my new brother.

Friday, March 21, 2008

A little bit of spring!
Yeah, they're messing up my page, but I'm too lazy to resize them right now.




Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ferraro Offended By Comparison to Pastor Wright

“What this man is doing is he is spewing that stuff out to young people, and to younger people than Obama, and putting it in their heads that it’s OK to say ‘God damn America’ and it’s OK to beat up on white people,” she said. “You don’t preach that from the pulpit.”

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Geraldine Ferraro, of all people, but I am. I guess we're both just typical white people, huh?


You know, I had thought fairly well of Obama until all this came out. I never would have voted for him, as he's way too liberal, but he seemed like a pretty nice guy, at worst vapid and inexperienced; like Earth, mostly harmless.

Not so much any more. Let's put aside Wright's comments and look at the way Obama handled it: 'the chuch is not that controversial' became 'he's a crazy uncle' became 'I've never heard those kinds of comments and if it's true I denounce them" became 'Yes I heard controversial remarks but it's time to change the subject and move on."

If Hillary weren't his opponent, I think Bill Clinton would be proud of young Barack.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Supreme Court hears arguments in DC gun ban

This should be an interesting one. I firmly believe we have an individual right to keep and bear arms, and I hope the court rules that way.


We had a really interesting discussion Sunday night, about the economy, the election, and about the growth of Christianity around the world. God has blessed us, and we take it for granted all to often. And by we, I mean me.

We're in for a heavy spiritual battle here at my home. Much time in prayer is needed.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Apparently, the rising gas prices have begun to cause a panic. At least in my hometown.


Six pumps, all with the same sign. Everyone filling up before the price rises again, or thinking perhaps it's cheaper here than in the next community... Either way, it adds up to a very unsettling situation.

It's not as bad as it could be. I remember the shortages after Katrina, being afraid of being stranded at work or at home because no station around had any gas--it was pretty creepy and scary. I don't think that's where we're headed anytime soon, but I pray we don't have any nasty hurricanes in the Gulf this year. I'd like our well and refineries to stay up and running, thank you very much.

Absolutely gorgeous day today. Up to the mid-eighties and breezy. I'll be off to the beach in a couple of weeks! Maybe not in the water, but lying in the sun would be lovely.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dutch to legalise gay sex in public park
But dog owners must now keep their pets on leashes or face a fine.

I'd make a bad pun on the name "Netherlands", but it seems overkill.

I'd say I'm shocked, but I'm not really. I know their rates of emigration are pretty high already, and I'm really curious how this is going to fly with their Islamic populace.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Re: Jeremiah Wright

I refuse to dignify him with a title.

He's not blaming 9/11 on bad Middle East policy, he's blaming it on America's moral failings.

Same as Jerry Falwell.

But the same people who condemned Falwell are standing up for Wright.

Because they like Obama and refuse to think clearly about who they're getting in this candidate.

God have mercy on them, 'cause I sure can't work up any.
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11

I really wanted to put some thought into this, but I've just seen a few folks I would have considered friends say they agreed with the monster.

It's hatemongering, pure and simple. It is the same as if they'd agreed with Fred Phelps.

Heartsick now.
Take-your-gun-to-work Law in Florida? Legislature is working on it.

I agree with the AFL-CIO spokesman. (Now there's a sentence I don't write too often!):

The Florida AFL-CIO agrees that the issue isn't about guns but has reached a
different conclusion. A person's Constitutional rights, like having a gun,
shouldn't end when a person enters a business, said Rich Templin, a spokesman
for the AFL-CIO.
"Big corporations are basically saying that your rights as
citizens stop at the boundaries of our property," Templin said. "If you want to
have a job here, you have to give up some rights. If you want to shop here, you
have to give up some rights."

This was a pet peeve of mine where I used to work. It was not a nice neighborhood in a not-so-nice city, and I thought I ought to be able to keep a gun in my car if I wanted to. Of course, that was in Alabama, but I can't do anything about their laws. Florida's, I can.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Well, since I've been following the case...

Brother Charged in Memphis Mass Shooting, Judge Denies Bond

What really blows my mind was that in the first story, prosecutors were still deciding whether to seek the death penalty. I hope that's just a matter of covering their butts, because that's a no-brainer.

On the global warming front...

You mean warming here on earth is linked to warming on Mars?!? and what happened in the long distant past will likely happen again?!? Oh, shock and horror! {Where's that sarcasm font when you need it?}


Life here right now is just ducky. Spring has finally come, the fruit trees and azaleas are blooming, baby animals are being born... this is maybe my favorite time of year. With Easter being this early, it may be difficult to find dogwoods for the traditional bouquet at church, but we'll make do somehow. :)

Sermon yesterday was... whoa. Ever have those when you feel like someone's looking over your shoulder during the week? Not that I felt preached at, just that it touched so much of what I've been feeling and sensing for the past few weeks. Time winds down. Are we ready when the clock stops?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

California court: Home school parents must have teaching credential

This makes me want to hit something. Parents should have the right to educate their children as they see fit, and if that means doing it themselves, they should be allowed to.
Police ask for help in Memphis murders
Not such a great background for the adults. Poor kids are under guard.
Meanwhile, it gets weirder.


I liked Huck. Didn't figure he'd win, but he represented my beliefs better than the other candidates. Here's a nice wrap-up article.

Frank Buckles, the last U.S. military veteran of WWI, honored at the White House today.

Blast in Times Square recruiting station. It's terrorism, let's not pretend otherwise, but it smacks of domestic moonbats, not jihadis. I hope they catch the bastard.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Police find 6 bodies in Memphis home
4 adults, 2 children reportedly shot; 3 wounded children also found

I don't want to hear about another mass murder. I don't want to!
This story makes me sick. You've heard it by now; Texas girl gets her friends to help her kill her family 'cause her parents wouldn't let her see her boyfriend. Dad, shot five times, manages to crawl to neighbors house and get help.

It's one of those stories where you just know there's more to it. Most teenagers, if they took any action, would run away together. Given the church shootings in CO not that long back, and what I've seen in my own family, and Matt. 10:21, it's difficult for me not to wonder. I hope I'm wrong. :(


In other news, it's Super Tuesday (redux) and I'm intrigued by the Democratic race. I'm rooting for Hillary, for two reasons. 1--I think she'll be easier for John McCain to beat in the general election, and 2--quite frankly, I think she'd be less likely to gamble with our national security than Obama. She's won Rhode Island, he's won Vermont, and they're still neck and neck in Texas. She's leading in Ohio right now, with only a third of precincts reporting.

UPDATE 1: Hillary takes Ohio. Texas still too close to call.