Saturday, May 23, 2009

Israeli Arabs blast plan for PA to cede Temple Mount sovereignty
The northern branch of the Islamic Movement blasted Thursday a proposal for the Palestinian Authority to relinquish sovereignty over the Temple Mount in exchange for international Islamic control of the site.

"The proposal to transfer sovereignty to a third state stems from the attempted to internationalize the Al Aqsa Mosque, and actually this is a proposal whose significance is the continuation of the occupation; therefore, such a proposal must be aggressively rejected," the Israeli Arab group said in a statement.

Palestinian sources have said the PA would accept the management of the site by the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Conference, whose 57 member states include Iran, as part of a final-status peace agreement.

Netanyahu: Jerusalem will 'never again be partitioned and divided'
I hope he means it, and it not simply buying time. But whether Bibi is the one to sign or not, the city WILL be divided. It's in the Book.

France: Jerusalem should be capital of two states

Israel opens three new diplomatic missions abroad
- Turkmenistan, New Zealand, Sao Paolo

Israel wraps up drill to combat Iran strike


Defense Min. shuts down Iran unit


Obama quashed Israel military option against Iran
Israel had a window to act, and let it slip. What Bush and Clinton did to Israel stinks to high heaven, and Barry's gonna make 'em both look like amateurs.

Israel says shots fired from Syria at Golan troops

Ancient First Temple Artifacts Uncovered in Jerusalem

God is stronger than Obama, say Israeli settlers defying bulldozers

White House: Obama won't unveil Mideast peace plan in Cairo
So they say. What he will say will be bad enough, I expect.

Obama: 50 Gitmo detainees cleared for transfer

Pentagon Set for an Overhaul
The House passed a bill aimed at revamping the Defense Department's system for acquiring weapons, helping set the stage for a change to the sometimes-unwieldy procurement process.

Obama advisor: “It is not our goal to reduce the number of abortions”
Well, then. There it is.

What Was With That Plane?
Memphis. Anyone who thinks this is a coincidence is lying to himself. WAKE THE HELL UP!

What Are We Stimulating? by Mark Steyn
SEVCA serves two rural counties with a combined total of a little over 40,000 households. If you wanted to stimulate the economy, you’d take every dime allocated to Windsor and Windham counties under ARRA and divide it between those households. But, if you want to stimulate bureaucracy, dependency, and the metastasization of approved quasi-governmental interest-group monopolies as the defining features of American life, then ARRA is the way to go. Oh, you scoff: ARRA, go on, you’re only joking. I wish I were. We’re spending trillions we don’t have to create government programs to coordinate the application for funds to create more programs to spend even more trillions we don’t have.

Barack Obama is giving Iran the time it needs to build a nuclear bomb
The author chalks it up to incompetence or delusion. Me, I think it's deliberate.

4 Arrested in Plot to Bomb NYC Synagogue
Four arrested in alleged New York bomb plot
The men were identified as James Cromitie, also known as Abdul Rahman; David Williams, or Daoud; Onta Williams, or Hamza; and Laguerre Payen, or Amin.

Jailhouse converts. More of these are on the way.

China Becomes More Choosy in Buying U.S. Debt

GMAC Gets $7.5 Billion in Federal Funds for Car Loans

Panama moves to top of Obama's list for a trade agreement
A frequent critic of NAFTA and other trade pacts when he was on the campaign trail, President Obama is now throwing his support behind a trade deal with Panama, courting a potential backlash among his labor supporters.

Canada, Brazil, Chile, Europe protest tax credit

Computer Virus Strikes FBI, U.S. Marshals Service

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to visit China
Can she stay there? Please?

Contractors say Blackwater supplied forbidden guns

Fire at Miami Beach synagogue inspires fears of anti-Semitism

NY: Dozens injured in Jewish school grate collapse

Clinton plays down more U.S. sanctions on Iran now
Oy. We're not even going with sacntions.

Iran's Nuclear Shopping List

Iran Threatens to Send U.S. Allies 'Into Hell'

Iraq eyes gas exports to Europe via Arab pipeline

Iraq bombings kill 23 in Baghdad and Kirkuk

Syria and the 'China Growth Model'

How far will US support for Lebanon go?
All the way. If we can normalize Arafat, we can recognize anyone.

Jailed Libyan Dissident Dies in Jordanian Hospital

UAE seeking new terms for rejoining GCC union

Pakistan, India and U.S. Begin Sharing Intelligence

Pakistani troops encircle Taliban base in Swat
Pakistani military shows off captured Taliban base

Pakistan Says Uzbek, Chechen Fighters Aiding Taliban in Swat

Turkmenistan: Gazprom Still Not Taking Delivery of Turkmen Gas

Kazakhstan Bans Book Over 'Secrets'

Tajikistan's President: No Photos, Please

Sri Lanka says it lost 6,000 troops in final phase of war

Tamil children 'being abducted'

David or Goliath? China's battle to win the war of perception

Will Taiwan Defect to China?

10 arrested in east China over brick kiln slavery

China to launch iron ore trading platform

South Korea's ex-president 'dies'
Later reports confirm it as a suicide, but even then, why the scare quotes? He did indeed die, whatever the cause. *scratches head*

Russia, Kazakhstan pooling potentials to counteract global crisis

Russia seeks more Asia grain exports, Black Sea links

Putin Raises the Stakes in his Black Sea Gas Gamble

Gazprom and VNG Sign Deal to Co-Operate in Natural Gas Storage Sector

Gazprom, Slovenia sign 15-year gas supply agreement

Gazprom plans to raise its stake in Sibir Energy

Russia's Gazprom to cut 2009 output

Gazprom troubles may impact EU consumers
No, really?

Russia, Ukraine on verge of new gas row - source
No, really?

No Gas Deal at the E.U.-Russia Summit
Winter comes sooner than Europe would like.

Russia puts military satellite into orbit

Nuclear Renewal: Siemens Seeks to Cash In on Russia's Atomic Adventure
Nuclear power is back in vogue in Russia, with 26 new reactors scheduled for construction by 2030. German industrial giant Siemens has grabbed a piece of the pie. But safety and financial concerns threaten to overshadow the country's atomic ambitions.

Petrobras sees $300 mln Turkey Black Sea investment

Georgia: Tbilisi Woos Arab Investment

Georgian TV: Mutiny suspect killed, 2 wounded

Clashes break out in Greece over Koran incident

Spain: US soldiers charged over Iraq death

Spain holds 'voodoo' traffickers
Spain holds 23 people suspected of trafficking Nigerian women into the country and forcing them into prostitution using voodoo curses.

British Airways makes worst ever loss

Navy warships dispatched as Spanish invade seas around Gibraltar

Egyptian police seize explosives in Sinai

Egypt arrests Qaeda cell over deadly bombing

Italian warship arrests 9 pirates off Somalia

Toxic developments in Somalia: Horn of Africa under threat

News From USJFCOM: Command assesses joint task force in the Horn of Africa

Insurgent Attacks Cause 45,000 to Flee Mogadishu, UN Says

Heavy fighting explodes in capital of Somalia

Nigeria Oil Falls to 50% of Capacity as Fighting Kills Hundreds

Twelve Nigerian soldiers missing in Delta: army

Buenos Aires Synagogues Get Bomb Threats

Venezuelan TV owner's business raided

Guards let Mexico inmates escape
Remember those 53 escapees? Turns out it was more of a release.

Brazil plane crash, at least 11 thought dead-local media
The plane was owned by businessman Roger Wright, owner of Arsenal Investmentos and ex-director of Banco Garantia, according to local media.

U.S. unveils Atlantic hurricane forecast

Fire hits eastern San Diego County, burns 60 acres before being halted

96,000 Pounds of Beef Recalled

Magnitude 4.6 - BANDA SEA

Magnitude 5.1 - TONGA

Magnitude 1.9 - NEW YORK



5.4 Quake Jolts Kashmir-China Border


Magnitude 4.4 - GREECE



Magnitude 4.7 - COLOMBIA


Magnitude 5.7 - PUEBLA, MEXICO
Earthquake hits Mexico City


Magnitude 4.7 - SOUTHERN GREECE



When earthquakes hit, it's the poor city dwellers that die
No, really?

Earthquake fault much larger, more dangerous than thought
WASHINGTON -- An earthquake fault previously believed to be limited to an area south of Washington state's Whidbey Island actually stretches 250 to 300 miles, from Victoria, B.C., to Yakima, Wash., crossing the Cascade Mountains and capable of producing a major earthquake, new research shows.

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