Friday, May 15, 2009


Italy wants Netherlands and Spain in G8 summit

Armageddon averted? - finance
Not so much, I think.

Crisis shows need for new global bank charter: IMF
JEKYLL ISLAND, Georgia (Reuters) - Spillovers from the financial crisis warrant the creation of an international bank charter, a senior IMF official said on Wednesday.

Around the world, starting here in the US:

CA - State's system of governing by apocalypse

Social Security - Apocalypse When?

'Recession Apocalypse': Preparing for the End of the World

Apocalypse? Giddyup!

Retail sales drop unexpectedly in April

U.S. producer prices rebound in April on food prices
FOOD prices...

Canada urged to nationalize USS plant
Steel industry, being nationalized in Canada. Coming soon to America!

Bankers Told by Paulson to Accept U.S. Aid or Be ‘Vulnerable’

Chrysler Asks Leave to Cancel 789 Dealer Agreements

GM eliminating about 1,100 dealer franchises

Regulators urge Bank of America board overhaul: report
Power grab.

Prudential, Allstate, Four More Insurers to Get TARP Capital From Treasury
More power grab!

Obama administration to expand housing plan

Obama on Healthcare Reform: 'The Stars are Aligned'

Familiar Obama Phrase Being Groomed as a Slogan
New Foundation. I mentioned it a while back, and it keeps turning up.

Barack Obama holds 'poetry jam' at White House
There once was a man called Obama
Who was raised by his typical white grandmama
He tossed her under the bus
And it made so little fuss
He does it anytime now when there's drama.

Meh. I'm no poet. Still beats his underwater apes.

Pentagon warns city of military flyover for NORAD training mission
Somebody got the memo: No more secret military flights over U.S. cities without warning the locals. The Pentagon put out a notice Wednesday that the North American Aerospace Defense Command will conduct training missions over Washington, D.C., starting early Friday.

Jet fighters over Vancouver today part of 2010 training exercise
At least they were warned. Lots of jet flybys lately. I'm sure it's all perfectly innocent. The government would never lie to us, right?

U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes if Country Falls to Taliban
American intelligence sources say the military's chief terrorist-hunting squad has units operating in Afghanistan on Pakistan's western border and is working on a secondary mission to secure foreign nuclear arsenals if the Taliban or Al Qaeda overwhelm Pakistan.
I feel safe now, don't you?

Pentagon official charged in China espionage case

Murtha Rival Says Congressman's Top Aide Threatened to Have Him Court-Martialed

Pentagon: Ky. weapons stockpile will be last to go
The Pentagon says a chemical weapons storage site in Kentucky will be the nation's lone stockpile to miss a 2017 deadline imposed by Congress for destroying the deadly munitions.

Hunt For I-680 Freeway Sniper Intensifies - San Francisco
FREMONT, Calif. -- The Highway Patrol said Wednesday it has new evidence connected to the 45 reported nighttime shootings that have occurred on Interstate 680 between Washington and Mission boulevards over the last two months. Thursday, May 14, 2009.


White House names dates for Mideast leader visits
"The president looks forward to welcoming key partners in the effort to achieve a comprehensive peace in the Middle East to the White House later this month," said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs in a statement.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel will visit on May 18, President Mubarak of Egypt will visit on May 26, and president Abbas of the Palestinian Authority will visit on May 28.

"With each of them, the president will discuss ways the United States can strengthen and deepen our partnerships, as well as the steps all parties should take to help achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians and between Israel and the Arab states."

Obama ready to end game of pretence
Time to strongarm Israel into a treaty!

Obama warns Netanyahu: Don't surprise me with Iran strike

Israel vows not to surprise U.S. with strike on Iran

PA still seeks Israel's demise, US-trained army could attack Jewish state
Speaking with Lebanon's ANB Television last week, Palestinian Authority representative in Lebanon Abbas Zaki said he personally doesn't desire any kind of peace deal with Israel, but explained that establishing a state in Judea and Samaria with eastern Jerusalem as its capital will be a step toward Israel's destruction.
More worrying was US General Keith Dayton's apparent revelation this week that the Palestinian soldiers he is currently training could attack Israel in the near future.

Speaking at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Dayton said, "There is perhaps a two-year shelf life on being told that you're creating a state, when you're not."

Writing in the liberal magazine The Nation, investigative journalist Robert Dreyfuss noted, "To my ears, at least, his subtle warning is that if concrete progress isn't made toward a Palestinian state, the very troops Dayton is assembling could rebel."

That article in The Nation: US General Builds A Palestinian Army

First, the background. For the past three and a half years, Dayton has lived and worked in Jerusalem and across the West Bank, overseeing the creation of three Palestinian battalions of troops, hand-picked in the West Bank, trained at an academy in Jordan, and then deployed in the occupied territory.

The three 500-man battalions are intended to grow, to as many as ten battalions. Their mission, he said, is to "create a Palestinian state."
Now for the warning. Recognizing that by organizing and training thousands of Palestinian troops, professionally led, he is creating in effect a nationalist army, Dayton warned the 500 or so WINEP listeners that the troops can only be strung along for just so long. "With big expectations, come big risks," said Dayton. "There is perhaps a two-year shelf life on being told that you're creating a state, when you're not."

We are up shit creek, people.

Zechariah 12
1 This is the word of the LORD concerning Israel. The LORD, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the spirit of man within him, declares: 2 "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

This pope's just messed up. Sick.

Hitler Youth past is denied by Pope on trip hit by row over Holocaust

Pope Calls Security Wall 'Tragic', PA Gets Photo-Op it Wanted

Mubarak says Israeli FM still not welcome in Egypt

Israel hands over Lebanon cluster bomb maps: U.N.

Border Guard officer lightly wounded in Na'alin riots

IAF commander: Iron Dome system will be deployed in 2010
Maj.-Gen. Ido Nehushtan also predicts David's Sling and Arrow 3 missile defense systems will be operational within four years.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu visits Jordan

Livni: Time is running out for peace process

Syria: Israeli government not a good peace partner
Amanda: Syria can piss off. Now if only Israel would say so.

US envoy Mitchell prepares landmark Syria visit: Al-Hurra

Syria denies country is route for al-Qaida
Syrian officials are denying a news report that al-Qaida has resumed sneaking fighters into Iraq through Syria.

Turkish president: Syria key to solving Middle East problems

Lebanon, Syria to boost 'anti-terrorism' cooperation

Spike in suicide attacks: Is Al Qaeda in Iraq coming back?

Al Qaeda calls for Islamic rule after Yemen violence

Analysis: Iran moves to explore offshore Caspian

Iranian soldiers, Kurds killed in battles

France eyes airplane, railway deals in Gulf-paper
France again! That's a nut I haven't cracked yet.

Uranium provides Jordan with spark for much-needed economic bonanza
When King Abdullah II opens the regional meeting of the World Economic Forum beside the Dead Sea today, he will make much of his small country’s extraordinary resilience.

Turkey keen to pass commercial reform before July-lawmaker

Conference on “Security and Cooperation in the South Caucasus” to be held in Armenia

Four Confirmed Dead In Armenia Factory Blast

Georgian Opposition Divided Over Tactics In Wake Of Inconclusive Meeting With President
Georgian Protesters Clash With Tbilisi Police, Injuring Leader

Georgia accuses Russia of backing attempted coup

Russia GAZ confirms interest in JV with Magna, Opel

Polish PGNiG reaches gas delivery deal with Gazprom

Novatek, Gazprom Look at 4 Year Deal

Gazprom to supply Asia

Gazprom/DESFA agreed on Greek part of South Stream

Russia to get Sakhalin royalties in gas - Mr Putin

Kazakhstan commits to Russian-led Europe gas link

Russia signs deals for its 'EU rival' pipeline

Energy conflicts could bring military clashes, Russian security strategy warns
NOOOOOOO!!!!! Say it ain't so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Era of cheap gas' over: Putin
MOSCOW — Gas exporting states on Tuesday finalised the creation of a new Qatar-based forum aimed at coordinating gas policy that consumer countries fear could become the gas equivalent of oil cartel OPEC.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned at the meeting of ministers from the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in Moscow that the "era of cheap gas" was over and that consumers would face higher prices in the future.

"A new organisation has been born today.... The charter has been agreed. The headquarters will be in Qatar," Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said after the meeting.

Smugglers build oil pipeline from Russia to Ukraine

Gorbachev: Europe misunderstands Russia
I'm just a boy whose intentions are good...

Russia offers to revive European arms-control deal

Russia says planned European security treaty not aimed at NATO

Russia to revamp Mongolian railway, eyes uranium

Russia Starts Review Of Putin-Era NGO Restrictions

Vladimir Putin signals return as president with court reform
The Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin, has been accused of plotting his return as president after the Kremlin announced plans to strip judges of the right to elect the head of the country's powerful constitutional court.

Russia's Putin says would be pleased to meet Obama
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin answered with a "Why not?" when asked on Wednesday if he would meet U.S. President Barack Obama during his planned visit to Russia this summer.

Taliban’s popularity rises after massacre of the Pashtuns

Pakistan gets control of drone attacks

Scuffles at northwest Pakistan refugee camp
Pakistan hospitals, camps are overwhelmed

AP source: US wants faster training in Pakistan

McChrystal Faces Raft of Issues as New Commander in Afghanistan
Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the former Special Operations chief who is President Obama's new choice to lead the war in Afghanistan, rose to military prominence because of his single-minded success in a narrow but critical mission: manhunting.

Man in the News - A General Steps From the Shadows
WASHINGTON — Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the ascetic who is set to become the new top American commander in Afghanistan, usually eats just one meal a day, in the evening, to avoid sluggishness.

Whoa. Dude even EATS like a predator.

India: Abducted railway officials rescued

Analysis: China arms may have secured Sri Lanka rout of Tigers
With Sri Lanka’s military claiming to be on the verge of at last crushing the Tamil Tigers, many are asking if that victory has come thanks only to a life-saving injection of Chinese weaponry.

Asia Watches As China's Navy Grows

US, China naval talks

China arrests returned Tiananmen student leader: family
BEIJING (Reuters) - A former student leader of China's 1989 pro-democracy movement has been arrested on fraud charges, his family said on Wednesday, weeks before the 20th anniversary of the June 4 crackdown on Tiananmen Square protests.

What is missing from China data? Shipbuilding.

US lawmakers target China currency policy

China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
The Chinese yuan is preparing to overtake the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, economist Nouriel Roubini has warned.

S. Korea Files Claim to Seabed Between China and Japan

One dead in anti-Chinese riots in PNG - media

Gun battle in Nigeria oil swamps

Nigerian militants warn oil firms to evacuate staff

18 Filipinos, 4 Nigerians on ship seized off Nigeria

U.N.: 90 dead after Hutu attack in Congo

Zimbabwe rights lawyer arrested

Somalia insurgents vow fight to topple government

Somali pirate ships 'work as one'

U.S., Korean warships stop Somali pirate attack
South Korean and American warships stopped a suspected pirate attack on an Egyptian ship in the Gulf of Aden, capturing 17 suspected pirates, the U.S. Navy announced Thursday.

US blames Eritrea for violence in Somalia
And you know who's been meddling in Eritrea? Iran, that's who.

More than 100 die in Somalia clashes

South Sudan cattle raid crackdown
Oy. Pirates in Somalia, rustlers in Sudan... next thing you know there'll be ninjas in Ethiopia.

Sudan govt forces bomb near North Darfur-UN

Sudan: Kenyan Catholic Priest Survives Ambush By Bandits

Prehistoric fishing tackle found in Egypt

Egypt oil minister warns of oil price spike

Egypt, Italy strengthen bilateral ties

Egypt refusing to sign WMD treaties

Egypt finds huge Sinai munitions cache

Venezuela Seizes Oil Services Firms, Raises Risk To Output

Brazil slum residents torch cars after drug raid

Amazon Indians declare `insurgency' against Peru

Chile Open to Tunnel Proposal Giving Bolivia Access to Sea
“This government is open to all suggestions and ideas that signify progress for Latin American integration,” Chilean Foreign Minister Mariano Fernandez said Monday at a press conference confirming that the Chilean government is willing to study the proposal by a group of architects that would provide landlocked Bolivia with access to the sea through a tunnel to an artificial island in the Pacific Ocean.

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