Sunday, March 15, 2009

No reconciliation with Mullah Omar: Pentagon

Minnesota connection? Experts warn that Somali extremists are radicalizing Americans

No decision on US refueling tanker: Pentagon
Obama pushes for five-year delay for Air Force tanker

Navy Sends Destroyer to Protect Surveillance Ship After Incident in South China Sea
Obama calls for measures to stop China Sea clashes
U.S. vessel's standoff with Chinese sub 'dangerous,' analyst says

Pentagon Rethinking Old Doctrine on 2 Wars


Economic crisis shows government isn't the answer |
Nationalize banks - Salt Lake Tribune
Washington Square News - Gov’t should dissolve, not nationalize failing banks
We’re left with no choice but to nationalize - Las Vegas Sun
Bank of America CEO warns against nationalization

Everybody's talking about it, but not everyone is aboard. Obviously the hopium supply is wearing a bit thin.

Stress Test Zombies: Not Too Big To Fail? Tough Tootsies Little Banks!

Summers Says Economy Hasn’t Hit Bottom, Job Losses May Continue

And this one's my favorite:

Nationalize Newspapers. Or Bail Them Out. But We Can't Let Them Disappear
Because we don't have enough government media.

Calif. brokers indicted in $7 million lender theft

Madoff Jailed After Pleading Guilty to Epic Scheme

China’s Premier Wen ‘Worried’ on Safety of Treasuries
Obama Administration Tries to Reassure China on Treasury Debt
"Tries" being the operative word, there.

Texas state health agencies ban workers from going to Mexico

Ron Paul defends earmarks, says anti-pork McCain is just grandstanding
HA ha! Sorry, Paulbots, your guy is as crooked as all the others are.

Marriott may be 'interested in' The Greenbrier

Shooting spree left 11 dead in less than an hour
Samson deputy loses wife and 3 mo. old daughter
Tuesday's rampage is deadliest in Alabama history
Violent DVDs found in Ala. shooter's home

Tennessee Church Gunman Hoped Attack Would Provoke More Like It

Man kills 4 at gathering in Miami, then kills self

Woman, stepdaughter slain in Wash. ax attack

Turkey Sees a Greater Role in Obama's Foreign Policy

Obama picks U.S. ambassadors to Iraq, Afghanistan

Freeman blames 'Israel lobby' for ouster
it was teh jooooooooooooooooooooos! Ugh.

Column One: Intelligence and the anti-Israel lobby

I’d have preferred his prosecutor got the job, but I’m vindictive like that
I mention this for one reason: Tony Ward is the President’s nominee to head the Justice Department’s Civil Division. If you want to know how far we are past 9/11, there’s your answer: John Walker Lindh’s defense attorney is going to work for Justice. I’m not saying he wouldn’t do a perfectly competent job.

It just seems like one of those things that might have stuck out, once upon a time.

Cohen Withdraws From Running for No. 2 Treasury Job

Obama Afghan Plan Focuses on Pakistan Aid and Appeal to Militants
Birds of a feather.

Obama talks to Indonesia, Saudi leaders on economy

US officials to Obama: Talk to Hamas

U.S. disagrees with British decision to engage Lebanon's Hezbollah
For now. I think you can see from all the preceding that it won't last.

Brazil leader takes regional clout to White House
And gets bumped back and his name misspelled. Classy, Barry! 'Course, this guy isn't what I'd call a friend:

Brazil's Lula: A Bridge to Latin America's Left?

Obama may get cheaper, stripped down helicopter

Obama Team Heads to 'War' Over Economic Agenda
A wave of top Obama financial advisers blanketed the airwaves to promote the president's budget proposal; at the same time they tried to blunt Republican charges that the White House is exploiting the crisis to enact sweeping changes.
But it's exactly what they've said they're doing. And it's exactly what the Republicans have done.

Mtl police to don military fatigues at weekend anti-police brutality march
Organizers of an annual anti-police brutality demonstration say they can't be held responsible for how the traditionally violent march unfolds on Sunday.
Sounds like they're hoping to drum up some more charges of brutality.

Canada takes steps to protect Arctic

Obama Considers Request to Deploy Troops to Mexican Border

Mexico: As body count rises, morgues filling up

Mexico drug cartels buying public support

Feds bolster agents on border with Mexico

Nine bodies found in common grave near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

2,000 more troops arrive in Mexican border city

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