Wednesday, March 18, 2009

“Acmetal”:Currency of the Recession to make London Debut
How Wile E. Coyote pays for his merchandise. *I know, I know...*

Kremlin to Pitch New Currency at G20
This is a different one from the Kazakh "acmetal".

Moscow proposes a ’new order’

Russia for global financial reforms


Fifth World Water Forum Opens in Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Forum Examines World's Dwindling Water Resources

World Bank appeals for water investment

The American Legion Strongly Opposed to President's Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment
Vets attack Obama health proposal
Obama backs off plan to alter vets’ healthcare
Trial balloon.


There are currently 17 upper level positions unfilled at Treasury. And more in other depratments. And yet...

Pentagon readies its cyberwar defences

Pentagon Puts Controversial Personnel Plan on Hold

Military Weighing Its Use of Contractors

Major Players Look To Fix Weapons Acquisition

Obama taps Russia specialist for arms control post

Gates readies big cuts in weapons

White House says NATO is no threat to Russia
Now THAT'S the truest thing I've heard in ages!!!

Krugman Says Mild U.S. Recession Became a ‘Plunge’
March 17 (Bloomberg) -- Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman said the world is in a “coordinated global slump” that “looks worse in Europe and in Japan” than in the U.S. and he called for more public spending to combat the crisis.

China cements role as top creditor to US: Treasury

What is up with all the brouhaha over AIG?

Obama will try to block executive bonuses at AIG

Armed guards at AIG offices after death threats over bonuses

Rage at AIG Swells As Bonuses Go Out

Obama Town Hall: A lesson on banking and how AIG is like a suicide bomber

Michelle Malkin » The Kabuki Theater of AIG Outrage

It's being drummed constantly by the White House and the media--it's pretty darn useful for them, actually. You whip up public anger at the corporations, and you can use if for a front to get more control.

Obama seeks greater rein on financial institutions

It also distracts the populace from the real outrage: We're printing money left and right, and the latest cash dumps were never voted on at all.

Fed launches bold $1.2T effort to revive economy

Don't panic. Read your Bible. Read a good survival manual.

Then go out and practice those things you've read.

Works and Days » The “Depression” for Us Idiots

Cheaper gas can't last, analysts warn

Feds to ease restrictions on 'American Taliban'

The Nationalization Option
Brazilian FM: U.S. should nationalize banks
Look for it.

Missouri report on militias, terrorists draws criticism
Oh, dear. There goes my good citizen award.

Who sent soldiers into an Alabama town last week?
Who sent 22 military police and an Army officer into the tiny Alabama town of Samson last week after a gunman went on a rampage that left 11 people dead? That's what the U.S. Army would like to know.
I'm cautiously worried about this one. Guy was on a rampage, and communities often have agreements with nearby bases to help--Eglin lends their bomb-sniffing dogs to our sheriff's department and city police. But in this case, seems like a lot of MPs and no one knowing how they got there. Not good.


San Diego Union-Tribune Says It Was Sold To Platinum Equity

Northrop Grumman willing to divide tanker contract with Boeing

Boeing Unveils New Stealthy F-15


There's more, but it'll have to wait for a decent hour. me sleepy.

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