Saturday, January 24, 2009

Officials: Obama to reverse abortion policy
In a long-expected move, President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order ending the ban on federal funds for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option.

On 36th Anniversary, Obama Praises Roe v. Wade Precedent

Roe Is Only the Beginning

US FDA allows first test of human stem cell therapy


Psalm 94

1 O LORD, the God who avenges,
O God who avenges, shine forth.

2 Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
pay back to the proud what they deserve.

3 How long will the wicked, O LORD,
how long will the wicked be jubilant?

4 They pour out arrogant words;
all the evildoers are full of boasting.

5 They crush your people, O LORD;
they oppress your inheritance.

6 They slay the widow and the alien;
they murder the fatherless.

7 They say, "The LORD does not see;
the God of Jacob pays no heed."

8 Take heed, you senseless ones among the people;
you fools, when will you become wise?

9 Does he who implanted the ear not hear?
Does he who formed the eye not see?

10 Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
Does he who teaches man lack knowledge?

11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man;
he knows that they are futile.

12 Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD,
the man you teach from your law;

13 you grant him relief from days of trouble,
till a pit is dug for the wicked.

14 For the LORD will not reject his people;
he will never forsake his inheritance.

15 Judgment will again be founded on righteousness,
and all the upright in heart will follow it.

16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked?
Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?

17 Unless the LORD had given me help,
I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.

18 When I said, "My foot is slipping,"
your love, O LORD, supported me.

19 When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought joy to my soul.

20 Can a corrupt throne be allied with you—
one that brings on misery by its decrees?

21 They band together against the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death.

22 But the LORD has become my fortress,
and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.

23 He will repay them for their sins
and destroy them for their wickedness;
the LORD our God will destroy them.


The great hope - Barack Obama

Gitmo closure: A welcome decision, but late

Obama's nominee defends US work in Indonesia

Intelligence Nominee Won't Say if Waterboarding Is Torture

Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done
I'm not even a fan of Rush, but man, what arrogance.

YouTube - Explosive Video Reich, Obamas economic advisor no "White Male Construction Workers"
Change you can believe in!

Obama Planning Address To Congress

Obama spy choice sees opportunity on Iran, Muslims

Obama asks Pentagon for responsible Iraq drawdown

Obama to 'aggressively' seek ME peace

Obama Envoy Mitchell Arriving Wednesday; NU Calls it Chutzpah

Obama's New Middle East Envoy
Obama names envoys for Mideast, Afghanistan

History's tragic farce

Poll: 55% of Israelis want deal with PA

Assad applauds Mashaal on Gaza 'victory'

Israel to allow Egypt to boost force on Gaza border to fight smuggling
Israel has taken a favorable view of an Egyptian request to increase the force of its border guards along the Philadelphi Route by at least 750 - and possibly as much as 1,500 - according to a senior Israeli political source.

Italian paper: Gazans say Hamas kept them in homes used by gunmen

U.S. Navy stopped Iran ship carrying weapons and headed to Gaza
Sources: US searched suspected arms-smuggling ship

Government to provide full legal backing for IDF soldiers

Iran bolstered by survival of Hamas allies in Gaza

Iran in scramble for fresh uranium supplies

U.N. Powers to Confer on Iran

EU in draft deal to take Iran group off terror list

At Least 5 Dead, Others Wounded in Blast in Western Iraq

Gunmen in Iraq kill family

Turkey wants solid steps from Iraq on PKK

More arrests in Turkey coup probe

Turkey's Middle Eastern Road to Europe

GDF Suez pays $232 million for Turkey gas grid

Guantánamo detainee resurfaces in terrorist group

Lebanon's Daily Star Shut Down

Arab rift over Gaza raises stakes in Lebanon vote

India signs BIPA with Jordan, Syria

Indian-built Afghan road opened

Jumblat Accuses Syria of Blocking the Dismantling of Palestinian Bases

Suspected U.S. Missile Strikes Kill at Least 20 in Pakistan

Is Libya Going To Boot U.S. Oil Companies?

European Commission welcomes Kuwait summit resolutions
The European Union (EU) supports economic and political integration in all world regions, particularly in Arab countries, said Christian Homan, spokeswoman for European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner.

Water problems ‘resurface’ in Jordan

India scandal won't spark reforms

Satyam and Goldman Sachs

India PM’s surgery successful

ASEAN-India economic integration faces difficulties

An OPEC Lesson for China
At his confirmation hearings last week, Tim Geithner branded China a currency manipulator. This is a designation that the Bush Treasury Department never formally affixed to the Chinese. It may signal a nerve-racking shift in how the United States manages its most pivotal relationship.

Thailand defies UN over migrants

Murder investigation leads to explosives stockpile
The army and bomb squad have been called in to dispose of a stockpile of explosives found in a home in Sydney s north shore by detectives investigating seven unsolved murders.

3 bishops oppose revival of nuke plant--Philippines

Philippines- Rodents attack rice farm in Albay province

Kyrgyzstan: Farmers in Distress Turn to Selling Livestock

Man Sentenced 5 Years For Smuggling African Refugees Into U.S.
WASHINGTON — A Ghanaian man was sentenced to five years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to smuggling East African economic refugees into the United States via Latin America.

Mohammed Kamel Ibrahim, 27, was known as "Silk the Shocker" when he lived in Mexico in 2007 operating what U.S. government officials said was a major smuggling pipeline.

Congo rebel leader arrested

Kabila decision to embrace Rwanda angers Congolese

US admiral: Pact near for Somali pirate trials

Zimbabwe cholera cases pass the 50,000 mark: WHO
Cholera Strikes South Africa
Zimbabwe Cholera Cases Surge; Malaria Rises as Concern
Malaria too, now.

City workers in Zimbabwe capital on strike

Nigeria: Only Rail Connection to Port Can Solve Congestion- Railway Boss

Mozambique: Qatar to fund Beira-Malawi oil pipeline

Niger to hold election by December
The government of Africa’s biggest uranium producer, has recently come under pressure with the people staging protests against the alleged plan to extend president Mamadou Tandja's term for a further 3 years.

Caterpillars in Liberia are Destroying Crops, Causing a National Emergency

Brazil unemployment rate at 7-year low

Brazil Freezes $2 Billion Amid Money-Laundering Probe

Petrobras Unveils $174.4 Billion Spending Plan, Counts on Loans

Venezuela: No conflict over Brazil refinery

Peru to Take Bids for Gas Pipeline, Power Lines

Deadly Riot | inmates, riot, prison

Mexico man 'dissolved 300 bodies'
A Mexican arrested by police says he disposed of 300 bodies for a drugs gang by dissolving them in chemicals.

Child matador bullfight suspended in Mexico

Important Steps Made in C.A. Integration
The good news is that Central America's economic integration is racing forward. The European Union, which this month will hold its sixth round of negotiations for an association agreement with Central America, noted that the region is moving ahead on integration faster than any other part of the world.

Cowskulls and dust: Drought grips Argentina

Chávez and Putin: Partners in Crime

Russia to help Cuba with oil projects

Majority of Russians endorse president, PM despite crisis - poll

'Putinka' Vodka sells more than 'Medvedeff'

Russia's Medvedev in Uzbek talks
Gazprom satisfied with Uzbekistan's changeover to market prices

Dangers of defending rights in Russia
This past week, human rights lawyer Stanislaw Markelov and a journalist were walking down a Moscow street when a man with a pistol and a silencer shot and murdered them both.

Russia's Bank VTB Posts a Surprisingly Deep Loss

US judge ordering Russia to preserve Jewish texts

Bulgaria plans to seek compensation from Gazprom
Good luck with that.

Bulgaria - Gazprom Frontmen Come to Bulgaria out of the Blue

Bulgaria seeks restart of old nuclear reactors

European Union: Nabucco gas pipeline, a transit route that bypasses Ukraine, might get boost on May 7

Gazprom lobbyist suspended from EU

Gazprom: South Stream gas pipeline project to go ahead despite world crisis

Gazprom's Reserves on Arctic Shelf Grow

Slovak govt, Gazprom discussing possible joint venture

New EU gas pipeline must avoid Russia: Hungary

Georgia agrees on gas supplies to South Ossetia

Georgia President Lambasts "Relentless Enemy" Putin In TV Phone-in

80 foreign murderers welcomed to Britain: Albanian killers allowed to stay despite being on Interpol 'wanted' list

Paedophiles 'couldn't be split because of human rights'

Britain on the brink of an economic depression, say experts

Thermostat on low? The pipes are calling

UK drenched as 10 days' rain falls in 12 hours

Attacker kills 3 at Belgian nursery

Austrian authorities probe 500-million-dollar counterfeit

Austrians Alerted Prior Attack
VIENNA — Austrian authorities were warned last year that a Chechen man slain in Vienna last week was in jeopardy, an advance summary of a report in an Austrian weekly said Tuesday.

Umar Israilov was shot and killed Jan. 13. Officials said they have no proof that the murder was politically motivated, but news reports and human rights groups claim that the 27-year-old was targeted because he was a former bodyguard and critic of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

Vatican attacks US abortion move

Pope could welcome Holocaust denier back into the fold

European storm death toll mounts

'Apocalyptic' pigeons strike fear in town
The sky turned black when a massive flock of pigeons invaded a quiet town in Staffordshire.

U.S. Releases Nuclear Complex Modernization Details

A 'Bad' Bank Can Solve Our Problems -
As bank shares plunge to new lows around the world, it seems we have entered the next stage of the financial crisis -- most likely the last chapter in this horror story. The final word will probably be nationalization of the major financial institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom and in many other countries.

No, I'm afraid we're just getting started.

Freddie Needs Up to $35 Billion More From U.S.

Alice Rivlin: Economists are too optimistic

Roubini Predicts U.S. Losses May Reach $3.6 Trillion

Hedge Fund Assets May Fall $450 Billion After Worst Performance

Bank nationalizations: Don't bet on it - Jan. 22, 2009
Investors can't seem to shake the notion the U.S. will seize control of a big bank. But experts don't think that's likely.

"Experts" also told us the correction would be mild and would be over by spring of last year.

Citigroup, Bank of America May Look ‘Nationalized’
Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government’s decision to pledge billions of additional dollars with strings attached to Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. may be nationalization by another name, according to former bankers and regulators.

General Electric sees more credit losses in 2009

Deere to Fire 502 in Brazil, Lay Off 190 in Iowa

The Zombie Apocalypse Will Eat Our Economy
Watch out, they're gonna chomp on you!

Salmonella peanut butter and other food scares could speed arrival of RFID kitchens
Just imagine, every item in your kitchen tagged!

Conditions breeding rodent resurgence in North Texas

Wildfire destroys 8 homes in rural West Texas

Wildfire torches 450 acres in Comanche County

Fire officials respond to grass and brush fires, urge caution

Oil rises as Opec output reduced

Fundamental Views on Metals Markets

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