Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Speaking of Russia...

Assad to discuss ME peace process in Russia

Syrian President Bashar Assad is scheduled to visit Moscow next week, the Russian News Agency RIA Novosti reported Monday.

Assad last visited Moscow in December 2006, and Israeli officials Monday dismissed the notion that this visit was in any way linked to Israel's sales of weapons to Georgia.

Although there was some concern in Jerusalem that if Israel did not dramatically reduce weapons shipments to Tbilisi, Russia would sell more advanced weaponry to Syria and Iran, Israeli officials estimated that the visit was a Russian effort to get more involved in the indirect Israeli-Syrian track.

Assad's a busy boy lately.

Syria, Lebanon Agree to Establish Diplomatic Ties
Syria, Lebanon agree to full diplomatic relations for first time, seeking to heal tensions

Syria and Lebanon agreed Wednesday to establish full diplomatic relations for the first time, taking a step toward healing tensions that have fueled decades of turmoil in Lebanon.

Many Lebanese had long seen Damascus' refusal of ties as proof it had not given up claims that its smaller neighbor is part of Syrian territory and still aimed to dominate Lebanon. The deal is a significant symbolic victory for them, acknowledging Lebanon as an independent state.

Syria, however, only agreed to relations after its influence in Lebanon was guaranteed by the creation on Tuesday of a unity government in Beirut that gives Damascus-allied Hezbollah a strong say in Lebanese decision-making.

Lebanon bomb blast hits bus

A bomb set off beside a moving bus in the Lebanese city of Tripoli has killed at least 18 people, mostly military personnel.

Officials say the bomb was sitting on the side of a main street and was detonated as the vehicle drove passed.

Reports say 10 off-duty soldiers were killed, along with eight civilians. Some 40 others were injured by the blast.

Taliban blow up Pakistan Air Force bus, 14 killed

Islamabad, Aug 12 (PTI) The Taliban today blew up a Pakistan Air Firce bus, killing 14 people, mostly airmen, in the northwest city of Peshawar, in retaliation to the ongoing military operation against militants in the country's restive tribal area.

The PAF vehicle was heading from an air force camp at Badabher to provincial capital Peshawar when it was attacked on a bridge in Kohat Road locality. Ten of the dead and five of the 11 injured were PAF personnel.

TV channels reported that 14 people, including a young girl had died in the attack. Inspector General of Police Muhammad Naveed Malik told reporters in Peshawar that 13 people were killed and 11 others injured.

He added the death toll could rise as some of the injured were in a serious condition.

Iran Set For Naval Drill

Iran will soon conduct a naval drill to prepare its forces for any external threats, Iran’s naval commander said.

The military exercise, named Caspian Border Watch, will enhance the capabilities of the Iranian navy, Naval Commander ‘Ali Muhammad Salami said, according to Iran’s Press TV.

The commander added it would prepare Iranian forces for “countering possible threats.”

Eight war vessels will be displayed during the three-day maneuver. No date for the beginning of the drill was given.

'Reports of Iran blockade are false'

Reports that a large American, British and French naval force - made up of nuclear aircraft carriers carrying dozens of fighter jets, warships and submarines - is en route to the Persian Gulf to blockade Iran are untrue, the US Department of Defense told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

"As a matter of policy we do not discuss current or future ship's movements. However, I can tell you that reports of an alleged naval blockade of Iran are false," said Lt.-Col. Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for the assistant secretary of defense for
public affairs.

"We routinely rotate deployed naval forces in the USCENTCOM area of responsibility to maintain our commitment to promoting security and stability in the region," he added. The US Central Command covers the Middle East, East Africa and Central Asia.

Naval blockades are considered acts of war. Of course we have to deny it.

PA: Reported peace offer unacceptable

The Palestinian Authority said on Tuesday it would reject an Israeli peace proposal published in the Hebrew press a day earlier which included withdrawal from most of the West Bank.

They said such a plan, which they did not confirm receiving, would be unacceptable because it did not call for the establishment of a contiguous Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Under the proposal, which was published in Haaretz, Israel would withdraw from 93 percent of the West Bank, in addition to all of the Gaza Strip, after the PA regains control over the Gaza Strip.

A China Threat From Pakistan?

A second deadly attack by suspected Muslim separatists in China's far west has sparked fears that what had until very recently been a largely dormant militant insurgency, has undergone a significant revival. The August 10 bombings at multiple locations throughout the city of Kuqa in the Muslim majority Xinjiang region also heightened concern among security analysts that the recent slew of attacks has been carried out by fighters trained and equipped by jihadist groups in neighboring Pakistan.

Attack in West China Kills 3 Security Officers

BEIJING — Three security officers were killed and one was wounded in a stabbing attack on Tuesday at a road checkpoint near Kashgar, an ancient Silk Road oasis in the far west of China, according to Xinhua, the state news agency.

The attack is the third in nine days against Chinese security forces in the autonomous region of Xinjiang, a vast area that is home to the Uighurs, a Muslim Turkic ethnic minority. Many Uighurs resent being ruled by ethnic Han Chinese.

The spate of violence is the largest in Xinjiang in years, and it coincides with the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, where China has stepped up security for fear of terrorist attacks.

Political killings rock China's north-west

While the world's greatest sporting festival continues in Beijing, in north-west China's Xinjiang Province there has been more political killing, the likes of which has not been seen for years.

According to Chinese media reports, more than 30 people have died in just over a week as Muslim separatists, members of the Uighur minority, try to upstage the Games by attacking police and other government workers.

In the latest incident three security workers were reportedly stabbed to death at a road block yesterday. China's police and military have responded with a large-scale security crackdown.

Chinese Activist Still Missing After Detention

BEIJING (AP) - A Christian activist who was detained on his way to a church service attended by President Bush on the opening weekend of the Olympics has not returned home, his brother said Monday.

Hua Huilin said he and his brother, Hua Huiqi, a member of Beijing's underground Christian church, were stopped by security agents in two black cars on Sunday while they were cycling to the Kuan Jie Protestant Church around dawn.

The pair was taken away in separate cars, and Hua Huilin said he was released a few hours later. He said his brother, however, remained missing.

"We're so worried," Hua Huilin said by telephone Monday. He said he had advised his brother against going because the Olympics were a sensitive period but went along in the end to keep him company.

'Mountains' of gold & oil deposits in China

BEIJING: China is fast turning out to be a global tiger in several commodities. The dragon country is currently the largest producer and consumer of a vast number of commodities--from agri sector to metals and minerals. Now China is catching up with South Africa in gold production also.

And there are 'mountains' of gold deposit in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the north-west of China, says a report published in the World Gold Council. It has reported an increase of 31 per cent for the first half of 2008, compared to the same period last year.

For the first six months the area produced 3.081 tonnes of gold. The district has a reputation in China from ancient times of "treasure on every mountain".

In the Xinjiang area - which covers 1.66 million square kilometres - gold ore can be found in over 600 locations and has an estimated gold resource of 207.48 tonnes. Within two years Xinjiang is predicted to add a further 100 tonnes of gold reserves and its annual production capacity should rise to ten tonnes.

The area borders on Mongolia, Pakistan and Russia.

China, Russia Set to Enhance Strategic Partnership - Chinese Foreign Minister
Monday, July 21, 2008 7:55 PM

BEIJING. July 21 (Interfax) - China and Russia will develop and deepen their strategic partnership and cooperation, as was agreed at the Beijing talks between the Russian and Chinese foreign ministers, Sergei Lavrov and Yang Jiechi, respectively.

"We have agreed that both parties will further endeavor to raise the level of political mutual trust and strategic partnership, to develop trade, economic relations, as well as cooperation in the field of science and technology, arts and culture, and cooperation on the regional level," the Chinese foreign minister said after the talks.

Today, the Russian-Chinese relations "have reached an unprecedented high level," he said. "Our strategic cooperation can be characterized by mutual support of the two countries' key interests," Yang Jiechi said.

"China and Russia have agreed to help each other on the most important international issues," the Chinese diplomat said, describing the talks as "fruitful."

So we're right back to Moscow again.

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