Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Excuse me while I hurl.


Spring has well and fully arrived here. The pecans and persimmons are the last trees to leaf out, and they're full of new growth. The mockingbirds are singing every morning now, and the whippoorwills have begun calling at night. Dogwood blooms hang like lace in the forest, and the swamps are full of froggy choruses.



Is it something we as a society still value? It's something I've been chewing on a lot lately. It certainly isn't something that gets talked about much, and the only time I seem to hear it any more is when mentioning "honor killings" or maybe the Medal of Honor, or the McCain campaign. I think that's sad. Honesty, integrity, and fairness are all quite lovely ideals, and society is doomed when we begin to devalue such attributes.

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