Friday, April 27, 2007

Been such a long week, I don't even know where to start.

I've been having trouble sleeping lately. Laregly because my sinuses have been acting up and I've been running a fever forever, it seems like. Could also be due to the fact that I haven't eaten a decent meal with vegetables and everything since I don't know when. Started taking vitamins again and that's helped, some. At least I've avoided any bizarre dreams.

Didn't get as much accomplished as I would have liked. Can't get behind the wheel when your head's all foggy from sleep deprivation. But I did get enough blackberries picked to make a cobbler, and I baked cookies several times this week. [hmm, I guess I know why my diet isn't working.] Next week I'm going to work on cleaning out my bookcase. It would be nice to have room to actually put some books in it. :)

With all the time I've had on my hands lying in bed staring at the ceiling, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Mostly on the nature of adulthood. Why does it seem like we keep extending adolescence? I guess it was some of the post VT discussion that brough it to mind, people complaining that college kids' medical records couldn't be released to their parents. Thing is, these "kids" are 18 and over. They are legally adults. They can vote, they can drive, they can work and pay taxes. If parents want their offspring to agree to certain responsibilities in exchange for financial assistance, that's fine, but why should they be legally responsible for someone of that age? Does. Not. Compute.

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