Sunday, February 07, 2010



This is not going to end well. The branding continues.

What percentage will be amenable? What percentage are in it for power? What percentage will embrace identity politics? What percentage will join the personality cult? What percentage will go back to sleep after the elections? Will there be enough remaining to accomplish even a slowing of the decline and fall?

Look, Sarah can get up there and talk about small government, but she is supporting John-Cap-And-Trade-Amnesty-McCain(-Feingold). And lest you claim it's payback for being on his ticket in 2008, she's also supporting the truly awful Lindsey Graham.

Politics as usual.

She can wear her Israeli flag pin and talk about supporting Israel, but she endorsed the "two-state solution". Yeah, because turning Judea and Samaria over to the Arabs is a great idea, they've done so well ruling Gaza.

You know what? God's not down with that. And she's claiming His name.

You still wanna support her, go right ahead. But as for me, I shun this kinda crap.

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