Sunday, April 26, 2009

In His Weekly Address, President Obama Calls for Fiscal Discipline
*wheeze, gasp*


Mark Steyn: Who will lead the 'post-American era'?
Barry, of course. He'll just do it as a 'post-American'.

Police search home of UGA prof sought in deadly shooting

FBI Arrests Oklahoma Teabagger For Twitter Threats
Prepare to see more and more of this. This guy deserved it. Not all will.

Extra funding sought for Guard on border
Hoping to prevent illicit drugs and related violence in Mexico from pushing north, Gov. Jan Brewer and leaders of three other southern border states are asking Congress to fund additional National Guard troops along the border.
You'd think trying to keep the flu out would be a nudge, but no.

G7 offers hope crisis is easing
Mood at G7 meeting is cautious, but optimistic
Trust us while we throw more money at it and clamp down on your freedoms!

Brazil, China and Russia Consider IMF's First Bond Offering

China calls for reform of global monetary system


Dispute between Romania and Moldova worsens

EU foreign policy chief to visit Moldova

Saakashvili to take part in energy summit in Bulgaria

Bulgaria President: Gazprom May Not Interfere with Our Sovereignty
Yeah, good luck with that.

EU plans 'ambitious' financial sector reform: Almunia

Europe industrial gas demand down sharply-GDF

Police caught on tape trying to recruit Plane Stupid protester as spy-UK


South Caucasus Emerges As 'Crossroads Of Energy-Exports'
If all the proposed energy-export projects envisioned for the South Caucasus were to be built, hundreds of billions of dollars of oil- and natural-gas revenues could be flowing through the region...

Frustration grows at Georgia protests
'Locking down' Georgia's capital
Tbilisi, Tskhinvali accuse each other of firing upon villages

Two die in TV studio collapse - Georgia


Lebanon arrests 3 more Israel 'spies'

US calls for 'fair' Lebanon poll

IDF: Surge in attempts to smuggle drugs from Lebanon

Top militant 'arrested in Iraq'


'Iran will honor any two-state decision'

Lieberman: Israel will not attack Iran - even if sanctions fail


'Iran arms ship bound for Gaza downed near Sudan'
An Iranian vessel laden with weapons bound for the Gaza Strip was torpedoed off the coast of Sudan last week, allegedly by Israeli or American forces operating in the area, the Egyptian newspaper El-Aosboa reported on Sunday.

Sudan shuts down pro-government newspaper
Pro-government, yet shut down.

Pirates repelled from Italian cruise ship
Israeli guards. W00t!

Petraeus Says Shipping Industry Should Consider Armed Guards
I agree with him on this.

Chinese navy rescues tanker hijacked by pirates
'Escorts' would be more like it...

German Ship Patriot Hijacked By Pirates Off Somalia

Attacks reach 44 in worst month for piracy since records began

Nigeria-Europe gas pipeline sparks fresh interest

Nigerian kidnappers release retired army general

Libya’s National Security Advisor Visits Washington

Zuma ceremony may land Sudan’s Bashir in trouble
I wouldn't count on it. I expect to see him shaking hands with President Zero soon enough.

Violence on the rise in DR Congo


US urges Central Asia to boost gas export routes

Five killed in bombings in Afghanistan

Fear grips Pakistan district

Bomb blast kills 4 children in northwest Pakistan

Pakistani children mistake bomb for toy, 12 killed

Riots in Karachi as 6 more killed


Russia to send more warplanes to Kyrgyzstan

Russia's Kudrin says U.S. treats his country as pupil

'Putin' ice cream sparks outrage in Russia

A Warm Spell in the Kremlin? Medvedev Makes Nice
Good cop, bad cop. And people are buying it.


NKorea says it has restarted nuclear facilities

China's secret death toll

Taiwan, China in landmark financial services deal

The RAN needs aircraft carriers

Revelation 15

1I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God's wrath is completed. 2And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name. They held harps given them by God 3and sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb:

"Great and marvelous are your deeds,
Lord God Almighty.
Just and true are your ways,
King of the ages.
4Who will not fear you, O Lord,
and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed."

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