Tuesday, July 22, 2008

16 hurt in bulldozer attack in J'lem

For the second time in three weeks, an Arab bulldozer driver from east Jerusalem rammed his construction vehicle into a city bus and several cars on a central
thoroughfare in the capital on Tuesday, wounding 15 people before being shot dead by a Druse border police officer and a civilian passerby.

The early afternoon attack on King David Street was seen as a failed copy of July 2's lethal bulldozer rampage on Jaffa Road in which Husam Taysir Dwayat killed three people and wounded dozens before he was killed.

'Focus on the Family' Radio Program Wins Hall of Fame Spot
Gay Activists Enraged Over Pro-Family Program's Hall of Fame Induction

The “Focus on the Family” radio program, founded by prominent conservative Dr. James Dobson, will be inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame despite efforts by homosexual activists to keep it out.

Heard on more than 1,000 stations across the United States by millions of listeners weekly, the 30-minute program is one of the largest and most respected resources for practical, emotional and spiritual support for families in the world.

Its election into the Hall of Fame is the result of online balloting that began in May and ran through July 15 following its nomination earlier this year. The program won in the “national active” category, which includes “active broadcasters who have made at least 10 years of significant contributions to the industry on a national level.”

Dolly Now a Hurricane, Set to Hit Texas Coast
Dolly upgraded to hurricane, set to hit Texas coast; Officials fear flooding may burst levees

Dolly spun into a hurricane Tuesday, heading toward the U.S.-Mexico border and the heavily populated Rio Grande Valley, where officials feared heavy rains could cause massive flooding and levee breaks.
A hurricane warning is in effect for the coast of Texas from Brownsville to Corpus Christi and in Mexico from Rio San Fernando northward.

2008 July 22 05:33:11 UTC

2008 July 22 08:46:51 UTC

Magnitude 3.1 - SOUTHERN IDAHO
2008 July 22 09:32:52 UTC

2008 July 22 13:29:27 UTC

2008 July 22 18:30:35 UTC

2008 July 22 19:40:16 UTC

Magnitude 5.1 - TONGA
2008 July 22 22:46:23 UTC

Chile decrees red alert for volcano eruption

SANTIAGO, July 2 (Xinhua) -- The Chilean regional authorities Wednesday issued a red alert near the erupting volcano Llaima.

The National Bureau of Emergency (Onemi) said the measure includes the creation of a cordoned zone to protect residents from the 50-meter wide lava flow visible from Cherquenco, some 12 km from the volcano.

After Volcanoes Erupt, Chile Decides to Build More Monitoring Stations

According to the Associated Press, the government of Chile has chosen to build three new volcano monitoring centers. Several of the country’s 122 active volcanoes have erupted this year, the most notable event being a sustained eruption of the Chaitén Volcano that started on May 2nd.

After the initial volcanic activity began, approximately 4,500 people were evacuated from the town of Chaitén, which sits at the base of volcano. The eruption lasted through various levels of intensity through July, and several amazing, cool, and intriguing photos depict an electrical storm that occurred one evening directly above
the volcano. Currently, a different eruption that commenced on July 2nd within the Llaima Volcano has other Chilean communities on alert.

Montserrat volcano spews clouds of ash; scientists say no cause for concern

OLVESTON, Montserrat (AP) - Montserrat's volcano shot towers of gray ash more than a mile (2 kilometers) into the sky Monday, but scientists said there was no cause for alarm.

Two blasts late Sunday and two more early Monday released blistering gases and steam from inside a hardened lava dome topping Soufriere Hills volcano, according to Roderick Stewart, director of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory.Wind blowing from the east pushed most of the ash from the 3,000-foot (900-meter) high volcano over open water, said Stewart, adding that there was light ashfall overnight in parts of the British island's west coast hamlet of Old Towne.

Second volcano erupts in Alaska's Aleutian chain

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - A second volcano in Alaska's Aleutian Islands has erupted in less than a month, shooting steam and ash as high as 20,000 feet into the air, officials said on Tuesday.

The eruption on Mount Cleveland on Chuginadak Island took place 90 miles west of Okmok Volcano where ongoing eruptions since July 12 have captured the attention of scientists and forced nearby residents to evacuate.

The initial eruption on Mount Cleveland, a volcano about 940 miles southwest of Anchorage, occurred on Monday, showering ash on nearby fishing vessels, according to the Alaska Volcano Observatory, a joint federal-state office that monitors Alaska's plentiful volcanoes.

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