Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh, my. Eight months between entries really is slacking, even for me.

I thought about posting a time or two during the primary season, before we voted here, but I just couldn't work up the energy. Liked Fred, but I don't think he wanted the job. Couldn't in good conscience vote for Giuliani or Paul. I remembered Mitt's 'conversion' to pro-life and thought well of him for it, but I found out that afterward his state health care plan was funding abortions. Plus his rhetoric didn't line up with his record. Ugh. Not a fan of RINO McCain. Wound up voting Huck, since he had the best record on abortion, and gun control, and I felt like he says what he thinks.

I'm voting McCain in the general election. We're still at war, and still at risk from terror, and quite frankly, he's got a fine record on national defense, and an acceptable one on most of the other issues that really matter to me. I really bleeping hate McCain-Feingold, but it pales in comparison to HillaryCare or, God help us, Obama's global tax.

Immigration is a "meh" issue for me. What little I've been able to find regarding historical immigration laws suggests that we had something pretty darn close to open borders when my ancestors arrived ("free whites"--I'd like to throw that open to all races) and I think folks coming today deserve the same fair shot. I'm a bleeding heart on this; I believe with all my heart the promise of liberty to all--"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." I'd like to see enforcement of our laws and the deportation of people who are here working on other people's ID, but I'd also like to see a liberalization of our immigration laws. I believe we have more to fear from foreign students on expired visas than from Jose the migrant worker.

Of course, back then you didn't have to worry about visas and social security numbers and paying income taxes. Thanks, liberals! it's your bureaucracy that's made it so hard for people to do it the legal way!

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