Friday, January 26, 2007

Well, I've gone through this blog and deleted quite a bit of material which I've decided in retrospect that I'm unhappy with because it was either too personal or too wishy-washy or didn't reflect what has been on my mind more of late. I suppose I could have left more up for the sake of history, but that's better left on my hard drive, in my opinion.

But I did decide to leave the "rebel" post, as it is still relevant. Also, I quoted de Tocqueville and it makes me look all smart and stuff. ROTFL. I regret that I haven't been reading as much, lately. Or rather, I have, but more to entertain myself than to stimulate my mind.


Life has taken a few twists as of late. I have a couple of new job options, some of which are better than others, and some of which are so tangled in paperwork I despair of ever getting them all filed out. I've been avoiding my resume, too--I think that's the worst part. I don't like talking about myself, and I always feel like I'm BSing when I list my strengths. I'm uncertain in new situations and with new people. I don't know why; I know full well I'm damned smart and capable of doing almost anything anyone asks of me. But convincing others of that seems like an overwhelming, impossible task.


Valentine's Day is coming up in just a few weeks, and merchandise is everywhere. I've never enjoyed this holiday, but it's different this year. In the past, I was always annoyed at the implication that I must be unhappy because I am single which is just silly. I *liked* having all that freedom; I could flirt with anyone and never be serious about it, I didn't feel the need to answer to anyone. This time it's different--I went and got my heart broken and now I don't feel single, I feel alone.

It sucks. I miss him. Stupid poopyhead man.

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