Friday, June 29, 2012

Hostage America, Day 1257

Independence Day comes early next week.  Many don't feel like celebrating this year, after the open tyranny this administration has displayed.

May I suggest that instead of getting drunk on a lake somewhere, you gather with your friends and family and declare your independence?

Read the Declaration.  Remember that the Founders were not freed from Britain's yoke by this document -- the DoI simply declared that we are free, and if a government shows, repeatedly, that it will not honor that, we have not only a right, but a DUTY to get rid of it.

Actually gaining a government that respected liberty required bloodshed.

Remember that tyranny itself is very bloody.  The last three and a half years have given us a body count already-- two border agents, murders and overdoses at Occupy encampments, and God alone knows how many foreigners dead by F&F guns and drone strikes.  That's not counting the rapes, assaults, vandalism, theft from Occupies, flash mobs, and union thuggery.

America has put the decision off too long for an easy way forward.  Every path we could take will be ugly, and painful, whether it be austerity, or collapse, or reform, or civil disobedience, or withdrawal.  All our options suck. 

Choose this day.  Draw a line in the sand, and mark it well.  What will you do when that line is crossed?  Has it been crossed already?

Stop wringing your hands.  Stop lying to yourself.

Flip a coin, if you must.

But make a stand.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Screw you, Roberts.

I am a free woman.

My body is not the property of the United States Government.

I will not comply.

And those of you who persist in chasing 'how this benefits my team' rather than facing the ramifications of this ruling,  then crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.