Sunday, December 18, 2011

Doom has burst forth...

...the rod has budded, arrogance has blossomed!

Most people don't understand it yet. I swear, normalcy bias has been the death of us all.

I've tried talking to people about it; most of them are more worried about next year's election and how "we gotta get somebody in there who can save America."

Oh, honey. It's gone already.

It was killed October 3, 2008 when the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (TARP) was passed and signed into law over the objections of the American people. The election of Barack Hussein Obama merely cut off the life support.

They're still upset over Obamacare, but they're not even thinking about the stimulus, or the auto bailouts, or the proliferation of czars, or the vote fraud, or the cronyism... It was, as the media love to say, unprecedented.

But now there is precedent. History cannot be undone. We may take actions that reverse the results, but what is done is done. And once a thing has been done and accepted, it is far more likely to be accepted again.

"But we didn't accept it!"

Oh, really? What have you done about it?

"We're awake now! We have the Tea Party! We voted in a Republican House last year!"

Very nice. What has that done, exactly? There was the summer budget fight, when they told us they were going to slash spending. But it turned out they just slowed the increase, like they always do. And most of that was ten years out, when God alone knows who'll be in charge. Remember how the Tea Party was out in force, holding them accountable?

Oh, wait. That didn't happen.

"One-half of one-third of government! Wait til 2012 when we take it all back!"

Dude. Do you still not see how doomed we are?

Even if we put in zombie Coolidge, who goes on a rampage undoing all this crap, there's nothing to stop the next president from doing it all over again. The system has been damaged beyond what mere tinkering can overcome; it would take a total overhaul just to get us back to early 2008, never mind what the Founders intended.

And there is no political will to do so. Too many of the same people shrieking about big government are angry at the suggestion of doing something about Social Security and Medicare. Even when you're not talking about theirs, but their grandkids'. "I want mine, cut someone else's cheese!" Even if zombie Coolidge were running, he couldn't get elected.

And oh, hey, by the way, we'll be lucky to even make it to the election.

Europe is on the brink. Yes, they've been there since 2008. And they've come back every time.

But the down times keep getting shorter and shorter. They're safe for a year. Then a half year. A few months. Weeks. Days. Germany was going to ride to the rescue and help bail out Greece, but then no one wanted to buy their bonds. They will have to either go to a true United States of Europe or dissolve the union; it cannot continue in its present form. Nations are being downgraded left and right; bailouts will have to come from China and the IMF--which means us. (BTW, China's not the major buyer of our debt anymore--it's the Fed, which means they're already printing money. Notice prices going up?) Europe, as always during financial distress, is turning to nationalism--keep watching for ethnic skirmishes. There was an actual pitchfork mob against the gypsies in Bulgaria this summer.

We do not have rule of law in this country anymore. Consider MF Global, Solyndra, Fast and Furious. You know as well as I do that if anyone goes to prison for any of these, it will likely be a fall guy for political expedience. I mean, my God, $1.2 billion dollars missing, Corzine? You just lost it somewhere? That's felony-grade stupid, under SOX, no? 300 dead Mexicans and a US federal agent, and Eric Holder is still walking around free. The worst anyone has even mentioned is impeachment, when he should be frogmarched away in a snazzy jumper.

This is not rule of law; it is rule of men. Rule of men erodes trust, and without trust, everything fall down go boom. You can't invest without trust that you will get what you paid for. You can't run a business without trust that your debtors will pay their bills.

People are angry. Disaffected, directionless, digusted. Lost. The Occupy movement has largely petered out, but the leftists who organized it want political violence, and they are likely to have it next summer. Remember the Discovery hostage taker last fall, and the Tuscon shooter this spring? Unbalanced people, influenced by lefty paranoia. Two murders at Occupy camps, aside from the rapes, assaults, and overdoses. How about the flash mobs this summer? Shut down the beach in Chicago, attacked Wisconsin State Fairgoers. You think the left won't use that? The London Riots in August, think that'll never happen here?

Terrorism. Not Al Qaida, I mean the really dangerous ones, like Tea Partiers and returning military. You know, the ones the DOJ has repeatedly warned us about. You're supposed to forget all that when the bill passed allowing the military to detain US citizens in this country as terrorism suspects without trial. Gulag? What gulag, comrade? Come with us, don't make any noise, it will all be over in a little while. Of course this bill was not aimed at you, now get on the train, comrade.

Also this friendly DOJ is giving weapons to the Mexican cartels. To what ends? There is no innocent explanantion. The guns were not microchipped, not followed--indeed, agents were told NOT to follow when they tried. The Mexican government was not involved. All at the time the state department was repeating the lie about 90% of guns coming from the US, and the Stuttering Charliefoxtrot of a Miserable Failure was working on gun control "under the radar", and we now have emails showing they tried to use the stats from F&F to push gun control.

Oh, sure, if it comes to it I'm sure they can drum up some actual muslim terrorism, too, if it's necessary. Because...

The Middle East is on fire. "Arab Spring", huh? Looks more like a long, islamic winter. A judge has just ruled that Iran had some involvement in 9/11, supporting the terrorists, so it's a safe bet we'll be going into Iran, now that we've left Iraq. (Out of the frying pan into the fire.) Rally the homefront, kick up the economy, distract from the mess at home. And Syria, don't forget Syria. We'd have the backing of the Arab League, there; they're already going to the UN. Damascus will fall sometime, perhaps soon.

In Israel the right-wing is fighting back with "price-tag" attacks--they've even gone after the military. Israelis turning on each other even as Jordan is offering Hamas a new home so the palestinian government can be unified. (They still want the UN seat, too.) And while Egypt is turning islamist and threatening the peace treaty. And Hizb'allah is attacking.

But please, let's just keep bickering over the latest poll and who's the most "electable." Because the world's gonna stay the same while we jabber.