Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In Memorium.

Romans 4:

1What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, discovered in this matter? 2If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. 3What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."

4Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. 5However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. 6David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:

7"Blessed are they
whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sins are covered.
8Blessed is the man
whose sin the Lord will never count against him."

18Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be." 19Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah's womb was also dead. 20Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 22This is why "it was credited to him as righteousness." 23The words "it was credited to him" were written not for him alone, 24but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

Hebrews 11:

1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.

3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. 4By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.

5By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. 6And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

7By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.

8By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

11By faith Abraham, even though he was past age—and Sarah herself was barren—was enabled to become a father because he[a]considered him faithful who had made the promise. 12And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.

13All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. 14People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. 15If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

17By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, 18even though God had said to him, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned." 19Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.

20By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to their future.

21By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.

22By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions about his bones.

23By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.

24By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. 25He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. 26He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. 27By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. 28By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.

29By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.

30By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.

31By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.

32And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, 33who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. 35Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. 36Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. 37They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— 38the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.

39These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. 40God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

I Corinthians 15:

51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."

55"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?"

56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

August, Part Three

Earthquakes and volcanoes and sinkholes, oh my!

Strong earthquake hits off Aleutians

Strong earthquakes rock Papua New Guinea, Fiji, others

Strong earthquake strikes off Kuril Islands

Tetonia geologist reacts to earthquakes - Idaho

Indonesia’s Mount Karangetang Volcano Erupts, Four Missing

Sinkhole opens under minivan in New Haven

Pakistan - 63 killed as landslides hit villages in GB

Chile: More than 30 miners trapped by a landslide

Leh cloudburst triggers landslide, kills 113

Evacuation order set to lift for landslide zone in B.C.

Over 1,500 evacuated after B.C. landslide

New Holland man describes his ordeal in a 21-foot-deep well

RP quakes near undersea volcano - Philippines

Mount Hood Eruptions Explained

Death toll in China landslide rises to 337

Vanuatu: 7.5 earthquake causes few problems

Two earthquakes strike California's Central Coast

Ground shaken by Mexico quake still moving

Powerful quake rattles Ecuador, Peru

Perseid meteor shower, planets, moon to grace night sky

Heavy rain, mudslides bring more misery to China

7.2-magnitude quake strikes off Mariana Islands

3 powerful earthquakes, 14 aftershocks rock Mariana Islands

6.3-magnitude quake rattles PNG

That sinking feeling: NY family's pool drained by sinkhole

New sinkhole appears in north China city

Earthquake rocks Aeolians off Sicily; panic and minor injuries reported on vacation islands

Magnitude-4.4 earthquake in Pacific off Eureka

Strong earthquake in Indian Ocean near Mauritius

Volcano collapse underlines threat of tsunami

Eruption at Iceland volcano slows, but not over

Are We Underestimating Mt. Vesuvius?

2009 Tonga - Samoa tsunami caused by two quakes, not just one

Erupting Vanuatu volcano lures thrill-seeking tourists

Sinkhole nearly swallows Georgia restaurant

Sinkhole swallows Cromwell cruiser - Middletown, CT

Eruption in Kamchatka - Shiveluch

Iceland volcano has cooled enough for snow to settle

Activity At Sakurajima Volcano Intensifies

No damage after Pacific Ocean quake off Mexico

Quake Hits Flood Ravaged Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan

Quake in northern Iran kills three, injures dozens

'Red alert' issued for Colombian volcano after non-explosive eruption

Indonesia's Volcano Continues to Spew Smoke

Volcano erupts in Russia"s Far East

Plagues and pestilence and weirdness!

Victoria braces for early days of the locust

Carnivorous mice may be plague carrier that's killing off prairie dogs

Grasshopper Populations Could Reach 'Biblical' Proportions This Year

Peru battles rabid vampire bats after 500 people bitten

NYC - Who's to blame when rats attack: With reports of infestation, city should re-hire rodent fighters

Locust swarm threatens Madagascar

Study Claims Highly Resistant Superbug Spreading From South Asia
India trashes 'superbug' report, says it's doctored

Hundreds of tourists stung as 'invisible' jellyfish invade Spain's beaches

Bees Swarm Patrol Car: NC Deputy Trapped in Patrol Car for 3 Hours by Swarming Bees

Cameroon and Nigeria Face Cholera Outbreak

SYRIA: Yellow wheat rust hits supplies

Red Tide Rears Its Head Again, Early

Malawi to immunise six million amid measles outbreak

Mysterious 'bearded' antelope photographed

Nigeria warns of nation-wide cholera threat

France drains glacier to protect village from flood

Undersea river discovered flowing on sea bed

Galactic 'super-volcano' at heart of distant galaxy erupts

Solar tsunami: Northern lights visible from UK as Sun's rays sweep towards Earth


Heat wave
YouTube - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas - (Love Is Like A) Heat Wave [Single Version]

Drought Hits Europe's Crops

Little Relief from Heat Wave for Most of the South

Texas town without water in heat wave

Japan and China experiencing heatwave which has already killed 66

Over 21,000 taken to hospitals for heat stroke nationwide, 98 die - Japan

Heat wave claims clams, crabs in Tokyo Bay

Bulgaria - Saharan Heat Wave over the Balkans

Wildfires shroud Moscow in dense smog

Russia's export ban chills wheat markets

Russian heatwave kills 5,000 as fires rage out of control

Heat wave bakes 18 states from Texas to New York

700 dying each day due to Moscow heatwave

US swelters as heat wave lengthens

Russian Fires Approach Nuclear Plants

Wave of car breakdowns reported as heat spikes - Israel

Heatwave Causes Spontaneous Combustion

Russian Heat, Asian Floods May Be Linked

Radiation fear for Russian wildfire smoke

'Blocked' jetstream to blame for freak weather in Russia and Pakistan

Russian heat no prelude to environmental catastrophe - scientist

Maryland: 80-year-old farmer says ‘this is worst drought I ever saw’

US sending aid to help Russia firefight effort: White House

Relief in sight for Russia as heat wave set to fade

World feeling the heat as 17 countries experience record temperatures

Russia loses quarter of crops in drought: Medvedev

As State Fumbles Fire Response, Russia Discovers A New Strength: People Power

Two firefighters killed tackling forest fires in Spain

Rainstorms continue in mudslide hit-county; heatwave grills China's south

Moscow accused of coverup in heat deaths

Russian grain export ban starts

Poisonous smog returns to Moscow

Medvedev fires Navy brass over fire response

Storm to lift heatwave's siege of Moscow

Firefighters battle raging forest blazes in Portugal

Spain, Portugal combat 19 wildfires as cooler weather arrives to ease firefighting

Heatwave over Bulgaria to last

Heavy downpours help Russia's firefighters

Video - Heatwave scorches Middle East - The Age

Ukraine to limit grain exports due to drought: official

Ukraine looks to limit grain exports after Russia

How drought and floods will hit food and clothing prices

Russia: drought is slowing economy, hiking prices


Pakistan says 12 million people affected by floods

Pakistan floods 'hit 14m people'

Flash floods kill over 100 in Indian Kashmir

Pakistan - 63 killed as landslides hit villages in GB

Leh cloudburst triggers landslide, kills 113

Evacuation order set to lift for landslide zone in B.C.

Over 1,500 evacuated after B.C. landslide

Pakistani Evacuates Flood Zone as 14 Million Uprooted

Russian Heat, Asian Floods May Be Linked

Death toll in China landslide rises to 337

Central Europe faces massive flood cleanup

Outrage at absent leader swells amid Pakistan flood disaster

Ames cuts water supply after main breaks in flood

Flooding - Weds., Aug. 11, 2010 photos | Des Moines Register

'Blocked' jetstream to blame for freak weather in Russia and Pakistan

Heavy rain, mudslides bring more misery to China

Water-Borne Diseases Threaten Pakistan Flood Victims

Cedar Rapids Begins Fight With FEMA Over $36 million

Rainstorms continue in mudslide hit-county; heatwave grills China's south

North Korea Floods Destroy Thousands of Homes, Factories Near China Border

aug6- More than 2,100 dead, missing in China floods

aug8 - Death toll rises to 165 in Indian Himalayan floods

Day 2 of Tenn. deluge washes out rail line

3 die in floods in Spain

How drought and floods will hit food and clothing prices

Four die, 64,000 evacuated in China-N.Korea border floods

Flooding submerges new towns in Pakistan's south

Rain Batters China; 250,000 Evacuated in Flood

Indus river overflows 40 times normal volume of water

Pakistanis flee as river bursts its bank in new floods

Pakistan floods just one of its water woes

India now trying to flood Lahore, alleges Pakistan daily

Rains kill 6 in UP, flood threat looms large over Delhi


Chilly in Chile: South America Hit by Freak Cold Snap

Argentina's power imports hit record as cold saps energy

Brazil Hasn't Seen So Much Snow in a Decade

S. America having bitter winter weather

Death Toll in Paraguay Cold Wave Rises to 15

Snow in Brazil, below zero Celsius in the River Plate and tropical fish frozen


Drought-Hit Bihar

Calgary hailstorm insurance claims set Canadian record: $400M

Communities in Australia’s wheatbelt are celebrating after much needed rains have transformed the land after years of crippling drought.

Floods and mudslides on three continents, as drought hits Africa

Six people injured in hailstorm in Prague

Storm slams parts of Metro Detroit, leave 82,000 without power

Hurricane Frank heads out to Pacific, leaves four dead in Mexico


U.S. electricity blackouts skyrocketing

Eastern European cyber criminals 'draining British bank accounts'

Silk 'invisibility cloak' created by scientists

GDF Suez, International Power enter into merger deal
The move would create the world's largest independent power producer

Contoversy blazes over Putin's rebuilding webcams

Apple testing NFC chips in next-gen iPhone?

Trojan-ridden warning system implicated in Spanair crash

U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database

August, Part Two

Sorry, offline before I could finish and out of own yesterday. But, here we go:


Drought Hits Europe's Crops

EU-US to iron out differences at November summit

Why Obama Is Meeting EU Leaders in Portugal


Holocaust Museum to Romania: scrap 'racist' coin

Romania in the dark over Roma facing return from France

France expels Gypsies to Romania for second day

Bulgaria: Romania, Azerbaijan, Georgia Set for Natural Gas Summit


Poland accuses Russia of delaying handover of Smolensk air crash data
Supporters of late Poland President Lech Kaczynski involved in scuffles with police as they try to remove shrine in his memory
Eyewitness News: Polish protesters halt move of crash memorial cross

Komorowski sworn in as Poland's president


Remains of John the Baptist found in Bulgaria?

Bulgaria wants to start building Nabucco

Heatwave over Bulgaria to last

Archaeology: Medieval treasure found in northeastern Bulgaria


Tensions flare between Kremlin, Belarus strongman

Ukraine looks to limit grain exports after Russia

Smuggled uranium-238 seized in Moldova

Russia to build China link before South Stream

Eastern European cyber criminals 'draining British bank accounts'

Archaeologists hail unique find in Albania

Six people injured in hailstorm in Prague

Who is the New Guerilla Group Threatening Chaos in Greece?

Central and Western

Central Europe faces massive flood cleanup

Haider's millions came from Libya, Iraq: media reports

Two firefighters killed tackling forest fires in Spain

Firefighters battle raging forest blazes in Portugal

Spain, Portugal combat 19 wildfires as cooler weather arrives to ease firefighting

UAE 'concerned' at German release of Israeli suspect

Norway oil fund excludes 2 Israeli companies


GDF Suez, International Power enter into merger deal
The move would create the world's largest independent power producer.

Will China leapfrog France as a nuclear superpower?

France expels Gypsies to Romania for second day

France drains glacier to protect village from flood

UK and Ireland

Londonderry bomb blast rips through police station

Belfast families evacuated after car abandoned outside police station

3 children injured by Northern Ireland bomb

S&P downgrades Ireland on financial sector cost

Islamic Bank of Britain gets cash boost for sharia-compliant loans

Prince Charles called on to block modern Iranian embassy next to historic church

Latin America News Article: Multinational Exercise Focuses on Panama Canal Defense

S. America having bitter winter weather

Argentina's power imports hit record as cold saps energy

Argentine president to control newsprint

Death Toll in Paraguay Cold Wave Rises to 15

Car Bomb Wounds 18 in Colombia’s Capital

Colombia's new leader offers talks to Venezuela, FARC rebels

Iran eyes joint oil venture with Venezuela

2 shot dead at Venezuela military base; 6 wounded

Peru battles rabid vampire bats after 500 people bitten

Ecuador's untapped oil

Tongling, China Railway Plan to Invest $3 Billion in Ecuador Copper Mine


Chilly in Chile: South America Hit by Freak Cold Snap

Chile: More than 30 miners trapped by a landslide

Mexico, Chile recognize Honduran government

Bolivians on hunger strike, cut rail links to Chile


Brazil Hasn't Seen So Much Snow in a Decade

Snow in Brazil, below zero Celsius in the River Plate and tropical fish frozen

Brazil seeks origin of oil slick lapping at beach

Brazil halts Petrobras oil platform, cites safety

Petrobras Says It’s Not Responsible for Oil on Rio Beaches


Ground shaken by Mexico quake still moving

Mexico, Chile recognize Honduran government

Mexico mulls legalization of drugs

Calderon: Mexico drug gangs seeking to replace state

Mexico Finds Tunnel, Possible Tombs Under Ruins

Protesting federal cops detain commander in Juarez

Mexican police officer found dismembered in Ciudad Juarez

Mexico eyes deeper oil drilling in shadow of Gulf disaster

Mexico drug gang hiring 'pretty' hitwomen

Mexico Under Siege

Calderon: Mexico should consider anonymous judges

Mexico City mayor sues Guadalajara bishop over gay marriage remarks

Mexico investigates complaints against Catholic church in conflict over same-sex adoption law

1 dead in Mexico shootout on border with El Paso

Border deaths in Arizona may break record this year

Drug war sends bullets whizzing across the border

Texas slams Obama after Mexico border gun battles

No damage after Pacific Ocean quake off Mexico

Survivor tells of escape from Mexican massacre in which 72 were left dead

Mexican massacre investigator found dead

Car bomb explodes outside Mexico TV studio

Hurricane Frank heads out to Pacific, leaves four dead in Mexico

Canada, Pacific

Communities in Australia’s wheatbelt are celebrating after much needed rains have transformed the land after years of crippling drought.

Victoria braces for early days of the locust

2009 Tonga - Samoa tsunami caused by two quakes, not just one

Vanuatu: 7.5 earthquake causes few problems

7.2-magnitude quake strikes off Mariana Islands

Evacuation order set to lift for landslide zone in B.C.

Over 1,500 evacuated after B.C. landslide

Calgary hailstorm insurance claims set Canadian record: $400M

Russia, US-Canadian Norad carry out first ever joint air drill

RCMP dismantle alleged terror cell in Ottawa


Texas town without water in heat wave

Strong earthquake hits off Aleutians

Conn. shooter told 911 he 'handled the problem'
Cops mum on probe of Conn. shooter's racism claim

Michigan Serial Killer Now Linked to 20 Attacks
Police Identify 20 Victims of 'Serial Stabber'
Arab Israeli Arrested for US Serial Killings
Israeli 'serial killer' described as 'bulky, frightening character' - Ramla's Christian community members describe Abuelazam as 'character you don't want to mess with,' say he sometimes used drugs, returned to US after getting into violent brawl with friend

New Holland man describes his ordeal in a 21-foot-deep well
--Psalm 40

U.S. electricity blackouts skyrocketing

US swelters as heat wave lengthens

Heatwave Causes Spontaneous Combustion

Ames cuts water supply after main breaks in flood
Flooding - Weds., Aug. 11, 2010 photos | Des Moines Register

Carnivorous mice may be plague carrier that's killing off prairie dogs

Grasshopper Populations Could Reach 'Biblical' Proportions This Year

Something Has To Be Done About This Out Of Control Global Warming! All 250 Inhabitants Of WI Town Burned To Bone Splinters And Ash

Atlanta - 30,000 line up for housing vouchers, some get rowdy; Riot police called in

Maryland: 80-year-old farmer says ‘this is worst drought I ever saw’

Cedar Rapids Begins Fight With FEMA Over $36 million

NYC - Who's to blame when rats attack: With reports of infestation, city should re-hire rodent fighters

Hamas: 'Ground Zero mosque must be built'

Police: Texas Gunman Had Explosives in Trailer

Russia, US-Canadian Norad carry out first ever joint air drill

Bees Swarm Patrol Car: NC Deputy Trapped in Patrol Car for 3 Hours by Swarming Bees

Storm slams parts of Metro Detroit, leave 82,000 without power

Scientists dispute White House claim that spilled BP oil has vanished

Mexico drug gang hiring 'pretty' hitwomen

Apple testing NFC chips in next-gen iPhone?

Sinkhole nearly swallows Georgia restaurant

Sinkhole swallows Cromwell cruiser - Middletown, CT

Fort Hood shooting revealed multiple military security lapses

Russia and US go to war over 'Merchant of Death'

Authorities say 3 dead, including gunman, and 4 wounded in shootout in central Virginia

Border deaths in Arizona may break record this year

Philly requiring bloggers to pay $300 for a business license

Drug war sends bullets whizzing across the border

Texas slams Obama after Mexico border gun battles

Police say it's 'very possible' attacks near fairgrounds had racial overtones - Iowa

Thieves swipe $550,000 gold bar from Mel Fisher museum

Gateway Pundit - VANDAL WHO FIREBOMBED CARNAHAN’S OFFICE IDENTIFIED – He’s a Dem Operative & Disgruntled Employee …Update: Carnahan Confesses

7 Folsom State Prison inmates in California hospitalized after riot, shots fired by guards

Who answered Glenn Beck's call to rally in Washington?
You know, this is actually a pretty fair article, and from the BBC, of all places.

Scientists dispute White House claim that spilled BP oil has vanished

Giant Oil Plume Found Below Surface Of Gulf : NPR

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates hints that Afghanistan drawdown may be gradual

Obama seeks to expand arms exports by trimming approval process

Gateway Pundit - Confirmed: GE CEO Immelt Scolded NBC Journalists For Reporting Negatively on Obama

Caroline Glick :: Israel's made-in-America enemies

Fed buying about $18 bln of Treasuries from mid-Aug to mid-Sep

One Step Closer to Explicit Debt Monetization

American Thinker: The Livable Communities Act

RealClearPolitics - The Ruling Class vs. the Public

Enough - The Corner - National Review Online

The Tea Parties and the Future of Liberty

US sending aid to help Russia firefight effort: White House

White House denies giving Turkey ultimatum over Israel ties

Obama offers Iran path for new talks

Judge Throws out Piracy Charges Against 6 Somalis

U.S. to Sell Fighter Jets to Saudis

U.S. may sue Arizona's Sheriff Arpaio for not cooperating in investigation

China targets U.S. troops with arms buildup

EU-US to iron out differences at November summit

Why Obama Is Meeting EU Leaders in Portugal

Obama Administration To UN- Sorry America Is So Awful

DEA wants to hire Ebonics translators

Michelle Obama made dusk visit to Great Mosque of Granada during Spanish trip

IRS Sued for Discrimination of Groups that Don't Toe BHO Line

Administration halts prosecution of alleged USS Cole bomber

Explaining 'Lives Touched' to the Mainstream Media

U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database

U.S., Russia to Form Cross-Border Arctic Nature Preserve, Kommersant Says

Friday, September 03, 2010

What Happened in August

Internet's been down since last weekend, and I don't know how long I'll have it back, so lemme go ahead despite being behind.


Price for a potential Israeli strike on Iran? A Palestinian state.

Caroline Glick :: Israel's made-in-America enemies

Analysis: How Are These Mideast Talks Different?

Boris Nemtsov: Raise no flags

Russia And Security In The South Caucasus

American Thinker: The Livable Communities Act

RealClearPolitics - The Ruling Class vs. the Public

Enough - The Corner - National Review Online

The Tea Parties and the Future of Liberty

American Thinker: How A GOP November Victory Could Bring Its Death



Kyrgyzstan on the Brink

Uzbeks intercept explosive ammonium bound for Kyrgyzstan

Two Dozen Prisoners Escape Tajikistan Jail, Killing 5 Guards

Turkmens seek $4.1 Bln loan from China for large gas field


Kabul finds 1.8 billion barrels of oil

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates hints that Afghanistan drawdown may be gradual

U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database

Al-Qaeda Seeks Overthrow of Saudi Arabia Monarchy, Killing of Christians


Pakistan says 12 million people affected by floods

Pakistan floods 'hit 14m people'

Pakistan - 63 killed as landslides hit villages in GB

Pakistani Evacuates Flood Zone as 14 Million Uprooted

Russian Heat, Asian Floods May Be Linked

Outrage at absent leader swells amid Pakistan flood disaster

'Blocked' jetstream to blame for freak weather in Russia and Pakistan

Water-Borne Diseases Threaten Pakistan Flood Victims

Aug 6 - Karachi death toll tops 90

Flooding submerges new towns in Pakistan's south

3 bombs kill 36 in northwest Pakistan

Quake Hits Flood Ravaged Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan

Indus river overflows 40 times normal volume of water

Pakistanis flee as river bursts its bank in new floods

Pakistan floods just one of its water woes

India now trying to flood Lahore, alleges Pakistan daily


Flash floods kill over 100 in Indian Kashmir

Drought-Hit Bihar

Leh cloudburst triggers landslide, kills 113

aug8 - Death toll rises to 165 in Indian Himalayan floods

Study Claims Highly Resistant Superbug Spreading From South Asia
India trashes 'superbug' report, says it's doctored

China Seeks Military Power in Indian Ocean, Western Pacific, Pentagon Says

India now trying to flood Lahore, alleges Pakistan daily

Rains kill 6 in UP, flood threat looms large over Delhi


Thailand's Red Shirts stage new protest in Bangkok

Bangkok on alert after car-bomb warning

Indonesia and the South China Sea: Indonesia wades into the South China Sea

Southeast Asian nations beef up to counter China

Growing problem of abandoned babies in Malaysia


Japan and China experiencing heatwave which has already killed 66

Death toll in China landslide rises to 337

China's new industrial revolution

Indonesia and the South China Sea: Indonesia wades into the South China Sea

Protest in China for legal brothels, organizer held

Heavy rain, mudslides bring more misery to China

Rainstorms continue in mudslide hit-county; heatwave grills China's south

New sinkhole appears in north China city

North Korea Floods Destroy Thousands of Homes, Factories Near China Border

aug6- More than 2,100 dead, missing in China floods

China targets U.S. troops with arms buildup

Tongling, China Railway Plan to Invest $3 Billion in Ecuador Copper Mine

Turkmens seek $4.1 Bln loan from China for large gas field

Will China leapfrog France as a nuclear superpower?

Southeast Asian nations beef up to counter China

China Seeks Military Power in Indian Ocean, Western Pacific, Pentagon Says

Blast Kills 7 in China’s Xinjiang Region

Four die, 64,000 evacuated in China-N.Korea border floods

Rain Batters China; 250,000 Evacuated in Flood

China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km
China Traffic Jam Could Last Into September

China invests in confident Christians
the reality is not at plucky as the headline

Russia to build China link before South Stream

China plants flag beneath South China Sea


Japanese oil tanker attacked by terrorists, says UAE

Al-Qaida-linked group says it attacked Japanese oil tanker

Almost 200 of Japan's centenarians missing

North Korea Floods Destroy Thousands of Homes, Factories Near China Border

Protest at Taiwan's main oil refinery

Eight dead on hijacked Philippine bus

S.Korean pastor arrested over visit to North

South Korea police raid house of detained activist

South Korean president's proposal for unification tax raises eyebrows

S.Korea military drill envisions 'occupying N.Korea'


Poland accuses Russia of delaying handover of Smolensk air crash data

Supporters of late Poland President Lech Kaczynski involved in scuffles with police as they try to remove shrine in his memory

Eyewitness News: Polish protesters halt move of crash memorial cross

Georgian president claims Russia set on ousting him

Fears over plan to sell strategic Georgian pipeline

Medvedev Visits Abkhazia On Anniversary Of Russia-Georgia War

Closer Military Ties With Armenia To Boost Russia's Regional Clout

New Russian-Armenian Defense Pact 'Finalized'

Terrorist attacks in North Caucasus kill 2, injure 30

Russia extends military presence in Armenia

Suspected Chechen terrorist kills self

Georgia Says Russia Deployed S-300 Missiles In South Ossetia

Russia And Security In The South Caucasus

Wildfires shroud Moscow in dense smog

Russia's export ban chills wheat markets

Russian heatwave kills 5,000 as fires rage out of control

700 dying each day due to Moscow heatwave

Russian Fires Approach Nuclear Plants

Russian Heat, Asian Floods May Be Linked

Ukraine looks to limit grain exports after Russia

Radiation fear for Russian wildfire smoke

'Blocked' jetstream to blame for freak weather in Russia and Pakistan

Russian heat no prelude to environmental catastrophe - scientist

US sending aid to help Russia firefight effort: White House

Relief in sight for Russia as heat wave set to fade

Russia loses quarter of crops in drought: Medvedev

As State Fumbles Fire Response, Russia Discovers A New Strength: People Power

Moscow accused of coverup in heat deaths

Russian grain export ban starts

Poisonous smog returns to Moscow

Medvedev fires Navy brass over fire response

Storm to lift heatwave's siege of Moscow

Heavy downpours help Russia's firefighters

Russia, US-Canadian Norad carry out first ever joint air drill

Contoversy blazes over Putin's rebuilding webcams

Tensions flare between Kremlin, Belarus strongman

Russia and US go to war over 'Merchant of Death'

Power outage in St. Petersburg, Russia, creates havoc at rush hour

Moscow Subway Bomber Killed in Special Forces Gun Battle, Kommersant Says

Rally in Kaliningrad enclave demands Putin resign

Putin questions AGW
(Last year he lectured us on the need for capitalism. Now this. Through the looking glass.)

Boris Nemtsov: Raise no flags

Bloody revolution a real risk for Russia

Two thousand defy ban on Moscow rock protest

Russia And Security In The South Caucasus

U.S., Russia to Form Cross-Border Arctic Nature Preserve, Kommersant Says

Russia to build China link before South Stream


Georgian president claims Russia set on ousting him

Fears over plan to sell strategic Georgian pipeline

Medvedev Visits Abkhazia On Anniversary Of Russia-Georgia War

Closer Military Ties With Armenia To Boost Russia's Regional Clout

Bulgaria: Romania, Azerbaijan, Georgia Set for Natural Gas Summit

Report: Azerbaijan releases men jailed for Israel embassy bomb plot

New Russian-Armenian Defense Pact 'Finalized'

Terrorist attacks in North Caucasus kill 2, injure 30

Russia extends military presence in Armenia

Suspected Chechen terrorist kills self

Georgia Says Russia Deployed S-300 Missiles In South Ossetia

Russia And Security In The South Caucasus



Undersea river discovered flowing on sea bed

Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Syria plan economic bloc

Israel fears Turkey spy chief is 'supporter of Iran'

Charles urged to fight scheme for ¿hideous¿ new Iranian embassy

White House denies giving Turkey ultimatum over Israel ties

Deadly blast hits Turkey oil pipeline

'Turks hit PKK with chemical weapons'

Turkey - Tomb Raiders Raided, Actual Ancient Tomb Discovered
headline WIN!

Iranians flooding an overwhelmed U.S. Embassy in Turkey

Turkey is an ancient trade hub with a bright future

Turkey's dwindling Greek Christians

Turkey to investigate evidence tampering in Islamists coup claims

Russia And Security In The South Caucasus


Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Syria plan economic bloc

Syria, Iran underline support for Lebanon against Israel

SYRIA: Yellow wheat rust hits supplies


Assad: Int'l inquiry into Hariri murder destabilizes Lebanon

Israel blamed for Hariri assassination

Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Syria plan economic bloc

Report: Lebanon army colonel arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel

Lines blur between Hezbollah, Lebanese army

Caroline Glick :: Israel's made-in-America enemies

Iran Warns Against Israeli Invasion of Lebanon

PM issues warnings to Lebanon, Hamas

Syria, Iran underline support for Lebanon against Israel

Underneath Lebanon, Israel sees hidden battlefield

Lebanon opens bank account for donations to equip army

Report: Azerbaijan releases men jailed for Israel embassy bomb plot

LEBANON: Iranian director's Islamic Jesus film pulled

'Hizbullah should join Lebanese Army'

Militant group confirms death of leaders in Lebanon: SITE

Sadr supporters back Allawi in Iraq

Report: Sadr Threatens Iran he Would Move to Lebanon

Hezbollah chief calls on Lebanon to build nuclear reactor

Iran says it's ready to sell arms to Lebanon

Lebanese leaders call for weapons-free capital


Wave of car breakdowns reported as heat spikes - Israel

Israel blamed for Hariri assassination

Israel fears Turkey spy chief is 'supporter of Iran'

PM, Egypt blame Hamas for rockets

Is one-state solution an answer to Greater Israel dreams?

Report: Lebanon army colonel arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel

Price for a potential Israeli strike on Iran? A Palestinian state.

Caroline Glick :: Israel's made-in-America enemies

Arab Israeli Arrested for US Serial Killings

Israeli 'serial killer' described as 'bulky, frightening character' -
Ramla's Christian community members describe Abuelazam as 'character you don't want to mess with,' say he sometimes used drugs, returned to US after getting into violent brawl with friend

Iran Warns Against Israeli Invasion of Lebanon

Egypt Stops Arab-Israeli Ship Full of Explosives

White House denies giving Turkey ultimatum over Israel ties

Israeli PM in Greece, says plan for direct talks drafted

Hamas: 'Ground Zero mosque must be built'

PM issues warnings to Lebanon, Hamas

Defense Ministry official: Egypt will deal with Hamas

Embassy gunman taken to hospital

Israel Has Until Week's End to Strike Iran Nuclear Facility, Bolton Says
'Israel has days to strike Bushehr'
Well, it didn't happen. Probably not a good thing, either.

Israel finds rare 2,200-year-old gold coin

Israel hopes for direct talks 'as early as possible'

Syria, Iran underline support for Lebanon against Israel

UAE 'concerned' at German release of Israeli suspect

Underneath Lebanon, Israel sees hidden battlefield

Report: Azerbaijan releases men jailed for Israel embassy bomb plot

Video - Heatwave scorches Middle East - The Age

Egypt blames power cuts on Israeli gas deal

Analysis: How Are These Mideast Talks Different?

Jesus lives on in Jerusalem - Thousands of Messianic Jews reside in Israel, perform Jewish ceremonies and serve in IDF

IRS Sued for Discrimination of Groups that Don't Toe BHO Line

Norway oil fund excludes 2 Israeli companies

Netanyahu Weighs 'Semi-Secret' Freeze
is that like double-secret probation?

'Israel ready to destroy LAF in 4 hours'


Haider's millions came from Libya, Iraq: media reports

Iran meddling to fill void in Iraq government: poll

Sadr supporters back Allawi in Iraq

Report: Sadr Threatens Iran he Would Move to Lebanon

'Al-Qaeda gang' held over Iraq traffic police killings

Seven workers killed in Iraq oil refinery

Qaeda says responsible for attacks on Iraq judges

56 killed as Iraqi insurgents launch coordinated attacks


Iran says explosion near president just fireworks

Japanese oil tanker attacked by terrorists, says UAE

'Iran ready to destabilize Gulf'

Israel fears Turkey spy chief is 'supporter of Iran'

Prince Charles called on to block modern Iranian embassy next to historic church
Charles urged to fight scheme for ¿hideous¿ new Iranian embassy
Hideous, indeed, in so many ways.

Price for a potential Israeli strike on Iran? A Palestinian state.

Iran Warns Against Israeli Invasion of Lebanon

Al-Qaida-linked group says it attacked Japanese oil tanker

Obama offers Iran path for new talks

Iran eyes joint oil venture with Venezuela

Iran meddling to fill void in Iraq government: poll

Syria, Iran underline support for Lebanon against Israel

Iranians flooding an overwhelmed U.S. Embassy in Turkey

Report: Azerbaijan releases men jailed for Israel embassy bomb plot

LEBANON: Iranian director's Islamic Jesus film pulled

Iran loads fuel rods to power up Bushehr nuclear reactor

Iran inaugurates nation's first unmanned bomber

Report: Sadr Threatens Iran he Would Move to Lebanon

Iran says it's ready to sell arms to Lebanon

Iran says it test-fires new missile

Quake in northern Iran kills three, injures dozens

Saudi Arabia

U.S. to Sell Fighter Jets to Saudis

Giant Mecca clock seeks to call time on Greenwich
Saudis hoping giant clock will set 'Mecca Time'

Al-Qaeda Seeks Overthrow of Saudi Arabia Monarchy, Killing of Christians

Saudi king says only senior clerics can issue fatwas

Saudi man 'faces spine-op punishment'
Saudi official: Paralysis not considered as punishment

Yemen, U. A. E.

Report: al-Qaida in Yemen now biggest threat to US

Four policemen killed in south Yemen

Japanese oil tanker attacked by terrorists, says UAE

UAE 'concerned' at German release of Israeli suspect



The heart of al-Qaeda in the Sahel

Niger hunger 'worse than 2005'

Floods and mudslides on three continents, as drought hits Africa

Haider's millions came from Libya, Iraq: media reports

Libya's Qaddafi taps 'fossil water' to irrigate desert farms


PM, Egypt blame Hamas for rockets

Egypt Stops Arab-Israeli Ship Full of Explosives

Defense Ministry official: Egypt will deal with Hamas

Egypt blames power cuts on Israeli gas deal

Egypt doctor 'arrested in girl circumcision death'

Muslim Brotherhood expands westward

Egypt intercepts shipment of missiles


Arab nomads settling in contested Sudan region: official

Sudan's 'Arrow Boys' Challenge Militants

Violence Said to Be Rising in Sudan’s Darfur Region

Southern Sudan unveils plans for animal-shaped cities

Sudan plans nuclear program

Southern Sudan Says It Faces Currency Shortage After Oil Payments Adjusted


Somali pirates capture Panama-flagged cargo ship

EU helicopter repels pirate attack in Gulf of Aden

Judge Throws out Piracy Charges Against 6 Somalis

Somalia rebels looking increasingly like Taliban


Kenya threatens to end Somali pirate trials

Kenya OKs draft constitution
Case to block new Kenya law dismissed

Kenya says Obama aunt was not in danger

Mysterious 'bearded' antelope photographed


Locust swarm threatens Madagascar

Cameroon and Nigeria Face Cholera Outbreak
Nigeria warns of nation-wide cholera threat

Ethiopia's religious heritage of underground churches

Malawi to immunise six million amid measles outbreak

Some 200 women gang-raped near Congo UN base - and some baby boys

End part one.