Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Someone asked me earlier about the 8/28 Glenn Beck deal at the Lincoln Memorial and what I thought of it.

I'll let Admiral Ackbar tell ya:

Let me tell you about a phenomenon I've seen repeated a number of times in my area.

A church has declining attendance. The old pastor has retired, or moved, and possibly they've had a string of squishy preachers who always talk love and tolerance and feelgood-isms.

Then along comes someone who'll preach brimstone and judgment. Someone who says, "Hey, this is wrong, stop it." And attendance goes up.

But eventually, the cracks begin to show. First comes the "I'm the only one brave enough to tell you the truth." Then all the talk of about sin becomes centered unpopular sins. No, no more railing against gossip or backbiting; in a right-wing town, he's all against Obama or gay marriage; in a left-wing town, he's against Bush's war.

Eventually the leader will go so far over the edge that half to two-thirds of the people flee, while those who stay become crazy ardent followers. Until he turns on them, too.

It happens in the political arena. It happens in the blogosphere. (See lgf for example primo; hot air and red state as well. Can't speak for the left, they seem to start out that way.) Captain Queeg! My ex-boss! Controllers, all. It happens in every group of people, for whatever purpose.

And Beck's about due for his meltdown. I want no part of it.

Does that mean the stuff he says isn't true?

Well, no. Not necessarily.

You can't dismiss info just because you don't LIKE the source. The best way to manipulate people is to include at least some truth. So with all the things you see or hear, investigate.

Be Berean:

Acts 17:11 - Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

Search multiple sources:

Deuteronomy 19:15 - One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

Seek God first:

Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Do these things and you will do well.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Two quick stories of note:

One has been all over the news, one not so much.

First, the imminent one:

'Israel has days to strike Bushehr'

Bolton: Russia to load fuel into reactor on Saturday.

WASHINGTON – Israel has only mere days to launch an attack on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor if Russia makes good on its plan to deliver fuel there this weekend, former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton warned Tuesday.

He said that once Russia has loaded the fuel into the reactor -- slated for Saturday – Israel would no longer be willing to strike for fear of triggering widespread radiation in an attack.

“This is a very, very big victory for Iran,” Bolton told The Jerusalem Post. “This is a huge threshold.”

Bolton, who also once oversaw US non-proliferation policy, said that when Russia announced the plans to load the fuel last Friday, “the element of surprise was essentially taken away” from Israeli calculations.

Bolton noted that he doesn’t “have a clue” as to whether Israel would actually attack, but he said, “If Israel was right to destroy the Osiraq reactor, is it right to allow this one to continue? You can’t have it both ways.”

Israel took out Iraq’s Osiraq reactor during a stealth mission in 1981. It is also believed to have conducted a similar strike on an alleged Syria nuclear site in 2007.

Israel Has Until Week's End to Strike Iran Nuclear Facility, Bolton Says

Israel has until the weekend to launch a military strike on Iran's first nuclear plant before the humanitarian risk of an attack becomes too great, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said Tuesday.

A Russian company is expected to help Iran start loading nuclear fuel into its plant on Saturday, after which an attack on the Bushehr reactor could trigger harmful radiation, which Israel wants to avoid, Bolton said. So unless the Israelis act immediately to shut down the facility, it will be too late.

"Once it's close to the reactor ... the risk is when the reactor is attacked, there will be a release of radiation into the air," Bolton told "It's most unlikely that they would act militarily after fuel rods are loaded."

Earlier Tuesday, Bolton told Fox Business Network the Israelis will have to move in the "next eight days" if they want to attack the Bushehr facility -- a reference to the window between when the start-up was announced last week and the loading date. Bolton said Tuesday that the date has fluctuated, but he described the start-up as the ultimate deadline.

Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States, told Fox News that the nation is hopeful sanctions -- passed by the United Nations, European Union and United States -- will "modify" Iran's behavior. Oren said Israel is "committed" to the sanctions program and will assess its impact at a later date.

"Until that time, the position of the government of Israel -- as the position of the Obama administration -- is that all options will remain on the table," he said, without commenting directly on Bolton's remarks.

And the second, getting less attention:

Giant Mecca clock seeks to call time on Greenwich

For more than a century, a point on the top of a hill in south-east London has been recognised as the centre of world time and the official starting point of each new day.

But now the supremacy of Greenwich Mean Time is being challenged by a gargantuan new clock being built in Mecca, by which the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims could soon be setting their watches.

Due to start ticking on Thursday as the faithful begin fasting during the month of Ramadan, the timepiece sits atop the Royal Mecca Clock Tower which dominates Islam’s holiest city.

It is at the heart of a vast complex funded by the Saudi government that will also house hotels, shopping malls and conference halls.

Bearing a striking resemblance to both St Stephen’s Tower, which houses the bell of Big Ben, and the Empire State Building, the Saudi upstart aims to outdo its revered British rival in every way.

Saudis hoping giant clock will set 'Mecca Time'

MECCA, Saudi Arabia — Muslims around the world could be setting their watches to a new time soon when the world's largest clock begins ticking atop a soaring skyscraper in Islam's holiest city of Mecca.

Saudi Arabia hopes the four faces of the new clock, which will loom over Mecca's Grand Mosque from what is expected to be the world's second tallest building, will establish Mecca as an alternate time standard to the Greenwich median.

The clock is targeted to enter service with a three-month trial period in the first week of the holy month of Ramadan on or about August 12, according to the Saudi state news agency SPA.

It boasts four glimmering 46 meter-across (151 feet) faces of high-tech composite tiles, some laced with gold, sitting more than 400 meters (1,320 feet) over the Holy Haram compound.

The tower's height will reach 601 meters (1,983 feet), SPA said. On its website, Premiere Composite, which is responsible for cladding the top section, including a shimmering spire topped by a golden crescent moon, puts the planned height at 590 meters (1,947 feet).

That would make it the world's second tallest building -- ahead of Taiwan's 509 meter (1,670 feet) Taipei 101, but well behind the Burj Khalifa, the 828 meter (2,717 feet) skyscraper inaugurated in Dubai in January.

Some 250 "highly qualified Muslim workers" were completing welding work on the clock's frame, SPA said.

More than six times larger in diameter than London's famed Big Ben, the clock faces, with the Arabic words "In the Name of Allah" in huge lettering underneath and will be lit with two million LED lights.

Some 21,000 white and green colored lights, fitted at the top of the clock, will flash to as far as 30 kilometers (18.7 miles) to signal Islam's mandatory five-times daily prayers.

On special Muslim occasions, 16 bands of vertical lights will shoot some 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) up into the sky.

Monday, August 09, 2010

July wrap-up

Yeah, busy month. Vacation Bible School, dental appointments(followed by the pain), more time at work plus sketchy internet access equals a very unorganized bookmarks folder. Let's see what we can do, huh?

First, the analytical stuff:

The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution
This. THIS. This is why I'm fed up with both parties. This is why we're in the mess we're in.

Prisoners of the Caucasus — Russia's Invisible Civil War

Ben-Gurion versus Obama

Geopolitics, Nationalism and Dual Citizenship | STRATFOR

Now everything else by tag, alphabetically:

Afghanistan bus bomb: Bomb kills 25 on Afghanistan bus -

Afghanistan: 5 U.S. troops killed, 2 missing -

AFP: Remains of missing US sailor found in Afghanistan

US Casualties in Afghanistan Soar to Record Highs - ABC News - EXCLUSIVE: 'BMWs' Help Afghans Go AWOL From Texas Air Base

New Estimate of Strength of Al Qaeda Is Offered -

Russia may lease helicopters to NATO -

'US building secret Afghan bases to attack Russia' - UK - World - The Times of India

BBC News - Guantanamo prisoners released to Algeria and Cape Verde

BBC News - Pirates hijack tanker with Filipino crew in Red Sea

Dozens killed in Somali violence; many more forced to flee -

The Associated Press: Ex-Guantanamo detainee charged in native Algeria

AFP: Fighting in DR Congo displaces 37,000: UN

AFP: Nigerian police arrest four over kidnap of journalists

AFP: Three journalists kidnapped in Nigeria: police

AFP: Tribunal rules in favour of Zimbabwe white farmers

AFP: US lawmaker wants Eritrea added to terror blacklist Kenya: IIEC Says It Has No Money for Referendum Zimbabwe: Govt Snubs Regional Court Ruling, Again

BBC News - 'Military junta' rules Zimbabwe, says MDC's Bennett

Congo army clashes with Ugandan rebels, 40,000 flee | Top News | Reuters

Islamic militant group al-Shabab claims Uganda bombing attacks

Kenyan 'bomb' pastor freed on bond

Kenyan Christian Leaders Stand Together Against Proposed Constitution |

Nigerian pirates release kidnapped sailors - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Sudan President Bashir, accused of war crimes, would be arrested in South Africa, says ANC -

The Associated Press: Nigeria: Sect leader threatens retaliation

Women in Kenya Slums Risk Rape to Get to a Bathroom - ABC News

Zimbabwe : Govt snubs regional court ruling, again

Indian pilot kidnapped in Congo - India - The Times of India

Missing Russian pilot found in Sudan: diplomats, UN | Top News | Reuters

African Union Asks United Nations to Suspend Arrest Warrants for al-Bashir - Bloomberg - Prisoners of the Caucasus — Russia's Invisible Civil War

The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

Geopolitics, Nationalism and Dual Citizenship | STRATFOR

AFP: Massive mice, locust plagues threaten Australian crops

Agriculture | After drought, farmers now face a plague of locusts

Azerbaijan declares locust emergency

Black jellyfish hit the beach in San Diego -

CropLife / CropLife IRON - Grasshopper Populations Rising

Expect grasshopper outbreak in Idaho this year | KTVB.COM | KTVB.COM | Boise, Idaho news

Farmers brace for 'worst' locust plague on record - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Grasshopper levels at all-time high

Grasshoppers in Montana the worst in 25 years

Hungry locusts turn to cannibalism - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Jiminy Cricket! It's so creepy crawly -- San Antonio

Math Is No Match for Locust Swarms | Wired Science |

Mice plague attacks locust plague - 07/07/2010

New York’s Collect Pond Park: ‘Rat Zoo’, Rodent Infestation » Right Pundits

Pittsfield firefighters respond to bee attack - Ypsilanti Courier - Heritage

Rats plague The Rocks, businesses want action

Schoolgirls are in the pink with rare grasshopper find - Portsmouth UK

Sharks sighted at Jersey Shore third time this week | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/16/2010

The Associated Press: Play moves indoors near NYC after 2 coyote attacks

China mobilizes fox army to keep rats at bay

AFP: China on heatwave alert as temperatures soar

Locust Plague Ravages China's Pastures, Farm Areas

Cattle deaths mount in Kansas heat wave - CNBC

Firefighters battle hornets, wildfire in Santa Cruz - San Jose Mercury News

Humanity Needs to Start Farming Bugs for Food, Says United Nations Policy Paper | Popular Science

The Associated Press: Mexico worried by rise in hemorrhagic dengue

Seven LatAm nations bid to join Mexico in Arizona case

Mexican Officials to Patrol Staten Island Following Latest Bias Attack | NBC New York

Mexico praises decision on Arizona law -

U.S. consulate in Ciudad Juarez to close | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Illegals granted Social Security - Washington Times

15 bodies found shot, tortured on road in Mexico | The Australian

Bomb suspect tied to airman's slaying - El Paso Times

Experts: Car bomb in Juárez mimics Middle East terrorist tactics - El Paso Times

Latin American Herald Tribune - Gunmen Kill 17 Attending Party in Northern Mexico

Mexico car bomb: 'Colombianization' of Mexico nearly complete -

Twelve killed in Mexico Army clash with drug traffickers - Monsters and Critics

Military rushed to Haiti without guns, ammo; first aid cast aside for media

AFP: Canada intercepted two Russian bombers near Arctic: ministry

Georgia's Main Gas Pipeline Up For Grabs - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

The Caucasus Cauldron | STRATFOR

The Messenger - Azerbaijan interested in Panarabic Gas Pipeline project

AFP: Two killed in 'terror attack' on Russian power plant

BBC News - Georgia and Russia do business despite tense relations

Cargo train derails after bombing in Russia's Dagestan, 2 injured

Georgia’s Neighbours Eye Plan to Sell Key Pipeline

Pastor killed by gunman in Dagestan

Ronald D. Asmus - How to prevent another war in the Southern Caucasus

Two Russian Policemen Killed In Ingushetia

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton assures Ukraine and the Caucasus states of support - Telegraph

AFP: Kyrgyzstan inaugurates C.Asia's first female president (july 2)

Kyrgyzstan constitution adopted -

Kyrgyzstan ex-president's brother arrested - with wig and fake mustache -

Kyrgyzstan opens 1,400 ethnic riot cases -

Oil in Kazakhstan May Be Too Rich for Tax to Deter Chevron: Energy Markets - Bloomberg

Signs of Uzbek Persecution Rising in Kyrgyzstan - TIME

The Associated Press: Personality cult rises up around Kazakh president

The Associated Press: Uzbek women accuse state of mass sterilizations

Voluntary Militias in Kyrgyzstan May Become Political Players |

Japan Said to Consider Kazakh Uranium Imports Through East Russian Ports - Bloomberg

China adds South China Sea to `core interest` in new policy

HK's Yam Eventually Sees Yuan as Third Global Currency - ABC News

AFP: China mudslide toll at 42, with 57 missing: report

China landslide leaves 4,000 evacuated in 'worst flood season for a decade' | Mail Online

The Hindu : News / International : Landslides leave eight dead, 57 missing in China; flood risk rises

China invests $40b. in Iran oil and gas

The Associated Press: AP Exclusive: NKorean killed for spreading Gospel

BBC News - China oil spill after pipe blast 'worse than thought'

Boats carry oil-eating bacteria to devour spill in Chineseport

China oil spill: Officials say Dalian oil spill is cleaned up -

Cleaning up China's largest oil spill

Environment: China seeks to limit damage from oil spill -

The Associated Press: First details on China oil spill's cause emerge

China Warns U.S. to Stay Out of Islands Dispute -

60-Ship Flotilla Dispatched to Ward Off Massive Algae Bloom on Chinese Coast | Popular Science

China flooding kills 701 in worst toll in a decade |

China mine collapses as heavy rains persist

Stunning Photos Of China's Worst Flood In A Decade

The Associated Press: Worst floods in a decade in China, 30,000 trapped

Dengue fever resurfaces in Florida -

Measles outbreak reaches Greece

Michigan Says Enough To Fed: Takes Matters Into Own Hands As It Starts Using Own Currency...And Gold | zero hedge

Of course its the foreign media, not our domestic DNC mouthpieces.

Strategy: A Market Forecast That Says ‘Take Cover’ - CNBC

Armed Bedouin hijack bus in Egypt's Sinai | Top News | Reuters

EGYPT: Muslim Brotherhood secures tens of thousands of signatures for ElBaradei's petition | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

EGYPT: Muslim Brotherhood secures tens of thousands of signatures for ElBaradei's petition | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

Egypt’s spinsters turn to suicide - The National Newspaper

Prehistoric whale skeletons found in Egypt

Water scarce in Egypt -

West believes Mubarak dying - Israel News, Ynetnews

Meteor Crater Discovered With Google Earth | Wired Science |

Red Sea: The other oil spill

73 immigrants found hiding among 'watermelons' in Bulgaria | Earth Times News

BBC News - Goldtrail collapse leaves Britons in Greece and Turkey

Bodies of former Romanian dictator Ceausescu and wife exhumed (Includes interview)

Military plane crash in Romania - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

The Associated Press: European unity tested over crucifixes in classroom

The Canadian Press: Bulgaria's former prime minister charged over missing state, NATO secrets

Nazi factory thought to have caused deadly mudslide - Israel News, Ynetnews

Bulgaria says pipeline flap with Russia over - BusinessWeek

EU to subject Britons to new 'Big Brother' surveillance and investigation powers | Mail Online

US embassy workers treated for poison after opening mail

U.S. audit finds Pentagon can't account for $8 billion in Iraqi funds -

American Thinker Blog: Obama seeking dominion over nation's waters Feds to take control of BP leak website | Washington Examiner

NSA Denies It Will Spy on Utilities | Threat Level |

NSA Hooking Up Ominously Named 'Perfect Citizen' To Watch The Internet | Techdirt

U.S. Program to Detect Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure -

White House proposal would ease FBI access to records of Internet activity

Why 73,000 WordPress blogs were shut down by the U.S. Government - by Bruce Tyson - Helium

UAE forces fat teens to lose weight | World | News | Toronto Sun

American Thinker: Gen. Jones is Not a Useful Idiot

American Thinker: Last Week's Other Big Supreme Court Decision

Anti-Electoral College Advocates: Pass Bill Now, Ask Questions Later | The Weekly Standard

CIA Drone Guy Becomes New Top Spy | Danger Room |

EDITORIAL: High seas segregation - Washington Times Electoral College under assault ( - SEC Says New Financial Regulation Law Exempts it From Public Disclosure

Health Care Bill Mandates Tracking of Your Gold and Silver Coin Purchases

House Democrats ‘Deem’ Faux $1.1 Trillion Budget ‘as Passed’ - HUMAN EVENTS

John Fund: The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy - Pajamas Media » Former DOJ Colleagues Confirm Whistleblower Adams’ Accusations

Pentagon reworks disclosure rule for 'senior mentors' -

Pentagon workers found to have downloaded child pornography | World news | The Guardian

U.S. Judge Rules Federal Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

U.S. marks 3rd-largest, single-day debt increase

Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution? - IBD -

Arsonists Set Galilee Fires - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

AFP: Death toll climbs as Russia forest fires spread Russia Fights Fires, Looks Ahead To Long-Term Costs Of Heat Wave - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Russia mobilizes army to fight fires - The Boston Globe

Wildfires force state of emergency for 500 Russian towns -

Nicolas Sarkozy threatens to strip citizenship from immigrants who target police - Telegraph

Riots in Grenoble after police shooting - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Sarkozy orders illegal Roma immigrants expelled

2 Kamchatka volcanoes stirring -

3.6-magnitude earthquake strikes Maryland -

31 Earthquakes At The Irazú Volcano Thursday | Costa Rica Daily News and Information

4 strong quakes rock RP | Manila Bulletin

5.3 Quake Reported Off Coast Of Oregon - Portland News Story - KPTV Portland

AFP: 5.4 earthquake rattles southern California: USGS

CBC News - New Brunswick - Earthquake reported in Bay of Fundy Colombia to provide aid for earthquake damage - Colombia news | Colombia Reports

Earthquake follows solar eclipse |

Earthquake hits southwest of Quebec City | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Earthquakes continue to rattle Russia's Pacific Coast | Russia | RIA Novosti

Earthquakes on the West Coast: Are Portland and Seattle prepared for a mega-earthquake? |

Epoch Times - Sinkhole in Tampa Florida Swallows Car, Still Growing

Fars News Agency :: Quake Hits Southeastern Iran

Giant Sinkhole Swallows Car and Driver | Autopia |

Great African Rift Valley Mount Longonot National Park volcano in Kenya may go active -

Guatemala warns of volcano danger -

Hawaii homeowner watches molten lava destroy house after volcano erupts | Mail Online

How the Mississippi River Triggers Earthquakes : Discovery News

Huge spacequakes shaking Earth's magnetic field -

Indonesia: Indonesia's Lusi mud volcano flows on -

Intense seismic activity persists in Philippines

Kilauea Lava covers access road and 1 house is threatened - Hawaii News -

Laboratory Equipment - Ancient Volcano Flows Climate Clues

Magnitude 4.2 earthquake hits Pyramid Lake | | The Reno Gazette-Journal

Magnitude 4.2 quake this morning in Mineral County; no damage reported | | The Reno Gazette-Journal

Massive sinkhole causes big problems in St. Louis

Massive sinkhole: SUV falls into massive sinkhole on Milwaukee's East Side - KFSM

Minor earthquake recorded north of Baton Rouge | | News

Moderate earthquake hits off the coast of British Columbia

New theory of why midcontinent faults produce earthquakes

Northern Lights over erupting Icelandic volcano | Mail Online

One Dead, Dozens Injured In Southern Iran Earthquake - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Phivolcs lowers Taal alert level to '1' but... - Regions - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

Phivolcs: More than 250 aftershocks after Mindanao quake - Regions - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

Pictures: Giant Undersea Volcano Revealed

Quakes increasing in Long Valley California - The Weather Space

Scientists predicting Elbrus eruption: Voice of Russia

Sinkhole concerns in Calgary force third building evacuation – Daily Commercial News

Sinkhole forms on Missouri interstate - WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

Stromboli Volcanic Eruption Study, Volcano Activity | Volcanoes, Magma, Lava Flow | Our Amazing Planet

Strong aftershocks continue after Aleutians earthquake | Northwest News - The News Tribune Strong Alaska earthquake prompts 11 minor, moderate aftershocks

Strong quakes jolt South | The Philippine Star >> News >> Headlines

The Associated Press: 2 strong earthquakes hit Iran, injuring hundreds

The Associated Press: Strong earthquakes strike off Papua New Guinea

Trend News: Magnitude-5.7 quake rocks NE Iran, 110 injured

Two earthquakes hit Taiwan, no damage or casualties - Taiwan News Online

Two earthquakes rock Papua New Guinea

Why Have There Been So Many Sinkholes Lately? Iran quake injures 274 | Reuters

BBC News - Protest shutdown brings Kashmir valley to standstill

Brittle peace in Kashmir - Hindustan Times

India lets grain rot instead of feeding poor - Hindustan Times

Kashmir protests: Chief minister summoned to capital after 'Bloody Sunday' -

Mumbai gas leak leaves 127 ill

Powerful bomb recovered on railway tracks in Assam - India - The Times of India

The Hindu : News / National : Maoists blast railway station, tracks in Jharkhand

AFP: Indian army major, senior rebel killed in Kashmir gunbattles

The Associated Press: Pakistani official vows to fight India for Kashmir

American Thinker Blog: The Voice of America has become Voice of Tehran

Iran government issues style guide for men's hair - Telegraph

IRAN: New series of attacks on members of the Bahai faith | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

Iran: The course is almost run Iran's opposition leader warns rulers could topple

Many Questions About Damaged Japanese Tanker -

Moderate 5.7-magnitude earthquake rocks northeastern Iran, casualties unknown » Breaking News | Wire Update News | News Wires -

Osama bin Laden's family 'stranded' in Iran, son says - Telegraph

Petrochemical factory blast kills 4 in Iran - Thursday, July 29, 2010 | 12:16 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Source: Iranian researcher headed back to Tehran from U.S. -

The Associated Press: Supertanker damage raises alarm in Persian Gulf

Iran’s Proxy Powder Keg | FrontPage Magazine

Mossad chief reportedly visited Saudi Arabia for talks on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

'Saudi king says Israel, Iran don't deserve to exist' - Israel News, Ynetnews

BBC News - 'Iran nearing nuclear bombs' Russia warns

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : The Russian-Iranian road map

UPDATE 2-Russia seeks to soothe Iran with energy pact | Reuters

Iran and Saudi Arabia Closing in on Cooperation - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

'Syria has new radar from Iran'

You Can Tell Web Censorship Is Really Bad In Iran... - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Iran's nuclear smugglers raided

The Hindu : News / International : Heat wave forces Iran to close govt. offices

AFP: Iranian circus delights Iraqis in ancient Babylon - Hotel Fire Kills 28 in Iraqi Oil Boomtown

Obama: On track with plan to pull troops from Iraq in August - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

'Super-giant' oilfields redraw energy map - Iraq will eventually displace Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest exporter, experts predict, giving Baghdad crucial influence over the future price of oil.

U.S., Iraqi experts developing plan to preserve Babylon, build local tourism industry - News - Stripes

AFP: Kurdish rebels blamed for Turkish-Iraqi pipeline blast

'Abbas to give negotiations green light by September' - Israel News, Ynetnews

AFP: Israel to deploy new anti-missile system in November

Commercially sized oil field found in central Israel, firm says - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Dreaming of the Third Temple in a conflicted Land of Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Druze elders save police from crowd - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Half the Public Wants to See Holy Temple Rebuilt - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

IAF strikes Gaza strip; response to Ashkelon missile attack Israel considers restricting citizenship for some who convert to Judaism

Jewish town sucked dry by water thieves Libyan aid ship vows to break Israeli blockade of Gaza - Telegraph

Mahmoud Abbas preparing to hold direct talks with Israel, say diplomats - Telegraph

Netanyahu: Any loyalty oath must define Israel as Jewish state with equal rights for all - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

On eve of Obama-Netanyahu meeting, Abbas offers Jerusalem compromise - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Raising the dead (sea, that is) Report: Clinton to broker Shalit release? -

Report: Israel to apologize to Turkey

Sharansky: We can't divide Jewish people - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews Somber nation marks Tisha Be’av

The Associated Press: Abbas: No point in direct talks with Israel now

The Associated Press: Arab League backs Palestinians on restarting talks

The Associated Press: Israeli PM: Need direct talks with Palestinians

The Associated Press: Netanyahu says he will oppose conversion bill

US Jews rally against conversion bill Hizbullah has 'precise' target list

Israel: UN 'ignored reality' by blaming us for tensions along Lebanon border - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

MESS Report / Hezbollah has regained control over southern Lebanon - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Associated Press: Israel: Hezbollah storing weapons inside villages

The Associated Press: Natural gas could lead to new Lebanon-Israel war

Israel stops flights from southern Russia -

World Briefing - Europe - Russia - Armored Vehicles for West Bank -

Assad: Turkey is best mediator Report: Israel holds captured flotilla ships

David Cameron: Gaza is a a prison camp -

Airline Loses Luggage of Israeli Security Detail; 4 Guns Missing | NBC New York

U.S. upgrades diplomatic ties with Palestinians in bid to woo Abbas - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Heat wave unites Arabs, haredim in Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews

IEC, private producers pull out stops to avoid blackouts

BBC News - South Korea jails North Korean 'assassination plotters'

Seoul torpedoes North Korea's talk offer | The Australian

AFP: Chavez cannot afford to cut off US oil: analysts

AFP: Venezuela sends troops to Colombian border: Chavez

Brazil enacts racial discrimination law, but some say it's not needed -

Chavez, Venezuelan church clash over freedoms - Monday, July 12, 2010 | 12:15 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Colombia-Venezuela ties continue to fester -

Hugo Chávez putting Colombia `peace' on the table - Americas -

Hundreds of penguins wash up on Brazilian coast -

Still homeless from Haiti earthquake, thousands fight forced evictions -

U.S. rules out military action against Venezuela

World Briefing - The Americas - Haiti - U.S. Returns 323 Migrants Arrested at Sea -

BBC News - Freed Cuban dissidents arrive in Spain

The Associated Press: Spain to take 9 more Cuban political prisoners

Peru Braces For 7th Cold Wave This Winter

Peru declares state of emergency amid plunging temperatures | World news | The Observer

AFP: Villagers disarm UN patrol in south Lebanon: army

Hariri says no civil war in Lebanon -

Lebanon facing crisis if Hizbollah charged over political murder - Telegraph

AFP: Syria, Saudi leaders urge Lebanon rivals to avoid violence

2 Koreans detained in Libya for proselytization

BP to Start Libya Deepwater Oil Drilling Soon - ABC News

Libya and BP: why sovereign funds are making a grab for the world's resources - Telegraph / UK - BP set for deep-water drilling off Libya

40 policemen hurt in Mexico prison riot

At least 51 bodies found in mass graves in Mexico -

Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico -

Guard slain at Mexico prison where inmates were let out to kill -

Mexican students drilled to dodge bullets -

The Associated Press: 3 headless bodies found in car in Mexico

The Associated Press: 4 journalists reported missing in northern Mexico

The Associated Press: Police find 8 severed heads in northern Mexico

BBC News - Mexico arrests man with 18 monkeys around his waist

A Whale set to leave Gulf

As loop current splits, South Florida catches a break - St. Petersburg Times

BBC News - BP admits altering oil spill response centre image

BP accused of trying to buy top scientists - World - NZ Herald News

BP claims progress on new cap as oil spews in Gulf | new, cap, oil - News - Northwest Florida Daily News

BP Plans to Keep Gulf of Mexico Well Sealed Until Plugging It Permanently - Bloomberg

BP Tries to Limit Release of Oil Spill Research - ABC News

Crews work to clean up tar balls in Lake Pontchartrain | - Boat Crashes Into Oil Well, Creating New Spill in Gulf of Mexico

More doctored BP photos come to light

Next try to kill BP well in Gulf likely to begin on Tuesday - Politics AP -

Oil spill at Port of Brisbane

Oil spill hits Alabama beaches, penetrates waterways, enters Mobile Bay July 2

Oil spill near Kalamazoo River causes stench, mess | | Detroit Free Press

Researchers link undersea oil plumes to BP spill -

Technician: Deepwater Horizon warning system disabled

The Associated Press: Oil cap kept shut despite seepage near broken well

The Associated Press: Signs of oil spill recovery entering new phase

The oil spill is under control – now it's time to count the ecological cost | Environment |

BP seeks financial help from giant United Arab Emirate sovereign wealth funds | The Australian

BP petrol stations shut down by Greenpeace - Telegraph

Michigan Oil Spill Update: Oil Spill Plugged | Long Island Press

U.S. EPA says Michigan spill appears contained | World | News | Toronto Sun

Woman injured after box left in front of her northwest Houston home explodes |

BBC News - Pakistan city tense after 'blaspheming' Christians shot

Death toll from Pakistan bomb attack reaches 102 | Reuters

Pakistan jet crash kills all 152 on board - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan -

The Associated Press: Pakistan bomb death toll hits 102, worst this year

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Seashells washing ashore - Phet, pollution or full moon to blame?

Task force to clean up seashells from Sea View – The Express Tribune

30 dead, 50 missing in Pakistan floods -

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Monsoon floods kill more than 400 in three days

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Death toll in Balochistan flood reaches 60

Floods in Pakistan Kill at Least 800 -

More than 400 people dead in Pakistan flooding - 55 officers injured in N. Ireland clashes -

AFP: Demonstrators in Spain protest new abortion law

AFP: Spain to get church for same-sex marriages: report

BBC News - L'Aquila quake victims demonstrate in Rome

Belfast riots continue for third night | UK news |

Greece’s Jewish museum defaced | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Motorists hit jackpot with coins on Italy highway

Northern Ireland violence: Northern Ireland leaders appeal for calm, denounce Belfast protests -

Striking Greek Truck Owners in Trouble - The Source - WSJ

The Associated Press: Italy seeks private sponsors to restore Colosseum -
The ministry said in a statement that sponsors funding the project will be able to "promote their image," but that any ads will have to be compatible with the decorum of the 2,000-year-old arena.

The Associated Press: Spain parliament rejects burqa ban _ for now

The Associated Press: Spain's premier vows to press on with austerity

The Canadian Press: Greek terror group claims it will make country 'warzone,' threatens new targets

AFP: Medvedev urges joint nuclear, space projects with Italy

AFP: Violence erupts at protest over Russian forest

Bulgaria: German Papers: Gazprom Wants to Knock Nabucco Out - - Sofia News Agency - Will Russia Buy Up Ukraine?

Hundreds of homes razed as deadly fires hit Russia

Kremlin to rethink foreign policy strategy: Russia President Dmitry Medvedev's speech - Telegraph

Medvedev Casts Customs Deal as Stepping Stone | Business | The Moscow Times

Police investigate safety breach following Siberian coal mine blast | Russia | RIA Novosti

Russia Far East grave held victims of Stalin purges | Reuters

Russia floats barge for waterborne nuclear plant | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Russia plans biggest sale of state assets since Yeltsin - Telegraph

Russian Forces Overpower Hijack Suspect - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Russian lawmakers expand powers of security service - Los Angeles Times

Russian police swarm another free-assembly protest - Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: Suicide bomber strikes Chechen capital, 7 injured

Ukraine proposes EU and Russia to build new gas pipeline » Breaking News | Wire Update News | News Wires -

Bad weather kills 7 in Russia -

Russian Wildfires Kill 25 as Record Heat Wave Prompts States of Emergency - Bloomberg

Russian wildfires kill 34 in heatwave | World news |

Severe Drought in Southern Russia : Image of the Day

AFP: Saudi tycoon to launch 24-hour news channel

Saudi cleric OKs Muslim women uncovering face in countries that ban veils -

Saudi technology guards against women escaping

U.S. Saudi Sale Is Said to Approach $30 Billion Including 84 F-15 Fighters - Bloomberg

A kingdom issue - Ben Smith -

AFP: Vietnam police fire tear gas at protest: official

Garment Workers Protest in Dhaka, Bangladesh –

Church leaders support independence for south Sudan | Christian News on Christian Today

Op-Ed Contributors - In Sudan, War Is Around the Corner -

South Sudan's independence: Breaking cover for independence | The Economist

The Associated Press: Sudan says troops kill hundreds of Darfur rebels

Assad: US administration is weak

Syria bans burka, niqab at universities | Holy Post | National Post

Britain faces years of blackouts and soaring energy bills | Mail Online

Denver - Thousands lose power in back-to-back Xcel blackouts - KDVR

Green blackout - Toronto Melbourne, AU - Blackout hits thousands in city's north

Wal-Mart to Embed RFID Tags in Clothing Beginning August 1

‘Minority Report’ technology used by police to predict crimes - Telegraph

An Order of Seven Global Cyber-Guardians Now Hold Keys to the Internet | Popular Science

AFP: Fifteen killed in fresh Turkey clashes

Kurdish rebel group claims responsibility for Turkish gas pipeline blast -

The Associated Press: Turkey asks US to deliver attack helicopters fast

The Associated Press: Turkey becomes global power in construction

Turkey goes cool on joining the European Union as it falls for the lure of the East - Telegraph

Turkey May Hire 500,000 Career Soldiers to Fight Kurds - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Turkey Says Oil Companies Back Steps to Cut Bosporus Traffic - BusinessWeek

Turkish court indicts 196 over suspected coup plot | World | Reuters

Fight erupts in Turkey over vuvuzela noise at stadium | World Cup | - Houston Chronicle

Odd - News - UAE 'issues fatwa on vuvuzelas' - Digital Spy

Axe falls on NHS services - Telegraph

BBC News - David Cameron launches Tories' 'big society' plan

Dormant accounts to fund 'big society' bank | Money |

60 miles of canal closed in drought - Home News, UK - The Independent

American Thinker Blog: Why isn't the media covering the paramilitary aspect of the Black Panther case?

Baary bows to a superior

Bell, CA residents almost riot over city manager's $787,637 salary

Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water

Educational & Professional McCarthyism | Blogs |

EPA slows approval for Canada-Texas oil pipeline | Environment |

Gas explosion injures McDuffie commissioner, kills son |

High Salaries of City's Administrators Spur Resignations -

Mob shoots fireworks at police, firefighters | fire, police, fireworks - Local News - The Telegraph

Officials now say 1 killed, 1 critically hurt in explosion | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Pipeline Explosion Reported in Austin County

The Associated Press: Police, protesters clash at Puerto Rico's Capitol

Union marchers arrested outside S.F. Hyatt - SFGate

Greenhouse Management & Production : News Climate change threatens water shortage

The Associated Press: Heat wave eases in Northeast, but misery persists

BBC News - Satellite spies vast algal bloom in Baltic Sea

Dead Zone Deconfusinator: Oil Not the Only Problem in Gulf of Mexico, NASA Study Shows | Fast Company

Early, large algae blooms on Lake Erie a concern | - Biblical Mystery of Dead Sea Scrolls Solved? - Discovered: The Biggest Rat That Ever Lived From Trash to Treasure: Ansel Adams Photo Plates worth $200 Million : World Correspondents

'God's eye view': Artist uses Google Earth images to recreate parting of Red Sea and Christ's crucifixion | Mail Online

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Ukraine - Algal bloom staining Black Sea near Odesa

Many are prepared for the apocalypse SoCal Green Slime: Bright Green Substance Seen Floating in Ocean Along SoCal Coast - KTLA

St. Charles zombie fitness class -

Spain helps Portugal fight raging wildfires - Monsters and Critics

2,000 more evacuated amid Romania floods -

200-foot dam breach floods Iowa towns; Guard activated | | The Des Moines Register

AFP: Heat wave warms frigid Baltic Sea waters

AFP: Hundreds drown in Russia heatwave

AFP: Italy sweltering in major heatwave

AFP: Japan summer heat wave blamed for 66 deaths

BBC News - Moscow engulfed by worst smog in almost a decade

BBC News - Russian deaths mount as heatwave and vodka mix

BC Hydro faces severe drought on Peace River

CBC News - World - Russian heat wave kills fish, crops

China Steps Up Flood-Control Measures as Rainstorms Kill 18 in Sichuan - Bloomberg

Dangerous winter weather grips South America - The Weather Space

Deadly cold snap hits Argentina, Uruguay, Chile -

Dry lightning hits state; most wildfires small - California

Dust storm makes a mess - WA

Eastern U.S. battles heat, temps reach 100s -

Flood toll in Punjab, Haryana reaches 51 - Hindustan Times

French forest fire 'under control' after wide damage - Telegraph

Heat wave bakes Russia: It's so hot that squirrels stay inside -

Heat wave in Moscow near to reach absolute record | Russia | RIA Novosti

Heat wave settles over Missouri - More than 100 heat-related illnesses have been reported

Heat Wave Sweeps across Mongolia Hot weather shrinks size of German fries

How will water stress pose a security challenge? | English | ECONOMY | DayPress

July heat wave in NYC claims three lives |

Larnaca records 100% humidity as Cyprus heatwave drags on

Lightning sparked 600-hectare wildfire - Vancouver

Los Angeles Wildfire Threatens 1,500 Homes

Massive hail stones fall in tiny South Dakota town, challenge U.S. record

Moscow Peat Fires Rage Amid Record Heat Temperatures In Russian Capital | World News | Sky News

News - Middle East: Saudi Arabia floods: 14 dead

Rare tornado seen in Haryana village - Hindustan Times

Rare tornado, packing winds up to 100 mph, hits the Bronx

Russian Drought May Reduce Grain Crop by 4.1% | Business | The Moscow Times

Russia's Heat Wave Wilts Crops, Nation | Europe | English

Shocking extent of man's impact on world's water | Mail Online

Summer wildfires hit France and Portugal - fires : news, world | euronews

The Associated Press: Calif. wildfire forces hundreds from homes

The Associated Press: More triple-digit heat brings misery to the East

The Associated Press: Rio Grande rises in Texas city that bears its name

Three die, two vanish in deluge | The Japan Times Online

Tornadoes, floods slam Saskatchewan

Train sparks fires along railroad in Bucks County | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/03/2010

'Typhoon Basyang' leaves 38 people dead in the Philippines

Wheat Futures Jump to 13-Month High on Europe Drought; Corn, Soybeans Gain - Bloomberg

Wildfire Rips Through Kern County | NBC Los Angeles

Wheat Heads for Biggest Monthly Climb Since 1973 on Concern About Drought - Bloomberg

Ethica backs G20 Islamic finance summit

G20 needs a permanent home

Global piracy down in 2010 but attackers' range widens | Manila Bulletin

The Associated Press: NATO fears Somali pirates moving to south Red Sea

UN enshrines water access as a human right - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

UN Report: Dollar Should Be Replaced As Main Reserve Currency -

UN Steps Up Attack On Dollar, Calls for World Currency

6 Yemeni troops die in al Qaeda attack -

Al-Qaeda Creating an Army in Yemen - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News